“As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another
as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” — 1 Peter 4:10
As Catholics we are all stewards of our gifts from God. We strive to live out this spirituality of stewardship, inspired by the biblical practice of giving back a “tenth” of our blessings. As we consider ways to share our financial gifts, focus first on your tithe to your local parish. Catholics are encouraged to share 8% of their financial blessings as a tithe to their parish. The remaining 2% can be given in support of other charitable efforts in our diocese and around the world. We offer this page to assist parishioners with these gifts.
Give to the Diocese
The Diocese of Jefferson City is comprised of offices and programs that directly support our parishes and enliven our faith community.
Parishioners are asked to give generously to three special collections that are held annually in our diocese.
Supporting the Retirement Fund for Religious and retired priests in our diocese.
Our diocesan missions are an expression of our unity with the Universal church.
Development Staff
Director of Development & Missions
Jake Seifert
573-635-9127, ext. 227
Administrative Assistant
Alphonse J. Schwartze
Memorial Catholic Center
2207 West Main St
Jefferson City, MO 65109-0914
National Collections
Your tithe to your local parish also enables the Diocese of Jefferson City to directly support these national collections. Everyone is also welcome to make an individual donation to any of these important causes.
- Collection for the Church in Latin America
- Collection for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe
- Black and Indian Mission Collection
- The Catholic Relief Services Collection
- Holy Land
- Catholic Home Missions Appeal
- Catholic Communication Campaign
- Peter’s Pence Collection
- The Catholic University of America
- World Mission Sunday
- Collection for the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA
- Catholic Campaign for Human Development
- Retirement Fund for Religious
- Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa