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Cursillo Ultreya & Potluck Social (Columbia)

December 7, 2023 @ 6:15 pm - 8:00 pm CST


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Our Lady of Lourdes Church (Columbia)
903 Bernadette Dr
Columbia, MO 65203 United States
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All Cursillistas are invited to our Mid-MO Ultreya, Thursday, December 7 at Our Lady of Lourdes, Columbia, starting at 6:15 with a potluck social. Bring a dish to share. Tableware and drinks will be provided. The Ultreya program hosted by BethAnn Keener’s group will begin at 7pm.
Come enjoy fellowship with your fellow cursillistas and welcome those new to our area from the fall weeeknds.
FYI: It IS Immaculate Conception Vigil and a mass will be held here at Our Lady of Lourdes at 7pm, but we meet in Flanagan Hall so it shouldn’t be a problem unless you were planning on going to the Vigil Mass. If not, hopefully you can go Friday morning!


December 7, 2023
6:15 pm - 8:00 pm CST
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