Por el Obispo W. Shawn McKnight Nuestro mundo ha enfrentado una crisis de salud durante más de un año, sin precedentes en los tiempos modernos. Más de 4.3 millones de…
Read MoreBy Bishop W. Shawn McKnight Our world has faced a health crisis for more than a year now, unprecedented in modern times. More than 4.3 million people have died from…
Read MoreLevantamiento de la dispensa general de la obligación de asistir a la Misa en los días de precepto y anulación de requisitos, restricciones y concesiones especiales de DECRETOS anteriores por…
Read MoreLifting the general dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass on days of precept, and abrogating requirements, restrictions, and special allowances of previous DECREES for the COVID-19 pandemic Whereas the…
Read MoreEnmienda de decretos anteriores sobre actividades pastorales en la Diócesis de Jefferson City Considerando que la dirección del Centro para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades del gobierno de…
Read MoreOn Pastoral Activities in the Diocese of Jefferson City Whereas guidance from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the U.S. Government advises: 1) the more frequently a surface…
Read MoreDecreto Obispo W. Shawn McKnight Considerando que el bien común exige que se observen, siempre que sea posible, las exigencias y recomendaciones del Estado en materia de salud pública; y…
Read MoreDecree by Bishop W. Shawn McKnight Whereas the common good demands that the public health requirements and recommendations of the state are to be observed whenever possible; and Whereas the…
Read MoreBishop W. Shawn McKnight has issued the following statement: Recent statements from some bishops of the Catholic Church and subsequent news stories on these statements have caused public confusion regarding…
Read MoreO Immaculate Heart of Mary, we entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick.At the foot of the Cross, you participated in Jesus’ pain, with steadfast faith.Patroness of the Diocese…
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