Walking Together Women's Ministry Newsletter

October 2023

Get Involved

Women's Ministry Staff

Coordinator of
Women's Ministry
Barbara Prasad
573-635-9127, ext. 222

Administrative Assistant
Maddie Gramlich
573-635-9127, ext. 237

Alphonse J. Schwartze Catholic Center
2207 West Main St.
Jefferson City, MO 65109-0914

Walking Together October 2023

A Message from Barb

For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them   Matthew 18:20

This September, gathering has been the word of the month for us. We are diligently working to prepare for the upcoming Ladies Night Out and Fall Retreat. When your to do list is full and you start to stress about being able to pull everything off it is human nature to think, “Is this worth it?” The answer, however, is easy if we reflect on the wisdom of our creator and the example of Jesus’s ministry.

As we reflect on the Old Testament, we can see that God the Father did not intend for us to be alone. He created us to have relationships as evidenced by creating both Adam and Eve, but he also called us to gather as a people. This started with Abraham’s call to make the people of Israel into a great nation that He would bless. God in his wisdom knew we needed to associate with people of similar beliefs and through that gathering we could bring blessings to all. So yes, it is important for us to take time out of our daily lives to gather with other Catholics and remember our common bond and our common mission. We do this every Sunday at mass. There is, however, also something special about gathering outside of the mass. Taking time to share fellowship with other women and spending a day removed from our daily routines to enjoy filling our cups with prayer and inspiration can be a real boost to our faith life.

If we need more inspiration than that, look no further than how Jesus conducted his ministry. Jesus is God incarnate, he could have chosen to blast His message through some supernatural megaphone or any other manner of powerful display. Instead, Jesus’s ministry is a ministry of relationship, a ministry of community building and ministry of sharing a meal. It is through these relationships of love and community that all manner of miracles and prophecy and healing occurred. The power of the Church Jesus established has not weakened, it is just waiting for us to remember and join together and unleash it. So days like this upcoming weekend are a chance for us to create those bonds, develop those relationships and join together to get fired up for our mission.

So as we wrap up our planning the next step is on you. Will you join us?? Will you add yourself to the story of the weekend? Join us Friday evening and be reminded of the beautiful vision God has for you. Saturday get fired up for mission and reflect on the power of the gift of the Eucharist. We still have room so join us. For those of you that have already signed up, we are praying for you as we prepare this week and look forward to what the Lord has in store for us.

We Are Better Together


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Our Mission

Supporting women in their journey to sainthood through providing opportunities for growth in prayer, fellowship, service, and faith formation/education.

Our Vision

A community of women that look to the Church as the center of their lives and who actively seek to share the joys of their faith with others by participation in the life and mission of their parish.

What's New in Women's Ministry

Opportunities to Gather

Join Us for Our Fall Events

October 6th and 7th

Cathedral of St Joseph, Jefferson City MO

Fall Ladies Night Out

Friday October 6th

doors open at 6:00/events starts at 6:30 and ends by 9:30

Ladies invite your moms, daughters, granddaughters, sisters and friends and head out and enjoy some good food, good company and inspiration from Teresa Tomeo our featured speaker for the weekend. Teresa is an author, syndicated Catholic talk show host, and motivational speaker whose weekday morning radio program, Catholic Connection, is featured on EWTN and Covenant radio. Teresa will challenge us to listen for how God defines us rather than the media/our world. Don't miss out! Enjoy dinner and a complimentary bar. $25 fee for dinner. Scholarship tickets available.

Fall Women's Ministry Retreat

Saturday October 7th

doors open at 9:00/event starts at 10:00 and ends by 3:30 with an optional discussion breakout session form 3:30 to 4:30

Teresa will return Saturday for our all-day retreat. She will inspire us to Take Our Faith Beyond Sunday and embrace Our Royal Heritage: by Becoming Daughters of the King Via the Eucharist. Along with Teresa's motivational talks we will also provide time for prayer, faith sharing and learning about other opportunities to grow in our faith life. Morning hospitality and lunch will be provided. There is a $15 fee for lunch. Scholarship tickets are available.

You may register for one event or both

Defined By God Final Jpg

Book Study Recommendation

This fall gather with other women and read Our Faithful Departed: Where they are and Why It Matters. This book is available for bulk purchase at a discounted rate. Click below for more information on the book and how to get your copies.

Please send our office, bprasad@diojeffcity.org, suggestions for books from your book club to include in upcoming newsletters. Any reviews on the book would also be greatly appreciated. 

New Opportunities to Serve

Get information in how you can join in the efforts to grow women's ministry throughout our diocese

Bright Ideas

Is your parish offering a ministry program or event you would like to share?  We are working on building a portal of ideas for women working/volunteering in ministry to access. Please send us information on what is working in your parish. Email ministry ideas to bprasad@diojeffcity.org and help us build a portal that will inspire us all.

Check out our October prayer challenge of the month