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Diocesan Priest Retreat
Conception Abbey (Conception, MO) 37174 State Hwy Vv, Conception
#73 MEN’S Cursillo Weekend (Camdenton)
Cursillo - Do you need a restart? DEEP DOWN, do you feel dissatisfied, like something may be missing in your life??? A Cursillo, which is a 3-day weekend for adult…
St. Anthony Catholic Church Annual Spring Garage Sale (Camdenton)
St. Anthony Annual Spring Garage Sale Friday, April 26 from 7am-4pm Saturday, April 27 from 7am to 2pm Toys, Games, Books Tools and Garden Supplies Housewares and Furniture Arts and…
Centering Prayer (Jefferson City)
This wonderful, ecumenical prayer group meets every Friday for silent, contemplative prayer and a book study, in the lower level of the parish rectory. All are welcome.