Website: www.miparish.org
Phone: 660-665-2466
Email: secretary@miparish.org
Physical Address: 716 E Washington St, Kirksville MO 63501
Associated with: Novinger
County: Adair
Deanery: North
Parochial Administrator: Rev. Joseph Luzindana
Deacons: Dr. David D. Ream, OFS;
Christopher A. Korte
About Mary Immaculate
Mary Immaculate Church in Kirksville began as a mission of St. Mary’s Church of Adair, which was in turn the offspring of St. Joseph Catholic Church in Edina, Missouri.
By 1869 or 1870 (the dates are disputed in records) a church had been built, pastored by a Franciscan, Fr. James S. Ryan, who would return to the Kirksville parish later.
The Adair church was taken over in 1880 by Fr. John O’Shea, who came from County Limerick and stayed for twenty-six years.
Parish history is taken from the parish website.

Weekend Masses
Vigil Mass (Saturday): 5:30 PM
Sunday: 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM (at the Catholic Newman Center in Kirksville)
Mary Immaculate Catholic School
Address: 712 E Washington St, Kirksville MO 63501
Phone: 660-665-1006
Email: james.hendler@miparishschool.org
Website: www.miparishschool.org/