Calendar of Events
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1 event,
Retiro de Vida en el Espíritu para Mujeres (Sedalia)
Retiro de Vida en el Espíritu para Mujeres (Sedalia)
Este retiro brinda a las mujeres una experiencia única de encuentro con Jesús resucitado, quien nos invita a vivir una vida nueva y abundante con la ayuda del Espíritu Santo. Todo aquel que desee participar, sin importar su estado de vida actual o situación personal, tendrá la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre su vida y encontrarse…
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Lenten Pilgrimage of Healing (Laurie)
Lenten Pilgrimage of Healing (Laurie)
The National Shrine of Mary, Mother of the Church is hosting a Lenten Pilgrimage of Healing on Thursday, March 30, beginning at 5 pm. Pilgrims will have the opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, available in both English and Spanish, before Mass; and adoration and healing prayer will be offered following Mass. Father Norbert Rappold,…
14 events,
The Catholic Missourian published
Fish Fry (St. Robert)
Fish Fry (St. Robert)
The Lenten Fish Fry will consist of two kinds of fish, hushpuppies, frys, shrimp fried rice, baked beans, slaw, potato salad, desert and drink. Proceeds go to council expenses and charity events. Pricing: Adults (16 and older) - $12; Kids (7-15 years old) - $5 / (6 and younger) - free); Family (F, M, and…
Fish Fry (Warsaw)
Fish Fry (Warsaw)
Warsaw Knights of Columbus Lent Fish Fry's every Friday from February 24 - April 7, 3 PM - 7 PM. All you can eat fish dinners which includes fries, cole slaw, hush puppies and drink. $15 dine in, children under 12 1/2 price, $14 for curbside carry out dinners.
Fish Fry (Fulton)
Fish Fry (Fulton)
SERVING: Fried Fish, French Fries, Mac/Cheese, Slaw, Home-made Desserts and Drinks Pricing: Dine In And Carryout $15 Kids 6-12 $7 K Of C Fish Fry 23
2 events,
Knights of Columbus BBQ (Jefferson City)
Knights of Columbus BBQ (Jefferson City)
"Don't fool around" and miss this April Fool's Day BBQ! The Knights of Columbus Msgr. Pleus Council 14906 invites you to a BBQ dinner on April 1st from 11 am - 4 pm in the McCarty Plaza at 1226 East McCarty next to Immaculate Conception Church. They'll be serving carry-out dinners of pork steak, baked…
Helias Catholic Speech and Debate Team Hogsmeade Carnival and Trivia Night (Jefferson City)
Helias Catholic Speech and Debate Team Hogsmeade Carnival and Trivia Night (Jefferson City)
Join us on April Fool's Day at Helias Catholic High School for fun and frivolity at the Hogsmeade Carnival and Trivia Night hosted by the Helias Catholic Speech and Debate Team! Events at the carnival (1:00-3:00 p.m.) will include a cauldron cake walk, book toss, pin the nose on Voldemort, a sorting station, wand making,…
5 events,
Parish Breakfast (Belle)
Parish Breakfast (Belle)
Serving sausage, eggs, biscuits & gravy, pancakes, and orange juice. Pricing: Adults $9, ages 6-12 $5, 5 & under free
K of C Breakfast (Wardsville/Osage Bend)
K of C Breakfast (Wardsville/Osage Bend)
Serving sausage, pancakes, scrambled eggs, biscuits & gravy, orange juice, coffee & water Pricing: Adults $12 - Children 5-12 $5 - 4 & under free
Fried Chicken & Baked Ham Dinner (Argyle)
Fried Chicken & Baked Ham Dinner (Argyle)
St. Argyle Parish in Argyle and St. Boniface Chapel in Koeltztown are having a DRIVE-THRU ONLY fried chicken & baked ham dinner. Serving from 11 am-5:30 pm at the VFW Hall in Argyle Cost is $15 per meal Serving country fried chicken and baked ham, mashed potatoes & gravy, green beans, coleslaw, applesauce & assorted…
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2 events,
Chrism Mass
Chrism Mass
Chrism Mass
Bishop W. Shawn McKnight invites you to attend our annual Chrism Mass. This liturgy unites the diocese in recalling the gifts of the holy priesthood and the most Holy Eucharist. The Oil of the Sick and the Oil of the Catechumens are blessed and the Sacred Chrism is consecrated at this time. These holy oils…
2 events,
Helias Catholic Project Graduation Fundraiser at Panera (Jefferson City)
Helias Catholic Project Graduation Fundraiser at Panera (Jefferson City)
Panera in Jefferson City will donate 20% of sales during this time to Helias Catholic High School Project Graduation 2023! Show the flyer or show a digital copy to your cashier when ordering at the cafe, or enter the promo code FUND4U at checkout on or the Panera app to ensure Project Graduation gets…
Rooted/Connected/Searching in Community Young Adult Group (Jefferson City)
Rooted/Connected/Searching in Community Young Adult Group (Jefferson City)
All families are welcome to join us at Immaculate Conception Catholic Parish for Rooted, Connected, Searching in Community. Fr. Tony will lead us in Holy Hour from at 5:00 PM followed by a traditional Nigerian Family Mass at 6:00 PM.
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Holy Thursday
3 events,
Good Friday
Fish Fry (Warsaw)
Fish Fry (Warsaw)
Warsaw Knights of Columbus Lent Fish Fry's every Friday from February 24 - April 7, 3 PM - 7 PM. All you can eat fish dinners which includes fries, cole slaw, hush puppies and drink. $15 dine in, children under 12 1/2 price, $14 for curbside carry out dinners.
Fish Fry (Hannibal)
Fish Fry (Hannibal)
K of C Fish Fry on the Fridays of Lent from 4:30-7:00pm at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 1 Columbus Rd Hannibal, MO 63401 Pricing: Meal - $5 for fish filet, $2 side items
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Special Collection for Retired Priests and Retired Religious
Special Collection for Retired Priests and Retired Religious
This collection supports those who have given their lives in generous service to the people of God, our retired religious and priests. You can give online HERE.
Easter Vigil
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Special Collection for Retired Priests and Retired Religious
Easter Sunday
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Easter Monday
1 event,
Second Tuesday Mass – Shrine of Our Lady of Sorrows (Starkenburg)
Second Tuesday Mass – Shrine of Our Lady of Sorrows (Starkenburg)
Second Tuesday Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows Shrine in Starkenburg, MO. Sacrament of Reconciliation begins at 11:00 AM, rosary at 11:40 AM and Mass begins at Noon. Lunch will be served after Mass. Lunch, if desired, is $10.00 for adults, $5.00 for children. Press Release: March 2023 Press Release Shrine Mass Flyer: 2023 2nd…
1 event,
CMCA Presents the Harlem Wizards at Helias Catholic (Jefferson City)
CMCA Presents the Harlem Wizards at Helias Catholic (Jefferson City)
Central Missouri Community Action will present the Harlem Wizards basketball show team on Wednesday, April 12, from 7-9 p.m. at Helias Catholic High School. Enjoy the antics of the Wizards as they interact and compete against the local JCYIMBY (Jefferson City Yes! In My Back Yard) team! This event is designed to raise funds and…
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Rosary Rally (Linn)
Rosary Rally (Linn)
America Needs Fatima Pauline/Roman Scheulen - Jean Brandt - Darlene Tyree invite you to join in a Rosary Rally on Saturday, May 6th starting at “4 o’clock PM” at St. George Church in Linn Missouri. This Rosary Rally is sponsored by America Needs Fatima. There will be over 20,000 rallies taking place across the United…
2 events,
The Catholic Missourian published
Asambleas de Jóvenes
Asambleas de Jóvenes
Las asambleas de jóvenes son reuniones de oración en las que los jóvenes adoran y se gozan en el amor y Espíritu de Dios. Además, son momentos para reflexionar y orar con otros jóvenes en el espíritu de la renovación carismática. Una asamblea de jóvenes reanima y motiva al joven a vivir con alegría, animo…
3 events,
Helias Catholic Alumni Backyard BBQ Contest (Jefferson City)
Helias Catholic Alumni Backyard BBQ Contest (Jefferson City)
Please join us for Helias Catholic's first Alumni BBQ Backyard Contest on Saturday, April 15, 2023. It will be held in the parking lot of the American Legion Sports Complex, home of the Helias Catholic baseball and softball teams. Please note, members of the public may not taste competition food in respect to Cole County…
Retiro Parroquial: Buena Administración (Marshall)
Retiro Parroquial: Buena Administración (Marshall)
El objetivo de este retiro es ayudar a toda la comunidad parroquial aprender y reflexionar sobre la ‘Buena Administración’, la cual es nuestra respuesta agradecida como discípulos cristianos a compartir todo lo que Dios nos ha dado para compartirlo con los demás. Para más información contacte a Diácono Enrique Castro al (573) 680-3650 en su…
Retiro de Comunidad, Columbia-dirigido (Columbia)
Retiro de Comunidad, Columbia-dirigido (Columbia)
El objetivo de este retiro es brindar a la comunidad un espacio para compartir y reflexionar como comunidad para renovar y fortalecer su espíritu fraterno en el amor de Jesús. Para más información contacte a Jacqueline de la Cruz al (573) 673-2091 o por correo electrónico a
3 events,
Retiro de Comunidad, Columbia-dirigido (Columbia)
Retiro de Comunidad, Columbia-dirigido (Columbia)
El objetivo de este retiro es brindar a la comunidad un espacio para compartir y reflexionar como comunidad para renovar y fortalecer su espíritu fraterno en el amor de Jesús. Para más información contacte a Jacqueline de la Cruz al (573) 673-2091 o por correo electrónico a
Spring Chicken Dinner (Brinktown)
Spring Chicken Dinner (Brinktown)
Guardian Angels Parish chicken and ham dinner- Sunday, April 16th. Serving from 11:00-5:00. Carry out and cafeteria style dine in available. See flyer: Chicken Dinner Spring 2023 Flyer
Young Adult Mass (Jefferson City)
Young Adult Mass (Jefferson City)
You're invited to a Young Adult Mass on the third Sunday of each month at 5 pm! Faithful of all ages are welcome, but the Mass will have an intentional focus on young adults and youth. IC's Young Adult Ensemble will provide the music, and young people will be serving the in the liturgical ministries.…
2 events,
Blood Drive (Rich Fountain)
Blood Drive (Rich Fountain)
The Rich Fountain Knights of Columbus are hosting a blood drive in the Sacred Heart School Cafeteria on April 17, 2023 from 2:00 to 6:00 PM. This drive is being collected by the American Red Cross. We ask all who are medically eligible to please come and donate their gift of life. To schedule an…
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Joyful & Alive Conversation (Online)
Joyful & Alive Conversation (Online)
How do you discover God’s invitation for your life? Are you curious about religious life? Single women ages 18-45 are welcome to bring their questions to a casual, online conversation with School Sisters of Notre Dame on Thursday, April 20 at 7 p.m. CT. Learn more and register for the Zoom link at See…
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El ECCLE es el Encuentro nacional para líderes del movimiento de la Renovación Carismática Católica. Este evento está dirigido a líderes diocesanos del movimiento, en particular, miembros de los comités o comisiones diocesanas del Movimiento RCC. Para más información contacte a Ilsi Palacios al (316) 530-1004 o por correo electrónico a
4 events,
PHC Bubble and Bounces 5K Walk/Run
PHC Bubble and Bounces 5K Walk/Run
Join the Pregnancy Help Center on April 22 at Memorial Park in Jefferson City to walk or run the 5K route. There will be live music, a bounce house, bubble activities, and a free breakfast. Participation ribbons, medals, and trophies will be awarded to winning participants by categories. Also, gift cards will be given for…
Planificación Familiar Natural – Familia de las Américas (Columbia)
Planificación Familiar Natural – Familia de las Américas (Columbia)
Este es un curso gratuito de introducción a este método de planificación familiar natural. La Fundación Familia de las Américas promueve un método actualizado del Método de Ovulación Billings el cual es un método moderno y científico de planificación familiar natural que es 99% efectivo para concebir o posponer embarazos. Además de ser natural y…
Retiro Parroquial: Buena Administración (Jefferson City)
Retiro Parroquial: Buena Administración (Jefferson City)
El objetivo de este retiro es ayudar a toda la comunidad parroquial aprender y reflexionar sobre la ‘Buena Administración’, la cual es nuestra respuesta agradecida como discípulos cristianos a compartir todo lo que Dios nos ha dado para compartirlo con los demás. Para más información contacte a Diácono Enrique Castro al (573) 680-3650 en su…
3 events,
Fr. Tolton Celebration Mass (Columbia)
Fr. Tolton Celebration Mass (Columbia)
Please join us for our annual Venerable Fr. Tolton Celebration Mass, April 23, 2023, at 11am. at St. Thomas More Newman Center. Rev Simon Jude Kanyike and the Contemporary Choir from Our Lady of Lourdes will be celebrating with us. A reception will follow immediately afterwards. This will be our first celebration Mass after becoming…
The Way: Women’s Spiritual Retreat (Wardsville)
The Way: Women’s Spiritual Retreat (Wardsville)
For one afternoon, leave the cares of the world behind and share God’s love for us through creative meditations, faith witnesses, music and God’s greatest gift—laughter. Pricing: $30 includes retreat, lunch, refreshments and more. Scholarships available. See flyer: The Way Flyer
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Pro Life Legislative Update From Susan Klein, Ex. Dir. Missouri Right to Life (Boonville)
Pro Life Legislative Update From Susan Klein, Ex. Dir. Missouri Right to Life (Boonville)
Meet Susan Klein, Exec. Dir. of Missouri Right to Life and hear a Pro Life legislative update. Light refreshments to follow. This even is free and open to the public. All faiths are encouraged to attend.
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Young Adult Evening Prayer
Young Adult Evening Prayer
Young adults age 18+ are invited to pray online together with the School Sisters of Notre Dame on Tuesday, April 25 at 7 p.m. CT. There will be time for faith sharing with young adults and sisters from all across the U.S. and Canada. Learn more and register for the Zoom link at See…
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MidWest March for Life and Rally (Jefferson City)
MidWest March for Life and Rally (Jefferson City)
14th Annual MidWest March for Life with Rally 9:30 am and March beginning after Rally. Opening Prayer and Remarks by Bishop Shawn McKnight, Shawn Carney, President and CEO of 40 Days for Life, Lauren Muzyka, President and CEO of Sidewalk Advocates for Life, and Sr Deidre Byrne, Superior of the Little Workers of the Sacred…
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The Catholic Missourian published
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Diocesan Pastoral Council meeting
Diocesan Pastoral Council meeting
Members of the Diocesan Pastoral Council will meet to discuess important matters of the diocese. This meeting is invitation-only.
Catholic Home Missions Appeal
Catholic Home Missions Appeal
This collection supports mission dioceses, organizations and religious institutions in the United States as well as funding grants to dioceses for evangelization programs for Black and Indian Home Missions that would otherwise cease.
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Catholic Home Missions Appeal
Kermes (Sedalia)
Kermes (Sedalia)
Esta es una actividad que tiene el fin de recaudar fondos para las distintas actividades del movimiento de Cursillos. Para más información contacte a Maria Gomez al (660) 620-3405 o Raul Lopez a (660) 287-8920.
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3 events,
Diocesan Parish Nurse Meeting
Diocesan Parish Nurse Meeting
Quarterly meeting of diocesan parish nurses and members of health ministry committees/teams and parishes. Open to all interested. Please RSVP for lunch to
Columbia Pro-Life Dinner
Columbia Pro-Life Dinner
Columbia Pro-Life Dinner Tuesday, May 2, 2023 Keynote: Abby Johnson Registration & Social 6:00 PM Dinner & Program 7:00 - 9:00 PM $100 per person ($70 Tax Deductible) Stoney Creek Hotel | 2601 S Providence Rd | Columbia, MO Abby Johnson has always been determined to help women in need. That desire led Abby to…
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6th Grade Vocation Day
6th Grade Vocation Day
Elementary Schools from around the diocese will come to participate in this wonderful event! Vocation Day enables 6th graders to get a better understanding of the variety of vocations that the Catholic Church has to offer.
Rooted/Connected/Searching in Community Young Adult Group (Jefferson City)
Rooted/Connected/Searching in Community Young Adult Group (Jefferson City)
All families are welcome to join us at Immaculate Conception Catholic Parish for Rooted, Connected, Searching in Community. Fr. Tony will lead us in Holy Hour from at 5:00 PM followed by a traditional Nigerian Family Mass at 6:00 PM.
Reception Celebrating Sister Jean Dietrich’s Retirement (Jefferson City)
Reception Celebrating Sister Jean Dietrich’s Retirement (Jefferson City)
After 50 years of service in education, Sister Jean Dietrich will celebrate her retirement from Helias Catholic High School following the 2022-23 school year. A member of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, Sr. Jean has served Helias Catholic High School in a variety of roles including principal, assistant principal and registrar since coming to…
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Vespers at the Cathedral of St. Joseph
Vespers at the Cathedral of St. Joseph
Vespers will take place on Thursday, May 4, from 5:00 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. in the Cathedral of St. Joseph. As this is an invitation-only event due to limited occupancy, Vespers will be livestreamed. We invite you to join us online for this prayerful ceremony on the eve of the Rededication of our Cathedral of…
CathedralGLOW BBQ
CathedralGLOW BBQ
CathedralGLOW is a vigil for families, youth and young adults. Join us on May 4 as we journey through our newly renovated Cathedral of St. Joseph with prayer and music! A BBQ before the vigil will take place at Memorial Park (across from the Cathedral of St. Joseph) from 5:15 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. We…
CathedralGLOW is a vigil for families, youth and young adults. Join us on May 4 as we journey through our newly renovated Cathedral of St. Joseph with prayer and music! A BBQ before the vigil will take place at Memorial Park (across from the Cathedral of St. Joseph) from 5:15 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. We…
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Cathedral of St. Joseph Rededication
Cathedral of St. Joseph Rededication
We are delighted to announce that Bishop W. Shawn McKnight has set May 5, 2023, as the date for the Rite of Rededication at the Cathedral of St. Joseph. Due to limited, invitation-only seating, the Rite of Rededication will be livestreamed online at 10:30 a.m. on May 5. In addition, everyone is invited to come see…
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Formación de Predicadores (Sedalia)
Formación de Predicadores (Sedalia)
Esta oportunidad de formación está dirigida a los ministerios de predicación con el objetivo de brindar conocimiento y herramientas prácticas para desempeñar mejor su servicio de transmitir la Palabra de Dios y el mensaje de una manera más efectiva y transformadora. Para más información contacte a Ilsi Palacios al (316) 530-1004 o por correo electrónico…
Retiro para Preparación de Quinceañera (Marshall)
Retiro para Preparación de Quinceañera (Marshall)
El Retiro de Quinceañeras es un momento clave en el proceso de preparación de la quinceañera, las damas y los chambelanes antes de la celebración religiosa de los quince años. Los jóvenes pueden asistir al retiro en su parroquia o en otra parroquia en donde se ofrecen. Para más información contacte el equipo de quinceañera…
El Puente’s Trivia Night (Jefferson City)
El Puente’s Trivia Night (Jefferson City)
Please join us for an evening of fun at our annual fundraiser. This year the theme is "The 70's"! We will play 10 rounds of general knowledge questions. We will also have basket raffles, halftime show, door prizes and prize for best decorated table. Come ready to enjoy homemade Hispanic food and a variety of…
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- There are no events on this day.