St. Francis Caracciolo (Bourbon)


Phone: 573-885-3520
Fax: 573-885-3501
Mailing Address: 415 School Ave, Cuba MO 65453

Associated Parishes: Cuba, Steelville
County: Crawford
Deanery: Southeast


Pastoral Minister: Sr. Karen Thein, SSND
Parochial Administrator: Rev. Anthony N. Onyeihe
Deacon(s): Chad R. Lewis, BCBA, LBA and Earl R. Horsefield (Ret.)

About St. Francis Caracciolo Parish

In 1910, Bourbon had 10 Catholic families who decided to build a church. The church of St. Francis Caracciolo was dedicated on June 14, 1914. The church has as its patron the 16th-century Italian priest who was the co-founder of a religious congregation to combine the active and contemplative life.

Parish History was taken from Proclaiming the Good News in the Heart of Missouri written by Loretta Pastva, SND.
Bourbon StFrancisCaracciola

Weekend Masses

Vigil Mass (Saturday): 4:00