Spring Festival (Visitation – Vienna)
Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish (Vienna) 105 N Main St, Vienna, MO, United StatesVisitation Parish in Vienna invites you to join us for our Spring Festival on Sunday May 7th. A fried chicken dinner will be served from 11 AM to 5 PM.…
Spring Supper (St. Anthony, MO)
St. Anthony Church (St. Anthony) 132 Main St, Iberia, MO, United StatesServing Fried Chicken roast beef dinners. Dine In or Carry Out are BOTH available. Raffle, Country Store, Children's Stand and Refreshments Pricing: Adults $15, Children 6-12 $7 and 5 &…
Cathedral of St. Joseph Open House
Cathedral of St. Joseph (Jefferson City) 2305 W Main St, Jefferson City, MO, United StatesEveryone is invited to join us for an open house celebrating the reopening of our Cathedral of St. Joseph. Our community will celebrate the unveiling of new artwork and liturgical…
Truman Day
Truman Day is a state holiday.
Second Tuesday Mass – Shrine of Our Lady of Sorrows (Starkenburg)
Shrine of Our Lady of Sorrows (Starkenburg) 197 State Hwy P, Rhineland, MO, United StatesSecond Tuesday Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows Shrine in Starkenburg, MO. Sacrament of Reconciliation begins at 11:00 AM, rosary at 11:40 AM and Mass begins at Noon. Lunch will…
Asambleas de Jóvenes
Las asambleas de jóvenes son reuniones de oración en las que los jóvenes adoran y se gozan en el amor y Espíritu de Dios. Además, son momentos para reflexionar y…
Fennewald Family Benefit In Memory of Aaron Fennewald (St. Thomas)
St. Thomas the Apostle Parish Center (St. Thomas) 14814 Route B, St. Thomas, MO, United StatesFennewald Family Benefit In Memory Aaron Fennewald - Fennewald Education Fund, to support his daughters future educational needs. Saturday May 13, 2023 - 4 pm to 7 pm St. Thomas…
Parish Breakfast (Belle)
St. Alexander Church (Belle) 400 W 3rd St, Belle, MO, United StatesServing sausage, eggs, biscuits & gravy, pancakes, and orange juice. Pricing: Adults $9, ages 6-12 $5, 5 & under free