Salt and Light Newsletter

Religious Ed, Youth and Young Adult Ministry Newsletter

August 2023

Youth Office Contact

Director of Youth Ministry
Maureen Quinn
573-635-9127, ext. 233

Assistant Director of Catechetical Formation
Mary Madelyn Mertes
573-635-9127, ext. 228

Administrative Assistant
Maddie Gramlich
573-635-9127, ext. 237

Moderator of Youth and
Young Adult Ministry
Fr. Joseph Luzindana


Alphonse J. Schwartze
Memorial Catholic Center

2207 West Main St
Jefferson City, MO 65109-0914

Welcome Mary Madelyn Mertes!

We are excited to introduce Mary Madelyn as our new administrative assistant for Religious Ed, Youth and Young Adult Ministry and Women's Ministry Offices. 

Mary Madelyn Mertes is originally from Kansas City and a graduate of the University of Missouri. After graduating from Mizzou, she worked at the Newman Center for 2 years. She recently completed the Echo Graduate Service Program at the University of Notre Dame where she served in the Archdiocese of Atlanta as a youth minister while studying for her Masters in Theology. She is excited to be back in mid-Missouri and serving the Diocese of Jefferson City! 

We are so grateful to have her here. Please welcome Mary Madelyn!

DREYM Team Chat (3 × 2 In)

DREYM Team Chat

Consider joining us on the 2nd Monday @ 4pm

Mark your Calendars for Upcoming Dates:

  • Monday, August 14 @ 4pm
  • Monday, September 11 @ 4pm
  • Monday, October  9 @ 4pm
  • Monday, November 13 @ 4pm
  • Monday, December 11 @ 4pm
  • Monday, January 8 @ 4pm
  • Monday, February 12 @ 4pm
  • Monday, March 11 @ 4pm
  • Monday, April 8 @ 4pm
  • Monday, May 13 @ 4pm

These chats are a way for us to check in with one another on a regular basis. The first few minutes we share updates from the office and then we spend time sharing successes and challenges in parish ministry.

SEEK 2024

SEEK 2023 with a group from the diocese and Jonathan Roumie

Numerous people from throughout the diocese are planning to attend SEEK in St. Louis January 1-5, 2024!

Why attend a conference for college students? FOCUS now provides a Making Missionary Disciples Track that is designed for diocese, parishes and individuals.

Can seniors in high schools attend this conference? YES! in fact this is a great way to help seniors get acclimated with Catholic college communities.

August-October Calendar

August 14

DREYM Team Chat @ 4pm

September 9

PSR Teacher Workshop

September 11

DREYM Team Chat @ 4pm

September 12

Fall Workshop

September 26

Parish Leader Formation Day

October 9

DREYM Team Chat @ 4pm

October 16

Protecting Young Eyes All Day Workshop for Principals, DREs and Youth Ministers

October 28

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Training

Ongoing Formation

 9.9.23 PSR Teacher Workshop

PSR Teacher Workshop

September 9, 9am-12noon

We will spend time on the following:

  • Vocation of a Catechist
  • Ways to incorporate Truth, Beauty and Goodness in the classroom
  • Helping Young People Fall in Love with the Eucharist

If your parish is interested in hosting please contact us at or These can be personalized to your community.


DRE & YM Workshops

This year we have scheduled both a fall and spring workshop.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Tuesday, February 20, 2023


The Topics:

  • Gradually Understanding the Eucharist
  • Ways to incorporate the Liturgical Calendar in our ministry
  • Domestic Church and the Eucharist
  • Time to Share, Office Updates and More
9.12.23 DRE & YM Workshop (Facebook Post (Landscape))
9.26.23 Parish Leader Formation Day

Parish Leader Formation Day

This day is dedicated to the human formation of parish leaders.

Kathy Goller is a certified life and leadership coach who helps people who are stuck, stale, or starting something new to get confident about their strengths and clear about what matters most so that they can live with purpose and make a greater impact on those they serve. Kathy has over twenty years of experience in diocesan ministry, holds a Master’s degree in Pastoral Ministry, and brings a depth and breadth of experience in evangelization, discipleship, faith formation, youth ministry, and personal and leadership development. Kathy founded Teal Horizon Coaching LLC in 2022 to help others lead their whole lives with purpose.


Please mark you your calendars and register

Catechesis of the Good Come and See

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a Montessori style religious education program. That means we have beautiful materials kids and adults can touch, move and manipulate to learn and wonder about God through scripture and the sacraments.

Join us Saturday, October 28 from 9am to 4:30pm at Newman Parish in Columbia for a workshop on CGS and the Eucharist and discover what CGS can bring to you and your community.

Explore more at


October CGS Workshop Wide (3)

More info on Protecting Young Eyes in the September Newsletter!