Phone: 573-759-7521
Email: st.corneliuscatholicchurch@gmail.com
Mailing Address: PO Box 668, Crocker, MO 65452
Physical Address: 115 State Hwy U, Crocker, MO
Associated Parishes: Dixon
County: Pulaski
Deanery: Southeast
Pastor: Rev. William L. Korte
About St. Cornelius
St. Cornelius Parish was organized in 1962. On October 29, 1962, Father Peter Walsh celebrated Mass in the local funeral home chapel.
Later, seven acres of land on the north edge of town were purchased. Upon its completion and furnishing, the church was dedicated by Bishop Marling on April 3, 1966.
Parish History was taken from Proclaiming the Good News in the Heart of Missouri written by Loretta Pastva, SND.

Weekend Masses
Sunday: 10:30 AM