Parish Picnic (Frankenstein)
Our Lady Help of Christians Parish (Frankenstein) 1665 Hwy C, Bonnots MillEucharistic Miracles of the World (Laurie)
The National Shrine of Mary, Mother of the Church (Laurie) 176 Marian Dr., LaurieEucharistic Miracles of the World (Laurie)
The National Shrine of Mary, Mother of the Church (Laurie) 176 Marian Dr., LaurieEucharistic Miracles of the World (Laurie)
The National Shrine of Mary, Mother of the Church (Laurie) 176 Marian Dr., LaurieTaller de Cursillo (Sedalia)
Sacred Heart Chapel (Sedalia) (Iglesia Sagrado Corazón) 421 W 3rd St, SedaliaSpring Into Summer Pilgrimage (Diocese of Jefferson City Women’s Ministry)
Cathedral of St. Joseph (Jefferson City) 2305 W Main St, Jefferson CityEucharistic Miracles of the World (Laurie)
The National Shrine of Mary, Mother of the Church (Laurie) 176 Marian Dr., LaurieWeek of Events
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
Camp Lolek Session 2 – Junior High Girls
Camp Lolek Session 2 – Junior High Girls
A summer camp for junior-high age focused on the joy of Christ, faith & community.
The Catholic Missourian published
Annunciation Church Picnic (California)
Annunciation Church Picnic (California)
Church picnic with family style dinners, Country Store, raffle, silent auction, Bingo, kids games, and refreshments! Prices: $15 adults, $5 kids 5-12, free for under 5 See flyer: Annunciation Catholic Church Annual Picnic
Picnic (Washington, MO)
Picnic (Washington, MO)
Parish Picnic Chicken Dinner (Dine in or Carryout) Music, games Country Store etc Prices: Meals are $15.00 for Adults and $7.00 for children 6-12 Under $6.00 free
Parish Picnic (Frankenstein)
Parish Picnic (Frankenstein)
Fried Chicken & German Pot Roast Dinners - with the trimmings Served Cafeteria style & to go meals Partial indoor dining / covered pavilion seating / picnic tables Quilt Auction at 4:30 See flyer: Picnic Poster 2023
Eucharistic Miracles of the World (Laurie)
Eucharistic Miracles of the World (Laurie)
The Mothers’ Shrine, adjacent to St. Patrick Catholic Church, 176 Marian Drive in Laurie, is providing a display of Eucharistic miracles, compiled by a teenager who may be the Catholic Church’s first millennial to be canonized, and a daytime pilgrimage event featuring a dynamic local speaker. Blessed Carlo Acutis, who died in 2006 from leukemia…
Rooted/Connected/Searching in Community Young Adult Group (Jefferson City)
Rooted/Connected/Searching in Community Young Adult Group (Jefferson City)
All families are welcome to join us at Immaculate Conception Catholic Parish for Rooted, Connected, Searching in Community. Fr. Tony will lead us in Holy Hour from at 5:00 PM followed by a traditional Nigerian Family Mass at 6:00 PM.
Eucharistic Miracles of the World (Laurie)
Eucharistic Miracles of the World (Laurie)
The Mothers’ Shrine, adjacent to St. Patrick Catholic Church, 176 Marian Drive in Laurie, is providing a display of Eucharistic miracles, compiled by a teenager who may be the Catholic Church’s first millennial to be canonized, and a daytime pilgrimage event featuring a dynamic local speaker. Blessed Carlo Acutis, who died in 2006 from leukemia…
Eucharistic Miracles of the World (Laurie)
Eucharistic Miracles of the World (Laurie)
The Mothers’ Shrine, adjacent to St. Patrick Catholic Church, 176 Marian Drive in Laurie, is providing a display of Eucharistic miracles, compiled by a teenager who may be the Catholic Church’s first millennial to be canonized, and a daytime pilgrimage event featuring a dynamic local speaker. Blessed Carlo Acutis, who died in 2006 from leukemia…
Centering Prayer (Jefferson City)
Centering Prayer (Jefferson City)
This wonderful, ecumenical prayer group meets every Friday for silent, contemplative prayer and a book study, in the lower level of the parish rectory. All are welcome.
Asambleas de Jóvenes
Asambleas de Jóvenes
Las asambleas de jóvenes son reuniones de oración en las que los jóvenes adoran y se gozan en el amor y Espíritu de Dios. Además, son momentos para reflexionar y orar con otros jóvenes en el espíritu de la renovación carismática. Una asamblea de jóvenes reanima y motiva al joven a vivir con alegría, animo…
Rummage Sale Fundraiser (Jefferson City)
Rummage Sale Fundraiser (Jefferson City)
Come shop the goodies available at these rummage sales, with all proceeds helping to offset travel expenses for our youth to attend the National Catholic Youth Conference in Indianapolis this fall! Do you have donations to contribute? Drop-off of home decor items, games, tools, small appliances and electronics, luggage, yard and garden items, etc. is…
Formación del Ministerio de Evangelización Infantil (Sedalia)
Formación del Ministerio de Evangelización Infantil (Sedalia)
Esta formación brindara el conocimiento y herramientas necesarias para que el equipo de evangelización infantil pueda prepararse para ofrecer retiros de Vida en el Espíritu a niños y niñas de 7 a 11 años de edad. Para más información contacte a Ilsi Palacios al (316) 530-1004 o por correo electrónico a
Taller de Cursillo (Sedalia)
Taller de Cursillo (Sedalia)
Este taller esta dirigido a todos los cursillistas de la diócesis. Es una oportunidad de formación en el carisma y practicas propias del movimiento para el fortalecimiento del mismo y de sus miembros. ¡De colores! Para más información o registrarse contacte a Maria Gomez al (660) 620-3405 o Raul Lopez a (660) 287-8920.
Spring Into Summer Pilgrimage (Diocese of Jefferson City Women’s Ministry)
Spring Into Summer Pilgrimage (Diocese of Jefferson City Women’s Ministry)
Join the women of our diocese for a day of prayer, fellowship and faith formation in the newly rededicated Cathedral of St Joseph. Enjoy tours of the newly renovated Cathedral, a breakout session on ways to deepen your prayer life and an Adoration Hour. Also enjoy a presentation from Catholic speaker, Patty Schneier, The Eucharist:…
Eucharistic Miracles of the World (Laurie)
Eucharistic Miracles of the World (Laurie)
The Mothers’ Shrine, adjacent to St. Patrick Catholic Church, 176 Marian Drive in Laurie, is providing a display of Eucharistic miracles, compiled by a teenager who may be the Catholic Church’s first millennial to be canonized, and a daytime pilgrimage event featuring a dynamic local speaker. Blessed Carlo Acutis, who died in 2006 from leukemia…