
Notice of Appointments

I am pleased to announce that the Most Reverend W. Shawn McKnight, Bishop of Jefferson City, has recently made the following appointments to provide the most effective pastoral care of the Diocese of Jefferson City:


  • VERY REVEREND BRAD T. BERHORST, JCL, from Associate Pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Pettis County to full time duties at the Chancery and to provide Mass coverage, with residence at the Cathedral of St. Joseph, Jefferson City, continuing as Judicial Vicar and Bishop’s Master of Ceremonies, effective 6 January 2025.
  • REVEREND GREGORY J. CLEVER, newly ordained to Associate Pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Pettis County, effective 21 December 2024.


  • MR. MAX CRAMER, appointed as Youth Representative for the Southeast Deanery on the Youth Council of the Diocese of Jefferson City for a term of two years, effective 3 December 2024.

From the Office of the Chancellor,

Mr. Ben Roodhouse, JD, JCL