The keys to Daddy’s Cadillac
We may not be helping people determine how to invest millions of dollars, but we do have a responsibility to safeguard something also very valuable…
MAKING CONNECTIONS — Mass intentions and offerings
“What is an offering for a Mass intention? For some, their first encounter with a Mass offering is at a funeral service. There’s those piles of envelopes, obviously meant for…
Father Jason Doke to serve as moderator of the curia
“Father Jason T. Doke understands a moderator to be someone who brings unity and clear direction to people who work together for a common purpose. In his case, those people…
Bishop McKnight talks about the missions
“Catholic missions are all about the encounter. God continues to reveal Himself through a deliberate, ongoing, mutually enriching exchange of the Gospel, whether among the closest of neighbors or those…
Seeking favors, miracles from God through Fr. Tolton
“The exhaustive work of researching Missouri native Venerable Father Augustus Tolton’s life and ministry is now completed. “The next step toward declaring him a saint is in God’s hands,” said…
Family and Medical Leave Act Compliance
The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) is a United States labor law requiring covered employers to provide employees with job-protected and unpaid leave for qualified medical and family reasons. Eligible employees…
A Glasgow father and son, both adopted, are grateful to God, their birth parents
“Russell Bonen wasn’t sure what he was getting into when he boarded a bus in mid-January for the annual March for Life in Washington D.C. The Glasgow farmer and St.…
July 8, 2019
Bishop’s message The appeal for our diocesan Missions is set for the weekend of July 20-21. We have many resources to help parishes promote this collection, which gives each of…