Sacred Music Consultation

Please join us in a diocesan-wide consultation
regarding sacred music in two ways:


Use the link below
to complete our online survey
before Feb. 3


Use the link below
to register for a listening session
at one of our parishes in February 


Use the link below
to complete our online survey
before Feb. 3


Use the link below
to register for a listening session
at one of our parishes in February 

“The treasure of sacred music is to be preserved
and fostered with great care.”

Office of Communications

Communications Consultant
Helen Osman

Director of Communications
Jacob Luecke
573-635-9127, ext. 261

Creative Services Coordinator
Annie Williams
573-635-9127, ext. 231

The Catholic Missourian

Jay Nies
573-635-9127, ext. 235

Associate Editor/Advertising Coordinator
Kelly Martin
573-635-9127, ext. 238

Alphonse J. Schwartze
Memorial Catholic Center

2207 West Main Street
Jefferson City, MO 65109-0914

On Nov. 6, 2024, Bishop McKnight issued the policy Promoting Active Participation in the Liturgy through Sacred Music, binding for the Diocese of Jefferson City, which addresses how sacred music can be used in liturgies in the diocese. The policy includes the following:

  • Using Mass settings that have been identified for diocesan celebrations, to familiarize people with the music;
  • The prohibition of music by credibly accused composers; and
  • Criteria to be used in the selection of liturgical hymns, as established by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Doctrine.

The policy also calls for a consultation and discernment of the use of sacred music in liturgies in the diocese. After concluding this consultation process, the Diocesan Liturgical Commission is required to propose their recommendations to the Presbyteral Council and Diocesan Pastoral Council, so that Bishop McKnight’s decision is informed by a wide and thorough consultation.

Consultation Timeline

Jan. 24 – Consultation begins with publication of information and launching of an online and in person survey conducted by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA).

Feb. 3 – CARA survey closes

February – Synodal listening sessions conducted with the Diocesan Youth Council, Spanish speaking retreat participants and in English at the following parishes:

     English Sessions:

     Please click here to register so adequate facilitators and hospitality will be available.

     Feb. 15, 10:30 am-noon, St. Mary Parish in Shelbina

     Feb. 16, 5:30-7 pm, Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Columbia

     Feb. 18, 6:30-8 pm, St. Joseph School in Westphalia

     Feb. 20, 6:30-8 pm, Kirksville Newman Center

     Feb. 23, 1-2:30 pm, St. Patrick Chapel, Sedalia

     Feb. 23, 5:30-7 pm, St. Andrew Parish, Holts Summit

     En Español:

     Màs información: Contacte; (573) 635-9127, 224

     Feb. 1, 9am, Anunciación (California)

     Feb. 7, 7pm, San Pedro (Marshall)

     Feb. 8, 9am, Santa Maria (Milan)

     Feb. 9, 1:30pm, San Pedro (Jefferson City)

     Feb. 23, 9am, Nuestra Señora del Lago (Lake Ozark)

     Feb. 26, 7pm, San Patricio (Sedalia)

     Feb. 28, 7pm, Sagrado Corazón (Columbia)

March – Meetings with local members of the National Association of Pastoral Musicians NPM and clergy to review survey and listening sessions reports

April 1 – Report on listening sessions and survey results provided to Diocesan Liturgical Commission

May – Diocesan Liturgical Commission finalizes proposed new decree

June 3 – Parish Deanery Leadership meetings provide feedback on new decree

Aug. 2 – Diocesan Pastoral Council reviews new decree

Aug. 5 – Diocesan Presbyteral Council reviews new decree

October Priests Institute – Discussion on new decree with Msgr. Rick Hilgartner

Want to learn more?

Video: Insights from the Experts

In this video, we reflect on the core questions we face in this Sacred Music Consultation with help from two national experts. The video features insights from Msgr. Rick Hilgartner, the pastor of St. Joseph Parish in Cockeysville, Maryland. He previously led the National Association of Pastoral Musicians and the Secretariat of Divine Worship for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
We also hear from Teresa Pitt Green, an abuse survivor who lives in Albany, New York. She advocates for other survivors of abuse, and helps make our church more welcoming for them to return to our parishes.

Podcast: Insights from the Experts

In this special two-episode podcast series, we reflect on the core questions we face in this Sacred Music Consultation with help from Msgr. Rick Hilgartner, the pastor of St. Joseph Parish in Cockeysville, Maryland. He previously led the National Association of Pastoral Musicians and the Secretariat of Divine Worship for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

We also hear from Teresa Pitt Green. Teresa is an abuse survivor who lives in Albany, New York. She advocates for other survivors of abuse, and helps make our church more welcoming for them to return to our parishes.