Walking Together Women's Ministry Newsletter

February 2023

Women's Ministry Staff

Coordinator of
Women's Ministry
Barbara Prasad
573-635-9127, ext. 222

Administrative Assistant
Maddie Gramlich
573-635-9127, ext. 237

Alphonse J. Schwartze Catholic Center
2207 West Main St.
Jefferson City, MO 65109-0914

Walking Together February 2023

A monthly newsletter to inform, support and share with women the many ways the Spirit is moving through us in our diocese.

A Message from Barb

Hello my name is Barb Prasad and I have recently taken on the role of women’s ministry coordinator for our diocese. I am excited to welcome you to our first newsletter and hope you find it informative and use it to stay up to date on what is happening in women’s ministry.

While writing this I was brought back to memories of myself as a small girl growing up in a medium sized parish in St Louis. My church, St Catherine of Alexandria, was like my second home. Every Sunday I felt this sense of belonging to a family much larger than my own. My school felt like an extension of this family and parish get togethers felt like family reunions. I wonder how many of our children are growing up feeling like that. Our world has gotten so busy. Moms are running frantic, children have schedules that make it near impossible to find time to just be bored. We are stressed out and always chasing after that elusive downtime. Even the retired women I know are shocked at how busy their life is.

With a world so busy how can we create a sense of a second home in our parish yet alone our diocese? It is hard enough to do it in our own homes. Perhaps we should think back to the story of Martha and Mary. While it was not bad that Martha was running around preparing things for the visit with Jesus, Our Lord is quick to point out that Mary made the better choice. Did this mean that work should not be done. I am quite sure that is not the message. Perhaps the message is to put first things first! Leave time to sit at the feet of Jesus. We schedule everything else, perhaps we need to remind each other to not forget to schedule God into our lives. We have a loving God. We know He is always there for us. Yes he will take our left overs and make the most of them but what if we challenged each other to give our faith and parish our best not what was left. How would our church, our family, and our community change. This is a hard call I know. One I know I struggle with every day. What if on this crazy journey we truly had other women to walk with. What if when things were going right, we had an avenue to share and uplift others and when they were getting rough a soft place to land for support. We all will have both. We will each be the giver and the receiver at some time in our life. My dream is that our diocese will be filled with women that are walking together, journeying to sainthood. I hope through this ministry we can help the women of our diocese on this journey by providing opportunities to gather, share resources and support women in the many roles we take on in this world and our parishes. What exactly this looks like is for you to tell me. I know it is happening already on the parish level in so many ways. I hope my office can help connect us all and by working together we can lighten the load for each of us. By the end of the year, we plan to have regional coalitions working to support the efforts and needs of the women in our diocese. These coalitions will help  determine what that looks like in their area. We will also offer opportunities to gather as a diocese and grow in our faith. I hope that if you are a woman reading this you will consider joining us in whatever way you can as we move forward. If you would like to be involved in planning and implementing programming please reach out to me at bprasad@diojeffcity.org and we will find a way to plug you in to help. If you want to be kept in the loop of things being offered, ways to participate or just get ideas on how to grow in your faith sign up for this newsletter by clicking here. I look forward to learning how I can best serve the needs of the women in our diocese.

We Are Better Together,


Connect with Us

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Our Mission

Supporting women in their journey to sainthood through providing opportunities for growth in prayer, fellowship, service, and faith formation/education.

Our Vision

A community of women that look to the Church as the center of their lives and who actively seek to share the joys of their faith with others by participation in the life and mission of their parish.

What's New in Women's Ministry

Opportunities to Gather

Watch for opportunities to join other women in our diocese in fellowship, prayer, faith formation and service.


May 6th         

Diocesan Women’s Spring Pilgrimage, Cathedral of St Joseph  
- Details coming soon

October 7th   

Diocesan Women’s Retreat  
- Details coming soon

To invite women of our diocese to your parish events, please send details to bprasad@diojeffcity.org for inclusion in upcoming newsletters.

Book/Movie of the Month

Starting next month, this newsletter will contain a featured book and movie of the month. Please use this feature as inspiration for your small group or a reason to start a small group in your parish. Please send our office, bprasad@diojeffcity.org, suggestions for books or movies to include. Any reviews on the book would also be greatly appreciated. We hope to build a portal that you can search when looking for inspiration in the future.

Diocese of Jefferson City Schools Office

Bright Ideas

Is your parish offering a ministry program or event you would like to share?  We are working on building a portal of ideas for women working/volunteering in ministry to access. Please send us information on what is working in your parish. Email ministry ideas to bprasad@diojeffcity.org and help us build a portal that will inspire us all.

Speakers Bureau

We are looking for local speakers in our diocese to be listed on our speakers bureau page. Please submit your name and what topics you speak on and someone from our office will reach out to you to discuss including you on our speakers bureau page.  To submit an idea, please email bprasad@diojeffcity.org