Website: www.stjosephslater.net
Phone: 660-529-2588
Email: stjoseph1927@sbcglobal.net
Address: 325 W Emma St, Slater MO 65349
Associated Parishes: Glasgow
County: Saline
Deanery: Central
Pastor: Rev. Francis W. Doyle
About St. Joseph Catholic Church
The first Mass in Slater, Missouri was celebrated in 1877 in the Chicago and Alton Railroad Station House with Fr. John T.D. Murphy. In 1882 T.B. Blackstone, president of the Chicago and Alton Railroad donated the site where the present church is located.
On March 13, 1883, a new church was completed and dedicated as St. Joseph Catholic Church under the pastorate of Fr. Edward Ryan. The church was dedicated on May 15, 1927 by Bishop Lillis.
In 1971 the sanctuary was renovated in accordance with the directives of Vatican Council II. The interior of the church was renovated in 1999.
Parish History was taken from Proclaiming the Good News in the Heart of Missouri written by Loretta Pastva, SND.
Weekend Masses
Saturday: 4 PM