
Capital Campaigns and Fundraisers in the Stewardship Way of Life

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The Diocese of Jefferson City, in accordance with the diocesan Pastoral Plan, has implemented an effort to deepen the spirituality of stewardship in our diocese, a result of recent pastoral discernment.

The Stewardship Way of Life recognizes the need for clergy and faithful alike to foster an intentional and co-responsible approach to discipleship under the Lord Jesus, answering the call to freely give of themselves to the mission of the Church and others out of gratitude and love for Christ.  This Christian spirituality of stewardship is manifested concretely in the way Catholics support the ministry of their parishes, in the way parishes support the ministry of diocesan ministries, and in the way the diocese supports the ministry of the universal Church.

This biblically based model of tithing, embraced at every level of the diocese, openly and transparently embodies our intentional response as disciples of our Lord.

In this model, the Sunday offertory collection shall be the primary means of funding the operations of the parish, as the parishioners are expected to fund their own mission (cf. c. 222). In addition, there are special diocesan collections at Christmas, Easter and in July.  These three special collections fund the obligations we share together for the education of our seminarians and priests, our infirm and retired priests and religious, and for the missions. 

Parish special event fundraisers are to be limited in this tithing-based model in order to respect the parishioners’ tithe to the parish as the primary means of supporting the mission of the parish.  Otherwise, the proliferation of unapproved second collections or fundraisers will have the effect of eroding the intentional commitment of the parishioners in their annual stewardship pledge.  Many present parish special events are billed as fundraisers but need not be, as they fulfill a social and community-building need in the parish.  Serious consideration should be given to eliminating the fundraising aspect of these parish social events and emphasizing their community dimension. 

For these reasons, a special event fundraiser may take place no more than once a year in the parish and once a year for the parish school, and the funds generated must not be used to fund the regular operations of either the parish or school.  The proceeds of the fundraiser may be designated by the pastor to build a restricted parish fund or internal parish endowment, such as a deferred maintenance fund to off-set the need for future capital campaigns.  In the case of the parish school, proceeds must be used for endowed funds or a special project (not operational expenses). The proceeds of this fundraising event will be considered extraordinary income (tithe-free) and be intended to assist the parishioners in rounding out their biblically based tithe (8% for the parish offertory; 2% for a charity of their choice).  

It’s important that the faithful do not view the opportunity to give to the annual tithe-free fundraiser as an alternative to offertory contributions.  Doing so would deplete the financial resources available to the parish for much needed operational activities.  As a result, major parish and school fundraisers which generate extraordinary income for a Capital Campaign are subject to the following guidelines:

  1. Pursuant to the Instruction on Transparency in Fundraising policy, permission for a fundraising event must be received in advance by the bishop or pastor, as specified in the policy.  Permission to contribute proceeds from an approved event to a Capital Campaign must be approved by the Bishop.
  2. The pastor is ultimately responsible for the spirit of the fundraiser adhering to the stewardship way of life and the Instruction on Transparency in Fundraising policy.
  3. There will be a maximum amount allowed to be considered extraordinary income designated for a Capital Campaign from each major fundraiser each year. The amount will not exceed 150% of the average major fundraiser earnings for the 3 years which immediately precede the Capital Campaign. This rate will be the maximum allowable yearly contribution for the duration of the campaign, and for the campaign period only. The diocesan CFO or his/her designate will determine this amount.
  4. Funds donated to the Capital Campaign in excess of the maximum will be subject to the 10% diocesan tithe, as described below.
  5. All Capital Campaigns must be approved by the Bishop prior to commencement.  All other appeals remain subject to the 10% tithe.  

Major Capital Campaigns

It is understood that from time-to-time parishes will need to undertake capital campaigns to accomplish major projects that expand the parish complex or significantly address critical issues beyond regular deferred maintenance and upkeep.

It is critical that funds given and pledged to these capital campaigns not diminish or replace the pledged tithe of parishioners but should be presented to the parish as an opportunity to give “over and above” what is sacrificially given in and through a yearly tithing pledge to support the operations of the parish.  For this reason, capital campaigns in the parish should be infrequent and may only begin with the permission of the Bishop, in writing.  

Before permission for the campaign is given by the Bishop, the pastor and representatives from the parish pastoral and finance councils and the capital campaign committee must confer with the diocesan CFO, or his/her delegate, to discuss the procedures and opportunities surrounding a capital campaign with regard to the stewardship way of life.  

The Bishop will provide written approval for the Capital Campaign, and his determination of the specific administrative procedures to be followed will be included therein.  

Deferred Maintenance Campaigns 

Deferred Maintenance campaigns are discouraged, as the upkeep and repairs of facilities should be included in the regular operating budget of the parish.  The diocesan policy governing deferred maintenance projects and campaigns must be followed, and any funds obtained for them are considered ordinary income and subject to the 10% tithe.  

In a well-run parish, emergency maintenance appeals would be rare and only the result of unusual and unforeseeable circumstances.

The construction or substantial expansion of a church, parish hall, school, or other parish facility may qualify as a Major Capital campaign and not a Deferred Maintenance campaign.  In addition, efforts to restore and beautify existing church structures undertaken to enrich the worship and faith of the parish may also qualify as a Major Capital campaign.  In each case, the determination will be made by the Bishop. 

Major Capital Campaigns and the Tithe

Approved campaigns supporting projects of major expansion/beautification-restorationare required to tithe 10% of their campaign receipts to the diocese, in keeping with the spirituality of stewardship and the practice of sharing all our gifts.  (Please see: Note A)  

However, to show its support of the campaign, the diocese will contribute 5% (1/2 of the 10% tithe) to the parish. The pastor may send a written application (signed on parish letterhead) requesting the Bishop reallocate some, or all, of the remaining 5% (1/2 of the 10% tithe) from a major capital campaign to: 

  • One or more of the diocesan Special Collections (Christmas, Easter, Missions).
  • The diocesan fund to assist struggling parishes in the diocese who meet defined benchmarks of the practice of stewardship. 
  • Other funds as established by the diocesan bishop.
  • Or any combination of the above.

Note A:  As many campaigns combine elements of major expansion/beautification-restorationand deferred maintenance, the Bishop will determine the percentages of the tithe that will be considered Major Capital campaign and Deferred Maintenance campaign.