St. Thomas More Newman Center (Columbia)

Fax: 573-874-2777
Physical Address: 602 Turner Ave, Columbia MO 65201

County: Boone
Deanery: Central


Pastor: Rev. Daniel J. Merz, SLD
Associate Pastor: Rev. Joseph Luzindana
Priest in Residence:
 Rev. Ignitius Nimwesiga
eacon: Francis R. Ruggiero

About St. Thomas More Newman Center

St. Thomas More Newman Center was established as a parish in 1963. A church was built on a prime location adjacent to the University of Missouri in 1964. The campus ministry mission was coupled with that of a parish from the beginning.

In 1994, the addition of a new worship space and the renovation of old space into classrooms continue the mission of serving the community of resident parish families and thousands of college students.

Parish History was taken from Proclaiming the Good News in the Heart of Missouri written by Loretta Pastva, SND.
Parish Logos 150 200 0019 Columbia NewmanCenter Logo
Columbia StThomasMoreNewmanCenter

Weekend Masses

Vigil Mass (Saturday): 5 pm

Sunday: 9 AM, 11 AM (livestreamed), 5 PM,
8 PM-when UMC in session

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