Calendar of Events
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4 events,
Pancake Breakfast (Jefferson City)
Pancake Breakfast (Jefferson City)
Pancake and sausage breakfast! Held in the Selinger Centre Cafeteria. Cost is $10 for adults, $5 for 12 and under. $30 per family (3+ kids).
Retiro de Inicio
Retiro de Inicio
El Retiro de Inicio brinda una experiencia única de encuentro con Jesús resucitado, quien nos invita a vivir una vida nueva y abundante con la ayuda del Espíritu Santo. Todo aquel que desee participar, sin importar su estado de vida actual o situación personal, tendrá la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre su vida y encontrarse con…
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1 event,
Solemnity of All Saints
Solemnity of All Saints
The Solemnity of All Saints is a holy day of obligation. Please check Mass times for the holy day. The parish office may be closed or have modified office hours.
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Pregnancy Help Center Annual Banquet
Pregnancy Help Center Annual Banquet
The Pregnancy Help Center's 12th annual banquet will be November 3, 2022, 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Capitol Plaza Hotel. Join us to hear about what has been happening at PhC and the plans for the future. You will be entertained by a Christian comedian and good music and will enjoy a delicious meal. Hear from…
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2 events,
Retiro de Crecimiento
Retiro de Crecimiento
Después de que los participantes han vivido un Retiro de Inicio y recibido las clases de crecimiento, el Retiro de Crecimiento brinda una experiencia de fortalecimiento y re-encuentro con Jesús para renovar su compromiso bautismal. De esta manera, los participantes pueden contribuir de una manera más efectiva y comprometida en la misión de la Iglesia…
Retiro de Crecimiento
Retiro de Crecimiento
Después de que los participantes han vivido un Retiro de Inicio y recibido las clases de crecimiento, el Retiro de Crecimiento brinda una experiencia de fortalecimiento y re-encuentro con Jesús para renovar su compromiso bautismal. De esta manera, los participantes pueden contribuir de una manera más efectiva y comprometida en la misión de la Iglesia…
10 events,
Retiro de Crecimiento
Retiro de Crecimiento
Pancake and Sausage Breakfast
Pancake and Sausage Breakfast
Pancakes and Sausage, Coffee, Milk and water served to your table. All you can or all you want to eat. All proceeds benefit the school and church.
Turkey Dinner (Brookfield)
Turkey Dinner (Brookfield)
64th ANNUAL TURKEY DINNER AND BAZAAR Sunday, November 6, 2022 10:30 AM – 1:30 PM Immaculate Conception School Hall 210 West John Street, Brookfield Adults: $15.00 Ages 7-12: $8.00 Six & Under: Free (Adult Pre-Sale Tickets: $13.00) Homebound Delivery Service Available (Call 258-2507 --Tuesday, Nov. 1 through Friday, Nov 4-- between 9:00-4:00) Bazaar and Raffles…
Fall Dinner (St. Boniface & St. Raphael – Brunswick)
Fall Dinner (St. Boniface & St. Raphael – Brunswick)
St. Boniface & St. Raphael Catholic Communities annually host a traditional parish event serving a holiday meal of turkey, ham and all the fixings, including beverage and dessert! Please join us for this event to celebrate harvest and to give thanks for our many blessings! Dine In or Carry Out. Pricing: Adults $15.00, Children (6-12)…
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1 event,
Second Tuesday Mass at Shrine of Our Lady of Sorrows
Second Tuesday Mass at Shrine of Our Lady of Sorrows
Shrine to Hold Last Mass of Season The last Second Tuesday Mass for 2022 will be held at the Shrine of Our Lady of Sorrows at Starkenburg on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will begin at 11:00 a.m. and the Holy Rosary begins at 11:40 a.m. Mass will begin at Noon. A…
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3 events,
Veterans Day
The Catholic Missourian published
Veterans Day Mass (Jefferson City)
Veterans Day Mass (Jefferson City)
The Veterans Day Mass will be held at 9:30 am on November 11, 2022 at St. Peter Church in Jefferson City. Msgr. Robert Kurwicki, V.G. will be the celebrant. The Mass is offered for those men and women who have served our country in war or peace.
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5 events,
Archdiocese for the Military Services special collection
Archdiocese for the Military Services special collection
To provide the Gospel, Sacraments and other spiritual support for the United States armed forces – serving those who serve.
All-you-can-eat breakfast at Assumption Catholic Church in Morrison, MO. Serving biscuits & gravy, pancakes, homemade sausage, scrambled eggs, orange juice/coffee from 8:00 a.m.-noon. Adults $10, ages 5-12 $5, ages 4 and under free.
Annual Fall Dinner Drive-Thru (Glasgow)
Annual Fall Dinner Drive-Thru (Glasgow)
St. Mary's Parish Annual Fall Dinner Drive-Thru on Sunday, November 13, 2022 in the St. Mary's School Parking Lot in Glasgow. Turkey, Ham, Dressing, Dessert and More! Carry-Outs each $14.00. Limited Seating and All day festival fun at Knights of Columbus Hall. Festival Booths open from 10 AM to 2 PM (Craft Corner, Country Kitchen,…
Fall Dinner (Belle)
Fall Dinner (Belle)
All you can eat German post roast and Fried chicken with all the fixings. Pricing: $15 for adults, $5 for children
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2 events,
Catholic Campaign for Human Development Collection
Catholic Campaign for Human Development Collection
To address the root cause of poverty in America through promotion and support of community-controlled, self-help organizations and transformative education.
Christmas Extravaganza and Pork Burger Sale (Loose Creek)
Christmas Extravaganza and Pork Burger Sale (Loose Creek)
Come support the Megan Boehm Memorial Scholarship and shop tons of Vendors. Grab some delicious pork burgers and baked goods.
5 events,
Catholic Campaign for Human Development Collection
Solemnity of Christ the King
Fall Chicken Dinner (Argyle)
Fall Chicken Dinner (Argyle)
Serving Pan Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Vegetables, Coleslaw, Applesauce, & Dessert. Drive-Thru Only Raffle Chances - 6 for $5 Pricing: $14 per person
Viva Cristo Rey: Global Celebration of Young People
Viva Cristo Rey: Global Celebration of Young People
Sunday, November 20 is the Feast of Christ the King and is the Global Celebration of Young People as promulgated by Pope Francis. We will be having our first Celebration of Young People at Our Lady of Lourdes in Columbia, MO. The day will have: FELLOWSHIP: Food Trucks to enjoy as you arrive to the…
St. Cecilia Sing (Columbia)
St. Cecilia Sing (Columbia)
Join the music ministers of our diocese in singing praise to the patron saint of music! Reception to follow. This is a FREE event offered by our diocese's chapter of NPM. Due to contruction at the cathedral, this year's event is moved to the Columbia Newman Center. Donations accepted to offset expenses. St. Cecilia Sing…
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3 events,
Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving is a federal holiday. The parish office may be closed or have modified office hours.
Thanksgiving Festival (Tipton)
Thanksgiving Festival (Tipton)
84th Annual Thanksgiving Festival - fun filled day with family and friends enjoying a delicious dinner, bingo, 2 live auctions, silent auction and a kids game room. Please see flyer for all the details. Thanksgiving Flyer 2022
2 events,
Thanksgiving Friday
Thanksgiving Friday
Thanksgiving is a federal holiday. The parish office may be closed or have modified office hours.
The Catholic Missourian published
1 event,
Sounds of Starkenburg
Sounds of Starkenburg
Sounds of Starkenburg - Holiday Concerts Click here to see the Sounds Of Starkenburg flyer Saturday, November 26, 2022 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. St. Martin’s Church Museum 197 Hwy P Starkenburg, MO 65069 Featuring 1870’s Pfeffer Pipe Organ Barry Bierwirth, Organist Vocal Performances: Melanie Bush & Tammy Bruckerhoff Instrumental: Audrey Bush Sing Alongs Soup…
3 events,
First Sunday of Advent
Advent Sacred Music & Sunday Vespers (Jefferson City)
Advent Sacred Music & Sunday Vespers (Jefferson City)
An Advent series of organ and choral concerts with Sunday Vespers at St. Peter Catholic Church in Jefferson City.
On the Way to Jesus Christ
On the Way to Jesus Christ
Join us at Sacred Heart Church in Columbia for our Advent Mission "On the Way to Jesus Christ" Sunday Nov. 27 -Tuesday Nov. 29 at 7 pm each night in the Church, followed by a reception in the Activity Building. This mission is being presented by Fr. Blaise Czaja, C.P., a Passionist from Houston, Texas.
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2 events,
Room at the Inn Volunteer Training (Jefferson City)
Room at the Inn Volunteer Training (Jefferson City)
Jefferson City Room at the Inn (JCRATI) is a low-barrier emergency winter homeless shelter and has been created as part of the Jefferson City Homeless Task Force. We need many volunteers to staff the shelter in order to open in January.
Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room – an Advent to Remember
Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room – an Advent to Remember
Surround yourself with women of faith as we celebrate and reflect on the Season of Advent. A women's event, our evening with include prayer, laughter and messages of Hope, Joy, Love and Peace. Prayers and reflections: Mary Winter, Millie Aulbur and LeAnn Korsmeyer and Soloist Claire Huntley. To reserve your spot, RSVP by Nov. 19…
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1 event,
Cursillo Ultreya & Potluck (Columbia)
Cursillo Ultreya & Potluck (Columbia)
Inviting all Diocese Cursillistas-Ultreya and Potluck Join us Thursday, December 1 in Flanagan Hall with a Potluck beginning at 6:15pm. Please bring a dish to share. Drinks and table service provided. The Ultreya will start at 7pm. Come early to socialize and eat before we begin. This will be our last Ultreya of 2022!! For…
1 event,
Christmas Bazaar (Columbia)
Christmas Bazaar (Columbia)
Handmade Arts and Crafts, Homemade Peanut Brittle, Book Room, DVD's, CD's, Puzzles, gently used Jewelry, Silent Auction, Raffle and Bake Sale.
3 events,
Diocesan Pastoral Council meeting
Diocesan Pastoral Council meeting
Members of the Diocesan Pastoral Council will meet to discuess important matters of the diocese. This meeting is invitation-only.
Knights of Columbus Farm Toy Show (Shelbina)
Knights of Columbus Farm Toy Show (Shelbina)
Farm, Construction, Hot Wheel, Rail Road, other Ag related toys. Some other types of toys along with parts. For sale by dealers from up to 150 miles of Shelbina, Mo. Show admission is $2.00 age of 6 and under free. Concession stand on site. Tables are $12.00 each if interested. Please contact Pat Greenwell 573-588-4356…
Retiro para Cursillistas (Sedalia)
Retiro para Cursillistas (Sedalia)
Los retiros para cursillistas son eventos que tienen la finalidad de brindar un espacio de oración, reflexión y fraternidad para todos los participantes. Además, este retiro profundiza en el carisma del Movimiento de Cursillos de Cristiandad con el propósito de fortalecer al cursillistas y su servicio en el movimiento y en la Iglesia. Para más…
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- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
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- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
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