Website: www.saintpeterjc.org
Phone: 573-636-8159
Fax: 573-634-6079
Email: parish@saintpeterjc.org
Mailing Address: 216 Broadway,
Jefferson City, MO 65101
County: Cole
Deanery: See City
Pastor: Msgr. Robert A. Kurwicki, VG
Associate Pastor: Rev. Thomas L. Alber
Deacons: Enrique Castro; Thomas M. Fischer (Ret.); Ric P. Telthorst; David B. Thompson; Tom Whalen (Ret.)
About St. Peter Catholic Church
The first St. Peter church was erected in 1846 from the forest wilderness that comprised Jefferson City. It stood on the site of what is now St. Peter Interparish School.
The present church was built in 1881, dedicated on August 12, 1883, and was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1976. It served as the first Cathedral until 1968.
Parish History was taken from Proclaiming the Good News in the Heart of Missouri written by Loretta Pastva, SND.
Weekend Masses
Vigil Mass (Saturday): 4:30 PM (CST); 5:15 PM (DST)
Sunday: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00
AM, and 1:00 PM (Spanish)
St. Peter Catholic School
Address: 314 W High, Jefferson City MO 65101
Phone: 573-636-8922
Email: gtrachsel@stpeterjc.org
Website: https://www.saintpeterjc.org/school/