St. Theresa (Dixon)


Phone: 573-759-7521
Email Address:
Physical Address: 506 S. Oak St, Dixon MO 65459
Mailing Address: PO Box 310, Dixon, MO, 65459

Associated Parishes: Crocker
County: Pulaski
Deanery: Southeast


Pastor: Rev. William L. Korte

About St. Theresa

Although the church honoring St. Theresa of Lisieux was built in 1925, it was not to become an established parish until 1928. If not, the first church to be named in honor of St. Theresa (canonized May 17, 1925) it very well may have been among the first in the world.

On August 8, 2004, Bishop John R. Gaydos, together with visiting priests, parishioners, and former parishioners, celebrated the 75th anniversary of the parish.


Parish History was taken from Proclaiming the Good News in the Heart of Missouri written by Loretta Pastva, SND.
Dixon St. Theresa

Weekend Masses

Sunday: 8:00 AM