Blood Drive (Jefferson City)
Immaculate Conception School (Jefferson City) 1206 E. McCarty Street, Jefferson City- No events scheduled for October 24, 2022.
- No events scheduled for October 25, 2022.
- No events scheduled for October 26, 2022.
- No events scheduled for October 27, 2022.
St. Vincent de Paul Orientation (Moberly)
St. Pius X Church (Moberly) 201 S Williams St., MoberlyWeek of Events
World Mission Sunday
The Catholic Missourian published
Blood Drive (Jefferson City)
Blood Drive (Jefferson City)
Come to Kertz Hall on Sunday, October 23 to give the gift of life with the American Red Cross! Blood donations are always in need, but especially now with substantial natural disasters along the east coast. Schedule your appointment time online at and thanks!
Parish Picnic (Eldon)
Parish Picnic (Eldon)
Sacred Heart Parish in Eldon, Mo will be conducting their annual picnic on Sunday, October 23rd. Serving Fried Chicken and Ham Dinner from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Dine-In or Carry Out. There's a chance to win some great raffle prizes, vendor booths, kids games, music and dancing under the pavillion.
Mid-America TEC 45th Anniversary Gathering
Mid-America TEC 45th Anniversary Gathering
Let's gather together for some faith and fellowship to celebrate Mid-America TEC's 45th Anniversary. Mass at 2pm Food and fellowship to follow. TEC will provide meat and drinks, bring a side to share.
CCW Soup Day (Hannibal)
CCW Soup Day (Hannibal)
Holy Family will hold their annual CCW Soup Day on Friday, October 28, 2022, from 11 am to 6 pm in St Michael’s Hall (Church Basement) at 1111 Broadway, Hannibal, MO. Homemade chili or vegetable soup, peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, homemade desserts and drinks are included in the price. Hot dogs are available for…
Bazaar Craft & Fabric Moving Sale
Bazaar Craft & Fabric Moving Sale
Due to remodeling of our activity building we are having a craft and fabric moving sale. This is a sale of items for crafting not finished products. We can’t move all of it so we are selling it.
Taller de Preparación de Quinceañeras
Taller de Preparación de Quinceañeras
El objetivo de este taller es capacitar a los equipos parroquiales en su tarea de proveer una preparación adecuada a quinceañeras (junto con sus damas, chambelanes y papás) en sus comunidades. Se recomienda que por lo menos 3 personas sean parte del equipo. Durante el taller, se proveerán los materiales y recursos necesarios. Favor de…
St. Vincent de Paul Orientation (Moberly)
St. Vincent de Paul Orientation (Moberly)
Orientation covers all of the topics needed to give new members to St. Vincent de Paul a feel for WHAT and WHY the Society is and generally HOW we are expected to approach this ministry. We see the Face of Christ in the poor.