The Living Flame Program is a seven session offering of in-depth spiritual study and enrichment, presented over a seven month period. It is designed to heighten the awareness of the dynamics of Centering Prayer in the context of the spiritual journey. Each session is presented on ZOOM in a hybrid format. This offering presents the choice of attending in a small group gathered in community or for individuals attending in their homes.
Each session includes two periods of Centering Prayer, two presentation periods and small group sharing along with personal and lunch breaks.
$75.00 includes all 7 sessions
Participants can attend at one of the following locations:
At home using Zoom
Columbia-Broadway Christian Church
2601 W. Broadway. Columbia, MO 65203 West Parking Lot. In Fellowship Hall
Jefferson City-Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
1206 E McCarty St., Jefferson City, MO 65101. In Pleus Hall