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Deanery meetings (clergy, PLCs, and pastoral council chairs or their representatives)
All clergy serving parishes in our diocese, along with parish life collaborators and parish council representatives, meet in our deaneries, concurrently. Please pray for our leadership as they work together…
Retiro Parroquial: Buena Administración (Sedalia)
Saint Patrick Chapel (Parroquia San Patricio) (Sedalia) 415 E 4th St, SedaliaEl objetivo de este retiro es ayudar a toda la comunidad parroquial aprender y reflexionar sobre la ‘Buena Administración’, la cual es nuestra respuesta agradecida como discípulos cristianos a compartir…
Parish Leadership Deanery Meeting
MOParish leadership--clergy, Parish Life Collaborators and pastoral council chairs--meet in their deanery. Please contact your dean or Diocesan Pastoral Council representative for more information.