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Centering Prayer (Jefferson City)

Immaculate Conception Church (Jefferson City) 1206 E McCarty St, Jefferson City

This wonderful, ecumenical prayer group meets every Friday for silent, contemplative prayer and a book study, in the lower level of the parish rectory. All are welcome.  


Block Party (Jefferson City)

Proto-Cathedral of St. Peter (Jefferson City) 216 Broadway St, Jefferson City

St. Peter will hold our parish celebration for parishioners and the community on Friday, August 11 from 5:00 – 9:00 pm on our campus and Broadway. Live music, food trucks,…


Asambleas de Jóvenes


Las asambleas de jóvenes son reuniones de oración en las que los jóvenes adoran y se gozan en el amor y Espíritu de Dios. Además, son momentos para reflexionar y…