December 9, 2024
Congratulations to Fr. Gregory Clever!
Fr. Gregory Clever was ordained to the priesthood on Dec. 7, 2024 at the Cathedral of St. Joseph.
His first priestly assignment is serving as Associate Pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Sedalia.
You can watch a recording of his ordination below.
Notice of Appointments
I am pleased to announce that the Most Reverend W. Shawn McKnight, Bishop of Jefferson City, has recently made the following appointments to provide the most effective pastoral care of the Diocese of Jefferson City:
- VERY REVEREND BRAD T. BERHORST, JCL, from Associate Pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Pettis County to full time duties at the Chancery and to provide Mass coverage, with residence at the Cathedral of St. Joseph, Jefferson City, continuing as Judicial Vicar and Bishop’s Master of Ceremonies, effective 6 January 2025.
- REVEREND GREGORY J. CLEVER, newly ordained to Associate Pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Pettis County, effective 21 December 2024.
- MAX CRAMER, appointed as Youth Representative for the Southeast Deanery on the Youth Council of the Diocese of Jefferson City for a term of two years, effective 3 December 2024.
From the Office of the Chancellor,
Mr. Ben Roodhouse, JD, JCL
Spanish Graphics Available
Christmas Special Collection Materials
The diocesan Christmas Special Collection is an opportunity to show our support for our diocesan seminarians and infirm priests. You can help raise awareness about this collection by sharing information in your parish bulletin, in the parish building and on parish social media channels. We’ve compiled a promotional toolkit at this link with ready-to-share graphics and videos highlighting the importance of this collection.
Within the promotional toolkit, you will find:
- 8.5″x11″ flyer
- Bulletin graphic
- Several social media graphics and videos
- Sample text for each graphic/video that you can copy into a social media post
Thank you for your assistance in promoting this important collection!
Preparing for the Jubilee Year of Hope
The Diocese of Jefferson City is preparing for the 2025 Jubilee. This holy year will invite the faithful to embrace the spirit of hope.
The Jubilee Year will provide opportunities to experience grace, including by participating in special Jubilee Masses or joining a pilgrimage.
The diocese has launched a new webpage with information about how we will be celebrating the Jubilee. Click here to learn more:
Conception Seminary offers Encountering Christ Retreats
Conception Seminary is offering silent Encountering Christ Retreats in 2025. The seminary invites all parishes to use these graphics to help promote this opportunity for spiritual growth.
Pray with us
Bishop McKnight's December Prayer Intention
Bishop McKnight's prayer intention will be published at this link every month for easy access.
For hope to find a home in our hearts as we embrace the joy of Christ’s birth. Amid the jubilation, may we also find time in prayer to experience the calm and peace of God’s presence in our lives.
Para que la esperanza encuentre un hogar en nuestros corazones al abrazar la alegría del nacimiento de Cristo. Que en esta alegría también encontremos tiempo en oración para experimentar la calma y la paz de la presencia de Dios en nuestras vidas.
Upcoming events for bulletins, social media, etc.
Diocesan Events
Ministry on the Move! (Women's Ministry)
Jan. 31 - Feb. 3
(at various locations)
Note: the following lists populate events for the current week. To view all upcoming events, please click "View all events on our diocesan calendar" below.
Parish Events
Eventos en Español
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