Salt and Light Newsletter

Religious Ed, Youth and Young Adult Ministry Newsletter

November 2024

Youth Office Contact

Director of Youth Ministry
Maureen Quinn
573-635-9127, ext. 233

Assistant Director of Catechetical Formation
Mary Madelyn Mertes
573-635-9127, ext. 228

Administrative Assistant
Maddie Gramlich
573-635-9127, ext. 237

Moderator of Youth and
Young Adult Ministry
Fr. Joseph Luzindana


Alphonse J. Schwartze
Memorial Catholic Center

2207 West Main St
Jefferson City, MO 65109-0914

Mary Madelyn Mertes is now serving our office as Assistant Director of Catechetical Formation and Maddie Gramlich has joined our team as the Administrative Assistant.

With new changes throughout the Faith Formation Office, we are working this fall to divide roles and work to better serve our parishes. Stay tuned for more information as we work together to serve each of you!


to all our Youth Rally attendees!

We had over 250 people attend and our 6 priests heard confessions for well over an hour straight! We're so grateful to all of you who brought your young people to experience our diocesan community and encounter the Lord's love and mercy.

Check out the front page article in this week's Catholic Missourian to read about it, or find the article online here.

Upcoming Information

Fall Workshop: Our Fall Workshop is coming soon on November 19th at the Chancery in Jefferson City! You can find more information below; if you haven't registered yet, you can click here to register

Totus Tuus Registration: Totus Tuus parish registration is delayed. It will be available to returning parishes on November 12 and open up for all parishes in the Monday Morning Memo on December 2. Cost is the same as last year, $4000 for 1 team.

NCYC 2025: Information about NCYC 2025 registration will be available to our office at the end of November. We hope to have information about costs for you and to open registration by the end of the year. We had 350 young people and adults attend in 2023 and would love to see even more in 2025!

YDisciple Logo Horizontal Blue


YDisciple is a toolbox of training resources for adults and teaching resources for teens specifically designed with small groups in mind. This is not a program but instead a toolbox to equip the adult and teach the teen as we work to build up disciples! YDisciple is powered by NET Ministries and backed by their nearly 4 decades of ministry with young people. 

In our first year partnering with YDisciple, we will be offering up to 26 parishes a free account and if we reach 15, we plan to provide in person training. Currently we are sitting at about 10 parishes! This is a gift, not a requirement, so if you are interested please let me know! 

Prayer Intentions:

Pope Francis' November Prayer Intention is for all parents who have lost a child. Let us pray that all parents who mourn the loss of a son or daughter find support in their community, and may receive peace of heart from the Spirit of Consolation.

Bishop's November Prayer Intention is For a spirit of unity and Thanksgiving to be cultivated in our lives and in our nation, that we may see God’s light reflected in the blessings of our family, friends and community.

Our office Prayer Intentions: November is traditionally a month to remember and pray for those we have lost. We hold in a special way our loved ones who have gone before us. We continue to pray for those suffering in big and small ways while they serve the church, many of our DREs, Youth Ministers and Catechists included.

2025 Jubilee Year

The theme of the upcoming Jubilee Year is "Pilgrims of Hope" Pope Francis stated in his February 2022 letter announcing the Jubilee 2025: "We must fan the flame of hope that has been given us and help everyone to gain new strength and certainty by looking to the future with an open spirit, a trusting heart and far-sighted vision. The forthcoming Jubilee can contribute greatly to restoring a climate of hope and trust as a prelude to the renewal and rebirth that we so urgently desire..."

At our workshop on November 19th, we'll talk more about the Jubilee and ways to incorporate the theme of "hope" into your programming in 2025. Keep an eye out for more information about diocesan celebrations, including an opening event for the Jubilee at the Cathedral!

Click here to learn more.

Sports & Faith

Last month, I attended a webinar from the USCCB's office of Laity, Marriage, Family Life, and Youth with Samantha Kelley, a former FOCUS missionary and D1 athlete who formed an organization to support Catholic female athletes on their sport & faith journeys.

I know sports can often feel like an enemy in faith formation and wanted to share the recording with y'all. It was refreshing to encounter a vision of faith & sports that build each other up to form the whole person.

Click here to watch a recording of the webinar

and click here to learn about Samantha's organization, Fierce Athlete.

Confirmation Retreat

We are offering at least 3 Confirmation Retreats. Also we have a few parishes that are opening up their retreats to others that may be needing to make up a retreat or a small parish group needs to add on. We will add these opportunities to the website as they come in.

Please Checkout Confirmation Retreat Options HERE

Fall 2024 Calendar


Summer Staff Applications are Available

November 3

Diocesan Youth Rally

November 9

Confirmation Retreat (Monroe City)

November 12

Totus Tuus opens up for Returning Parishes

November 19

Fall DREYM Workshop

November 23

Confirmation Retreat (Wardsville)

December 1

Totus Tuus Registration opens up for all parishes

2025 Calendar

January 31

Camp Dates and Registration Published

February 25

Spring DREYM Workshop

March 1

Confirmation Retreat (Tipton)

April 28-May 2

End-of-year Deanery Gatherings


NCYC 2025 Registration

deadlines and cost will be posted later this fall!

Registration will open before the end of 2024.

Opportunities for Youth

Our December newsletter will have information about NCYC 2025 dates and registration.

Our January newsletter will have information about summer camp registration and dates.

Ongoing Formation

DRE & YM Workshops

Fall Workshop is Tuesday, November 19 at the Chancery in Jefferson City from 9:30am to 2:30pm. breakfast snacks will be set out by 9am. If we are able to provide mass during the workshop, we will send an email out to those that register.

TOPICS will include:

  • Steps for Discipleship are always the same: comparing the new OCIA  and new Guidelines for Pastoral Ministries with Youth and Young Adults
  • Overview of Canon Law pertaining to Sacramental Prep: will include common scenarios
  • Pastoral Perspectives on LGBTQ Topics
  • Check in on the year thus far with opportunity to reflect, share and discuss
  • Introduction to Year of Jubilee with the theme "Pilgrims of Hope"

Mark your calendars...Spring Workshop is Tuesday, February 25 at the Chancery in Jefferson City.

DREYM Team Chat (3 × 2 In)

DREYM Team Chat


  • Mark your Calendars for Upcoming Dates: 2nd Tuesday each month at 12noon
    • Tuesday, November 12 at 12noon (Topic: Advent & Christmas)
    • Tuesday, December 10 at 12noon
    • Tuesday, January 14 at 12noon
    • Tuesday, February 11 at 12noon
    • Tuesday, March 11 at 12noon
    • Tuesday, April 8 at 12noon
    • Tuesday, May 13 at 12noon

    These DREYM Team Chats are a way for us to check in with one another on a regular basis. Time will include diocesan opportunties and updates, special topic presentation (new this semester), followed by time to share successes and challenges in parish ministry. This is a great place to bring questions, concerns and get updates.

    Make sure to click the link above to add these meetings to your calendar! No calendar invite will be sent out this year.