Office of Communications

Director of Communications
Jacob Luecke
573-635-9127, ext. 261

Creative Services Coordinator
Annie Williams
573-635-9127, ext. 231

The Catholic Missourian

Jay Nies
573-635-9127, ext. 235

Associate Editor/Advertising Coordinator
Kelly Martin
573-635-9127, ext. 238

Alphonse J. Schwartze
Memorial Catholic Center

2207 West Main Street
Jefferson City, MO 65109-0914

Official Diocesan Logo Files

If you have been granted permission to download and use diocesan branding elements, please use the relevant file types below. Note you may need to use the "save as" function to save a file to your local device. Often this can be obtained by using the "right click" function. If you have issues downloading or require assistance, please contact the Communications office.

We are not a business, and our people are not consumers, but a strong brand can help us communicate who we are — the Catholic Church organized as the Diocese of Jefferson City — and how we are called as disciples of Jesus Christ.
A unified approach to our brand identity projects a consistent, organized, professional image and message for both internal and external audiences. The success of this message depends on the cooperation of all Chancery employees.
This guide has been developed for use by all offices, departments, programs and authorized organizations of the Diocese of Jefferson City.

The diocesan communication team is available to assist those who are using the guidelines, whether to create work for a campaign or program, or to review work created by others. Please contact us at

Brand Guidelines

If you are a Chancery employee or have been granted permission to collaborate and use branding materials for the Diocese of Jefferson City please use the following Brand Guidelines to direct your communications.

Design Resources

Chancery offices have access to pre-designed and customizable resources through the communications office. See examples below, and contact Kelly Martin for more information or to request materials for your office.

Diocese of Jefferson City, Communications, Brochure Sample

If your office or event requires a promotional flyer, you can request a design from the Communications Office.

Flyer Samples