Natural Family Planning | Planificación Familar Natural
Director of Hispanic, Intercultural
and Marriage Ministries
Deacon Enrique Castro
Office: 573-635-9127, ext. 250
Cell: 573-680-3650
Administrative Assistant
Jamie Schulte
573-635-9127, ext. 226
Alphonse J. Schwartze
Memorial Catholic Center
2207 West Main St
Jefferson City, MO 65109-14
Diocesan Contact
Director of Hispanic, Intercultural, & Marriage Ministries
Deacon Enrique Castro
Office: 573-635-9127, ext. 250
Cell: 573-680-3650
Assistant Director
Mary Madelyn Mertes
573-635-9127, ext. 228
Administrative Assistant
Jamie Schulte
573-635-9127, ext. 226
Alphonse J. Schwartze
Memorial Catholic Center
2207 West Main St
Jefferson City, MO 65109-0914
Frequently Asked Questions
In English and Spanish:
Natural Family Planning (NFP) is the general title for the scientific, natural and moral methods of family planning that can help married couples either achieve or postpone pregnancies. The Church has long taught that artificial contraception (birth control) is immoral because deliberately undermining the unitive and procreative aspects of sex is to sin against the nature that God has written into married love.
NFP methods are based on the observation of the naturally occurring signs and symptoms of the fertile and infertile phases of a woman's menstrual cycle. No drugs, devices, or surgical procedures are used to avoid pregnancy. Since the methods of NFP respect the love-giving (unitive) and life-giving (procreative) nature of the conjugal act, they support God's design for married love!
Planificación familiar natural (PFN) es el título que se le da a los métodos científicos, naturales y
morales de planificación familiar que pueden ayudar a las parejas casadas a lograr o posponer
embarazos. La Iglesia ha enseñado durante mucho tiempo que la anticoncepción artificial
(control de la natalidad) es inmoral porque deliberadamente ignora los aspectos unitivos y
procreadores del sexo, lo cual va en contra de la naturaleza que Dios ha inscrito en el amor
Los métodos de PFN se basan en la observación de los signos y síntomas naturales de las fases
fértil e infértil del ciclo menstrual de una mujer. No se utilizan medicamentos, dispositivos o
procedimientos quirúrgicos para evitar el embarazo. Dado que los métodos de la PFN respetan la
naturaleza de dar amor (unitivo) y dar vida (procrear) del acto conyugal, ¡apoyan el diseño de
Dios para el amor conyugal!
Barring any medical problems, men are always fertile. Women alternate between periods of fertility and infertility. By cooperating with this cycle, couples effectively achieve or avoid pregnancy. Please see below for more information on the three methods provided in the Diocese of Jefferson City.
Salvo problemas médicos, los hombres siempre son fértiles. Las mujeres alternan entre períodos de fertilidad e infertilidad. Al cooperar con este ciclo, las parejas logran o evitan el embarazo de manera efectiva. Le animamos a que conozca más sobre los tres métodos disponibles en la Diócesis de Jefferson City.
- Less than 5% of couples who use Natural Family Planning have marriages which end in divorce.
- Natural Family Planning is 97-99% effective when used to avoid a pregnancy and is also effective when used to achieve a pregnancy.
- Couples who use Natural Family Planning report it improves communication and adds intimacy to the relationship.
Menos del 5% de las parejas que utilizan la planificación familiar natural tienen matrimonios que terminan en divorcio. La planificación familiar natural tiene una efectividad del 97-99% cuando se usa para evitar un embarazo y también es efectiva cuando se usa para lograr un embarazo. Las parejas que usan la planificación familiar natural aseguran que mejora la comunicación y agrega intimidad a su relación.
2024 Sesiones en español | 2024 Spanish sessions
Natural Family Planning (NFP) is the general title for the scientific, natural and moral methods of family planning that can help married couples either achieve or postpone pregnancies. The Church has long taught that artificial contraception (birth control) is immoral because it deliberately undermines the unitive and procreative aspects of sex, which goes against the nature that God has written into married love.
NFP methods are based on the observation of the naturally occurring signs of the fertile and infertile phases of a woman's menstrual cycle. No drugs, devices, or surgical procedures are used to avoid pregnancy. Since the methods of NFP respect the love-giving (unitive) and life-giving (procreative) nature of the conjugal act, they support God's design for married love!
La Planificación familiar natural (PFN) es el título general de los métodos científicos, naturales y morales de planificación familiar que pueden ayudar a las parejas casadas a lograr o a posponer embarazos. La Iglesia ha enseñado durante mucho tiempo que la anticoncepción artificial (anticonceptivos) es inmoral porque socava deliberadamente los aspectos unitivos y procreadores del sexo, lo cual va en contra de la naturaleza que Dios ha escrito en el amor conyugal.
Los métodos de PFN se basan en la observación de los signos naturales de las fases fértiles e infértiles del ciclo menstrual de una mujer. No se utilizan medicamentos, dispositivos o procedimientos quirúrgicos para evitar el embarazo. Dado que los métodos de la PFN respetan la naturaleza de dar amor (unitivo) y dar vida (procrear) del acto conyugal, éstos están a favor del diseño de Dios para el amor conyugal.
Para subtítulos en español haga clic en el botón que dice "CC" (en la parte inferior derecha del video) y seleccione "Español CC."
Family Planning Methods in our Diocese | Métodos de Planificación Familiar Natural en nuestra Diócesis
Couple to Couple League | Liga de la Pareja
CCL teaches a sympto-thermal method of natural family planning, which basically means it combines both mucus and temperature recordings to indicate naturally-occurring fertile and infertile phases.
These “signs” are easily noticed by any woman who has learned to watch for them. As the signs are observed, they are recorded on a chart. The chart provides a daily record that can be used to identify the days of fertility and infertility. Once the fertile and infertile days have been identified, the couples apply “rules” that they learn in class and that are explained in CCL’s Student Guide to frame the boundaries between the phases of the cycle and use the system to either achieve or avoid a pregnancy. CCL also offers Cycle®ProGo, an application program for easy on-the-go, online charting. For more information about CCL’s sympto-thermal method, visit
This is an hour-long, FREE introductory session via Zoom with certified Couple to Couple League (CCL) teachers. For questions or to sign up for one of the following introductory sessions, send an email to
2024 Sessions:
All 2024 sessions will be held each month on the 1st Monday at 8PM and the 3rd Saturday at 8AM except for the month of September. Due to Labor Day holiday, September will only have the 3rd Saturday, 8AM session.
If you would like to contact a CCL instructor in particular, go to “Find a Teacher for this Method” tab below.
Main NFP Course: $135
- Course fees & Materials: $150 plus shipping covers all materials needed to learn and more.
- Financial assistance may be available for local live classes upon request prior to registration.
- Available in three formats:
Transition Classes: $85
(Postpartum and Premenopause)
- Postpartum Class: $85
- Premenopause Class: fees vary
- Supplimental resources available on webpage & class manual, The Art of Natural Family Planning Transitions Guide, available for purchase at time of registration:
- Class formats: Available in the same three formats listed under Main Course.
- About: A Transition Class consists of a single class, about two hours long, with consultation follow-up as needed. Live Onsite classes are usually scheduled upon request. For non-CCL NFP users, the class is bundled with the Main Class to learn CCL terminology and rules. Discounts are available at some CCL Benefactor levels.
Couples are encouraged to attend classes together if at all possible. All classes are taught by professionally trained and certified Teaching Couples.
CCL’s three-fold approach teaches the sympto-thermal method, the moral underpinnings for the NFP decision, and promotion of exclusive and continuous breastfeeding and its effects on fertility. A class series consists of three sessions, each about two and one-half hours long, spaced one month apart.
Deacon Bob and Lisa Reinkemeyer (Chapter Presidents)
Sedalia, MO
(660) 298-2118
Jeremy and Maria Henson
Hallsville, MO
(573) 696-0778
Mark & Chelle Smith-Vandergriff
Jefferson City, MO
(573) 893-3319
(573) 694-2504
Brett & Erin Witte
Glasgow, MO
(660) 338-5170
CCL Promoter Couples
Shawn & Missy Bailes
Jefferson City, MO
(573) 645-8867
Stephen & Kelli Smith
Jefferson City, MO
(636) 748-0373
CCL Chapter Chaplain
Rev. Dylan Schrader
Cursos en español están disponibles en línea. El curso en línea tiene un costo de $99.
Para más información llame al (800) 745-8252 o visite la página web
Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System (CrMS)
The Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System (CrMS) relies upon the standardized observation and charting of biological markers essential to a woman’s health and fertility. These biomarkers tell the couple when they are naturally fertile and infertile, allowing the couple to use the system either to achieve or to avoid pregnancy, as well as telegraph abnormalities in the woman’s health. Learn more about the model here:
The CrMS is also the basis for the new women’s health science, NaProTechnology (natural procreative technology). NaProTechnology can assist with other fertility factors. To learn more, visit:
This is an hour-long, complimentary introductory, in-person session with Creighton Model FertilityCare™System (CrMS) practicioners. Distance learning sessions can be arranged.
2024 Sessions:
- Sacred Heart Parish, Columbia: 2nd Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m. Contact Phyllis A. White, CFCE, to schedule.
- Rolla: by request only. Contact Caitlyn Stacy, FCPI, for more information.
- All other available locations: For questions or to sign up for an introductory session, please contact the corresponding teacher for each city. See the, "Find a Teacher for this Method," in the drop down menu below. Our FertilityCare Practitioners are happy to arrange a private Intro Session if you are unable to fit into the regular schedule.
The Creighton Model FertilityCare System 1-hour Introductory Session is complimentary and explains the application to all reproductive categories including regular, irregular, post-pill, post-partum and premenopause.
Individual learning is tailored to the needs of the woman/couple through follow-up sessions with a FertilityCare Practitioner, who has been trained in a professional 13-month Allied Health Program.
Fees: Materials $45
Follow-up (1-hr) $45 each
There are 5 follow-ups in the first 3 months of use with an additional 3 over the course of a year; after a year, as needed.
No one in our diocese is turned away due to lack of funds; please do not hesitate to let us know.
The Diocesan Employees Health Insurance Plan covers part of a years’ instruction. Clients are given a formal receipt which they submit to their insurance carrier and are reimbursed.
Practitioners accompany each woman/couple privately and personally. Learning the Creighton Model System requires attending an introductory session and a minimum of 5 follow-up sessions within a 3-month period. However, it is strongly recommended clients attend all 8 follow-up sessions, which are completed within a year’s time.
During private follow-up sessions of about an hour each, clients are taught to observe and understand the signs of fertility and infertility, what is normal and what is not normal, and how to seek appropriate medical assistance. They learn to keep a simple standardized chart. The FertilityCare Practitioner systematically guides, reinforces, clarifies, supports and teaches the client how to manage the variations that may occur.
At the same time the woman/couple is taught to appreciate the wholeness of human sexuality: spiritual, physical, intellectual, creative/communicative and emotional.
We teach all who come from adolescence to menopause.
Reasons for charting include understanding of the fertility system, achieving and or avoiding pregnancy, management of abnormalities, i.e., unusual bleeding, PCOS, dysmenorrhea, post-pill infertility, and etc.
The Creighton Model FertilityCare System (CrMS) is taught by FertilityCare Practitioners who have completed a professional 13-Month Allied Health Program.
Caitlin Stacy FCPI
Salem & Rolla, MO
(573) 453-6432
Marca Stephens, FCP
Rolla, MO
(573) 247-8624
Phyllis A. White, CFCP, CFCE
Columbia, MO
(816) 550-8789
For a nationwide listing, visit
Clases en español están disponibles de manera virtual. Favor de contar la Oficina de Matrimonios al 573-635-9127 (pregunte por Jamie o Dcn. Enrique) o por correo electrónico. Para una dirección de correo electrónico haga click en cualquier nombre en la sección de contacto.
Familia de las Américas | Family of the Americas
La Fundación Familia de las Américas promueve un método actualizado del Método de Ovulación Billings el cual es un método moderno y científico de planificación familiar natural que es 99% efectivo para concebir o posponer embarazos. El método se basa en la observación de los signos de fertilidad e infertilidad del cuerpo de la mujer. Puede utilizarse por mujeres con ciclos regulares o irregulares, en la fase de la pre-menopausia, que han utilizado cualquier tipo de anticonceptivo.
De una manera sencilla la pareja aprende a identificar la fase fértil que dura aproximadamente 90 horas en todo el ciclo mensual sexual femenino para así efectivamente lograr o posponer un embarazo según se desee. Además de ser natural y saludable, este método ayudará a la pareja a fortalecer su comunicación y relación mutua y con Dios. Se ofrecen sesiones individuales o grupales por parejas certificadas.
- 18 de marzo: Marshall, 9am-12pm, Saint Peter (Parroquia San Pedro)
- 22 de abril: Sedalia, 9am-12pm, Saint Patrick (Parroquia San Patricio)
- 20 de mayo: Columbia, 9am-12pm, Sacred Heart (Parroquia Sagrado Corazón)
- 17 de junio: Marshall, 9am-12pm, Saint Peter (Parroquia San Pedro)
- 5 de agosto: Sedalia, 9am-12pm, Saint Patrick (Parroquia San Patricio)
- 14 de septiembre: Columbia, 9am-12pm, Sacred Heart (Parroquia Sagrado Corazón)
Estas sesiones son gratuitas. Para registrarse, contacte a Enrique o Cristhia Castro al 573-680-3650 / 501-454-8308 o por correo electrónico a / cmgu
Para información sobre cursos completos contacte a Enrique o Cristhia Castro al 573-680-3650 / 501-454-8308 o por correo electrónico a /
De una manera sencilla la pareja aprende a identificar la fase fértil que dura aproximadamente 90 horas en todo el ciclo mensual sexual femenino para así efectivamente lograr o posponer un embarazo según se desee.
Para información sobre instructores y clases contacte a Enrique o Cristhia Castro al 573-680-3650 / 501-454-8308 o por correo electrónico a /
Para información y registrarse contacte a Enrique o Cristhia Castro al 573-680-3650 / 501-454-8308 o por correo electrónico a /
For information about this method visit
Pro-NFP Physicians / Médicos
A comprehensive list of OBGYN, primary care practitioners, and other pro-NFP physicians curated by the Diocese of Jefferson City.
Gráficos para PFN
En español
Upcoming Events | Eventos
Planificación Familiar Natural – Familia de las Américas (Columbia)
September 14 @ 9:00 am
view event