- No events scheduled for May 1, 2023.
Diocesan Parish Nurse Meeting
Catholic Charities (Jefferson City) 1015 Edmonds St, Jefferson CityReception Celebrating Sister Jean Dietrich’s Retirement (Jefferson City)
Helias Catholic High School (Jefferson City) 1305 Swifts Hwy, Jefferson CityWeek of Events
Catholic Home Missions Appeal
Catholic Home Missions Appeal
This collection supports mission dioceses, organizations and religious institutions in the United States as well as funding grants to dioceses for evangelization programs for Black and Indian Home Missions that would otherwise cease.
Kermes (Sedalia)
Kermes (Sedalia)
Esta es una actividad que tiene el fin de recaudar fondos para las distintas actividades del movimiento de Cursillos. Para más información contacte a Maria Gomez al (660) 620-3405 o Raul Lopez a (660) 287-8920.
Diocesan Parish Nurse Meeting
Diocesan Parish Nurse Meeting
Quarterly meeting of diocesan parish nurses and members of health ministry committees/teams and parishes. Open to all interested. Please RSVP for lunch to
Blood Drive (Meta)
Columbia Pro-Life Dinner
Columbia Pro-Life Dinner
Columbia Pro-Life Dinner Tuesday, May 2, 2023 Keynote: Abby Johnson Registration & Social 6:00 PM Dinner & Program 7:00 - 9:00 PM $100 per person ($70 Tax Deductible) Stoney Creek Hotel | 2601 S Providence Rd | Columbia, MO Abby Johnson has always been determined to help women in need. That desire led Abby to…
6th Grade Vocation Day
6th Grade Vocation Day
Elementary Schools from around the diocese will come to participate in this wonderful event! Vocation Day enables 6th graders to get a better understanding of the variety of vocations that the Catholic Church has to offer.
Rooted/Connected/Searching in Community Young Adult Group (Jefferson City)
Rooted/Connected/Searching in Community Young Adult Group (Jefferson City)
All families are welcome to join us at Immaculate Conception Catholic Parish for Rooted, Connected, Searching in Community. Fr. Tony will lead us in Holy Hour from at 5:00 PM followed by a traditional Nigerian Family Mass at 6:00 PM.
Reception Celebrating Sister Jean Dietrich’s Retirement (Jefferson City)
Reception Celebrating Sister Jean Dietrich’s Retirement (Jefferson City)
After 50 years of service in education, Sister Jean Dietrich will celebrate her retirement from Helias Catholic High School following the 2022-23 school year. A member of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, Sr. Jean has served Helias Catholic High School in a variety of roles including principal, assistant principal and registrar since coming to…
Vespers at the Cathedral of St. Joseph
Vespers at the Cathedral of St. Joseph
Vespers will take place on Thursday, May 4, from 5:00 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. in the Cathedral of St. Joseph. As this is an invitation-only event due to limited occupancy, Vespers will be livestreamed. We invite you to join us online for this prayerful ceremony on the eve of the Rededication of our Cathedral of…
CathedralGLOW BBQ
CathedralGLOW BBQ
CathedralGLOW is a vigil for families, youth and young adults. Join us on May 4 as we journey through our newly renovated Cathedral of St. Joseph with prayer and music! A BBQ before the vigil will take place at Memorial Park (across from the Cathedral of St. Joseph) from 5:15 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. We…
CathedralGLOW is a vigil for families, youth and young adults. Join us on May 4 as we journey through our newly renovated Cathedral of St. Joseph with prayer and music! A BBQ before the vigil will take place at Memorial Park (across from the Cathedral of St. Joseph) from 5:15 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. We…
Cathedral of St. Joseph Rededication
Cathedral of St. Joseph Rededication
We are delighted to announce that Bishop W. Shawn McKnight has set May 5, 2023, as the date for the Rite of Rededication at the Cathedral of St. Joseph. Due to limited, invitation-only seating, the Rite of Rededication will be livestreamed online at 10:30 a.m. on May 5. In addition, everyone is invited to come see…
Formación de Predicadores (Sedalia)
Formación de Predicadores (Sedalia)
Esta oportunidad de formación está dirigida a los ministerios de predicación con el objetivo de brindar conocimiento y herramientas prácticas para desempeñar mejor su servicio de transmitir la Palabra de Dios y el mensaje de una manera más efectiva y transformadora. Para más información contacte a Ilsi Palacios al (316) 530-1004 o por correo electrónico…
Retiro para Preparación de Quinceañera (Marshall)
Retiro para Preparación de Quinceañera (Marshall)
El Retiro de Quinceañeras es un momento clave en el proceso de preparación de la quinceañera, las damas y los chambelanes antes de la celebración religiosa de los quince años. Los jóvenes pueden asistir al retiro en su parroquia o en otra parroquia en donde se ofrecen. Para más información contacte el equipo de quinceañera…
El Puente’s Trivia Night (Jefferson City)
El Puente’s Trivia Night (Jefferson City)
Please join us for an evening of fun at our annual fundraiser. This year the theme is "The 70's"! We will play 10 rounds of general knowledge questions. We will also have basket raffles, halftime show, door prizes and prize for best decorated table. Come ready to enjoy homemade Hispanic food and a variety of…