
9 September 2024

Catholic Rural Life Mass

Thank you to the organizers, volunteers and the hundreds of Catholic faithful who came together in Vienna for the Rural Life Mass this past Sunday! Watch a highlight video below and find more photos from the event on our diocesan Facebook page.

Parishes as Communities of the Beatitudes

As Bishop McKnight encourages us in his pastoral letter, “Shaping our Future Together: Parishes on Mission Together as Communities of the Beatitudes,” our diocesan pastoral plan, Shaping Our Future Together, can deepen our mission as a synodal local Church along the themes of the spirituality of stewardship, co-responsibility and parishes as centers of charity and sanctuaries of mercy.

All are invited to join a small faith-sharing group to learn more about the Beatitudes (Matthew 5) and to share their love for their parish and their faith. The program is called Parishes as Communities of the Beatitudes. We are “leaning in” to the oft-expressed appreciation by our parishioners for the opportunity to share Scripture and faith in small groups, and we are providing the opportunity to parishes to use this to strengthen their spirituality of stewardship and their parish pastoral planning. 

A toolkit for parishes which includes a guide for pastors, customizable graphics for bulletins and social media, and resources for leaders, is at, along with downloadable files of Parishes as Communities of the Beatitudes in English and Spanish. Printed copies of the small group material are also available from your dean or by contacting the Chancery.

Podcast: Talking about Stewardship — Hospitality

The Diocese of Jefferson City is sharing a new four-part podcast series designed to help us deepen our understanding of the spirituality of stewardship as we approach the October Catholic Stewardship Renewal.

The first episode is now available, focusing on hospitality. In this series, we will hear from clergy and lay people from across our diocese about what it means to be stewards of God’s gifts. Click here to listen now!

2024 Catholic Stewardship Renewal

The theme for the 2024 Catholic Stewardship Renewal is:

“Without cost you have received, without cost you are to give.”  Matthew 10:8b.  

This verse comes from the Commissioning of the Twelve in Matthew 10:5-15.  Jesus sends his disciples out to find and help the lost sheep, proclaiming ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’  They are to “cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, drive out demons.”

And why are they being called to do this?  Because we were created in the image of God and are all called to be his hands and feet to love and serve the Lord using the gifts he has given us.  Jesus sends his disciples to teach the way to salvation.  Without cost we have received God’s love and grace. Therefore, we are also called to give to others without cost.

As we enter this season of Catholic Stewardship Renewal, may we each seek the Lord and discern how we can pray more, actively participate in the life of our parish families and the universal Church, and sacrificially give our first fruits to support the work of the Gospel. Commitment weekend for our diocesan Catholic Stewardship Renewal is October 19-20, 2024.  Please visit the to learn more or contact Patricia Lutz, director of stewardship at

If your parish does not have its pastoral plan available on your website, please consider posting it as soon as possible so your small group members can access it. Please contact Helen Osman if you need assistance in this matter.

El tema de la Renovación de la Buena AdministraciónCatólica 2024 es:

Ustedes han recibido gratuitamente, den también gratuitamente. San Mateo 10, 8b

Este versículo proviene de la comisión de los doce en el Evangelio según San Mateo 10, 5-15.  Jesús envía a sus discípulos a buscar y ayudar a la oveja perdida, proclamando: “El reino de los cielos está cerca.” Deben “curar a los enfermos, resucitar a los muertos, limpiar a los leprosos, expulsar demonios”.

¿Y por qué los llaman a hacer esto?  Porque fuimos creados a imagen de Dios y todos estamos llamados a ser sus manos y pies para amar y servir al Señor usando los dones que nos ha dado.  Jesús envía a sus discípulos a enseñar el camino a la salvación.  Sin costo hemos recibido el amor y la gracia de Dios. Por lo tanto, también estamos llamados a dar a los demás sin costo alguno.

Al entrar en esta temporada de Renovación de la Buena Administración Católica, que cada uno de nosotros busquemos al Señor y discernamos cómo podemos orar más, participar activamente en la vida de nuestras familias parroquiales y de la Iglesia universal, y dar con sacrificio de nuestros primeros frutos para apoyar la misión del Evangelio.  El fin de semana de compromiso para nuestra Renovación de la Buena Administración Católicadiocesana es del 19 al 20 de octubre de 2024. Visite para obtener más información o comuníquese con Patricia Lutz, directora de Buena Administración Católica, al


New Amendment 3 resources

The diocese is sharing resources to help our parishes educate the faithful about Amendment 3, which would legalize abortion in our state. We now have Spanish translations available for the bulletin and social media graphics.

The diocese has also launched a page on our website dedicated to this effort. Click here to see our Amendment 3 page.

Please use these resources in your parishes:

Salt and Light Newsletter

The Salt & Light Newsletter for September 2024 is full of information and opportunities! Make sure to look through the entire newsletter which includes:

  • Important Updates on Franciscan at Home
  • YDisciple Opportunity
  • Youth Rally
  • Protect Young Eyes Returning
  • Confirmation Retreat dates and other opportunities for youth
  • Fall Workshop, DREYM Team chat and other Formation opportunities

Share in bulletins, emails, social media, and websites

Saturday Faith Series

St. Peter Parish in Jefferson City is starting a new speaker series on different topics for those who want to learn more about the Catholic faith. Every month will be a fresh topic given by a local presenter. Join us on Saturday, September 14th, 9:00am-11:00am in Msgr. Hoog Hall for our first event!

Attention All Engaged Couples, MPFs and Pastors:

2024 Pre-Cana Conference date & location:
September 21st
 @ Chancery Offices: 2207 W Main St, Jefferson City, MO 65109

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

Interested in learning more about Catechesis of the Good Shepherd? Come and See on September 28th at Newman Parish in Columbia! Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a Montessori style religious education program. Kids work with beautiful hands-on materials which encourage wonder while they educate. Come to learn & stary for lunch! Childcare is available and the event is baby friendly. Register at

Protect Young Eyes

Protect Young Eyes is returning to the Diocese of Jefferson City this month! Following their presentations in our diocese last year, many have been asking for these national speakers to return with updated information.

Free workshops for parents are being held at:

  • 5-6:30 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 29, St. Joseph School in Salisbury
  • 6-7:30 p.m., Monday, Sept. 30, Cathedral of St. Joseph in Jefferson City

Parents can register for this event at:

A workshop for youth ministers, DREs, counselors, Virtue trainers, priests and others serving youth is being held at:

  • 9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Monday, Sept. 30, Chancery Office, Jefferson City

The registration link for this event is:

Flyers for both events are available now.

You Steer Where You Stare: Award-winning author to speak in Laurie, MO

Jennifer Hubbard has endured the ultimate crucible for any parent: the violent death of her six-year-old daughter. How she has turned that tragedy into hope is the subject of her presentation at a luncheon on Oct. 1 at The National Shrine of Mary, Mother of the Church, in Laurie, Missouri.

The luncheon begins at 11 am and seating is limited. Advance registration is required at

In a recent interview, Hubbard spoke of how those who encounter suffering can “have the freedom and the obligation to move forward in their life and live it with purpose and passion.” Her presentation, “You Steer Where You Stare,” on Oct. 1 in Laurie will testify to how she has embraced that freedom and obligation to find purpose and passion in her own life.

Hubbard is the president and executive director of the Catherine Violet Hubbard Animal Sanctuary, which she founded in memory of her daughter who died in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. Hubbard is an award-winning writer with Magnificat, a national Catholic speaker and retreat leader. She has been a guest on a variety of national television shows, including Today, CBS News, and ABC News.

Participants will have the opportunity to purchase a signed copy of Hubbard’s book, Finding Sanctuary. All proceeds will benefit The National Shrine of Mary, Mother of the Church. Luncheon tickets are $50; a limited number of free tickets are available for those who purchase one. To register for the lunch, visit

Women’s Ministry Fall Retreat

Graphics are ready to start sharing ahead of our Women’s Ministry Fall retreat, November 1-2. Click here to download the graphics for your bulletin and social media. Help us get the word out!

Fall Youth Rally

Social media and bulletin graphics are now available!

The office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry invites the youth and families of the diocese to join us for our 2024 Youth Rally! 
Our theme this year is ‘Witness’ based on Hebrews 12:1-2 
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings to us…while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus…”
We have special speaker Fr. Leo Patalinghug, and musical guests, The Vigil Project! 
Cost for Youth is $10 each, but we will not charge for adults attending. *Youth must be accompanied by an adult (this can be one adult per group). 
For questions email Maddie Gramlich,

Learn more and register at this link:

Eventos en Español

The 2024 Quinceanera Retreats for quinceañeras, damas and chambelanes are now available in the following parishes. Registration required.  

To review our diocesan Quinceanera Preparation Policy, to find your parish contact, and for more information visit:

Por favor publique el siguiente anuncio para los retiros de Quineceañera disponibles junto con uno de los gráficos disponibles. Haga clic en el botón “Descargar gráfico” a continuación.

Los Retiros de Quinceañera 2024 para quinceañeras, damas y chambelanes ya están disponibles en las siguientes parroquias. Es necesario inscribirse.

Guía Diocesana para la Preparación de Quinceañeras, contactos parroquiales y más información en el siguiente enlace:


Curso Introductorio de Planificación Familiar Natural

Las parejas aprenderán sobre cómo concebir o posponer embarazos de una manera natural, sin los dañinos efectos de todos los métodos artificiales anticonceptivos. Es un curso gratuito, ideal para todas las parejas en preparación matrimonial, casadas o que están viviendo juntos.

Para información y registrarse contacte a Enrique Castro al 573-680-3650 o por correo electrónico a

Para registrarse siga este enlace:


Retiro de Crecimiento: California: Annunciation Parish | Parroquia Anunciación (21-22 de septiembre)

El Retiro de Crecimiento brinda a todos que ya vivieron el retiro de vida en el Espíritu una experiencia de fortalecimiento y reencuentro con Jesús para renovar su compromiso bautismal. De esta manera, los participantes pueden contribuir de una manera más efectiva y comprometida en la misión de la Iglesia compartiendo sus dones y talentos en sus comunidades.

Para más información contacte al liderazgo de su parroquia.

Congreso Diocesano: Columbia: Fr. Tolton High School | Preparatoria Padre Tolton (5-6 de octubre)

El Congreso Diocesano es un evento organizado por el Comité Diocesano de la Renovación Carismática Católica. Es un evento de gracia y bendición para toda la comunidad y las familias Hispanas de la diócesis. Por medio de la alabanza, oración, enseñanza y fraternidad que se vive durante todo el evento, se fortalecen y sanan las familias, los servidores y las comunidades.

Para más información contacte Ilsi Palacios al (316) 530-1004 o por correo electrónico a

Formación para Ministros Litúrgicos: Columbia: Sacred Heart Parish | Parroquia Sagrado Corazón (12 de octubre)
Esta es una oportunidad de formación teórica y práctica para todo aquel que desempeña un servicio litúrgico en su parroquia. Por ejemplo: lectores, hospitalidad, ministros de la Comunión, coro, sacristía, etc.
Para más información contacte a la oficina parroquial o al Diácono Enrique Castro al (573) 635-9127 o por correo electrónico a

Regístrese en el siguient enlace:

Formación para Ministerios de Música: Marshall: St. Peter Parish | Parroquia San Pedro (19 de octubre)

Este evento proporcionará conocimiento y herramientas prácticas para todos los miembros de ministerios de música y de alabanza en las parroquias para que puedan desempeñar su servicio, tan único y necesario, de una manera más efectiva y sagrada. Asimismo, será una oportunidad para alimentar su espíritu y renovar su compromiso de servicio a Dios y nuestra Iglesia en un ambiente de fraternidad con otros músicos.

Para más información contacte a la oficina parroquial o al Diácono Enrique Castro al (573) 635-9127 o por correo electrónico a

Retiro de Crecimiento: Sedalia: Sacred Heart School | Escuela Sagrado Corazón (9-10 de noviembre)

El Retiro de Crecimiento brinda a todos que ya vivieron el retiro de vida en el Espíritu una experiencia de fortalecimiento y reencuentro con Jesús para renovar su compromiso bautismal. De esta manera, los participantes pueden contribuir de una manera más efectiva y comprometida en la misión de la Iglesia compartiendo sus dones y talentos en sus comunidades.

Para más información contacte al liderazgo de su parroquia.

Peregrinación a Italia: Roma, Asís y Más (11-22 de noviembre)

Esta peregrinación a Roma, Asís, San Giovanni Rotondo y otros lugares santos en Italia brindará a todos los peregrinos la oportunidad de conocer lugares importantes para nuestra fe católica. Será una oportunidad para experimentar la presencia y gracia de Dios de una manera especial al visitar, caminar, orar y celebrar la Eucaristía en esos lugares santos.
Para más información vea este enlace del itinerario, información e inscripción:
Si necesita más información contacte al Diácono Enrique Castro al 573-680-3650 en su celular o en WhatsApp o por correo electrónico a


Retiro de Crecimiento: Marshall: St. Peter Parish | Parroquia San Pedro (23-24 de noviembre)

El Retiro de Crecimiento brinda a todos que ya vivieron el retiro de vida en el Espíritu una experiencia de fortalecimiento y reencuentro con Jesús para renovar su compromiso bautismal. De esta manera, los participantes pueden contribuir de una manera más efectiva y comprometida en la misión de la Iglesia compartiendo sus dones y talentos en sus comunidades.

Para más información contacte al liderazgo de su parroquia.

Employment opportunities

The Cathedral of St. Joseph is seeking a Children’s Choir Director. The position is classified as part-time non-exempt reporting to the Director of Music of the Cathedral.  Wages are $50/hour. The position averages 10 hours per month between September and May.


  1. Lead 1 rehearsal per week between the months of September and May at a time agreed upon with the director of music, pastor, and school administration.
  2. Lead music for 1 mass per month
  3. Lead music for the special masses such as Christmas Eve., First Communion, Cathedral and Diocesan Confirmation. Other special liturgies may be negotiated.
  4. Communicate with parents in a professional manner.
  5. Follow all Virtus regulations.


  1. Bachelor’s degree or current student in vocal performance or music education with vocal emphasis preferred.  Other music degrees and music minors will also be considered.
  2. Practicing Catholic in good standing preferred.

Employment is subject to a background check and completion of Virtus training.

If interested please contact Dr. Andrew Meagher, Director of Music at

St. Thomas More Newman Center Parish is seeking to fill the position of Office Assistant. To see a full job description, go to:

The Cathedral of St. Joseph is seeking energetic, service oriented, and qualified individuals to join the Parish Office staff in the following roles. Both positions will be expected to work within a framework of shared ministry and Catholic values.  These positions may require, at times, frequent evening, and weekend work, after-hour calls and call-out to the Cathedral of St. Joseph and Cana Hall if necessary to assist or remedy a situation involving an event or facility.

  • Parish Events Coordinator
  • Facilities Coordinator

The Parish Events Coordinator will assist the pastor and staff in every aspect of planning, coordinating, and implementing significant events which take place on parish property (particularly Cana Hall).  This position which requires a strong customer service focus, organization, problem-solving, team building, dependability, and punctuality.  This position will work closely with a wide-variety of volunteer coordinators, Diocesan staff, and others requesting use of Cathedral facilities.

The Facilities Coordinator will assist with the ministry of the parish by overseeing the general operations of all management and operation of all parish buildings and grounds (Cathedral/Cana Hall, St. Joseph Cathedral School, Adoration Chapel, Sacred Heart Center, rectory, etc.), including emergency situations after normal working hours.  The Facilities Coordinator will direct and manage the work of custodial and maintenance staff, as well as work closely with contractors and Diocesan facilities staff.  This position requires a solid understanding of plumbing and electrical systems as well as other crafts.

Interested applicants should send a cover letter and resume to Cathedral pastor, Fr. Stephen W. Jones, (

The Rolla Catholic Newman Center is seeking a Director of Development to build a strong community of diverse stakeholders who provide the spiritual, visionary, and financial support required to bring the ministry to the next level. This community includes students, alumni, parents of students, alumni, parishioners, and benefactors. This individual must also establish a long-term fundraising program supported by regular, special, and planned giving from the stakeholder community and other philanthropic sources. This position will develop with the ministry.

Key responsibilities include:

  • Expand the stakeholder community by identifying, reaching out to, and establishing/ maintaining relationships with current, former, and new stakeholders. 
  • Plan, execute and grow the annual giving program including prospect identification, cultivation, solicitation, and stewardship
  • Identify, cultivate, solicit and close gifts with prospective donors. (May include overnight travel.)
  • Establish and maintain a social media presence to reach ministry stakeholders.
  • Plan, promote, and execute special giving programs and special events.


  • Practicing Catholic with a passion for developing young disciples.
  • Experience reaching out to and establishing relationships with diverse populations and individuals.
  • Bachelor’s degree in nonprofit management, public relations, communications, or a related field, or a combination of education and experience is preferred.
  • Fundraising experience with demonstrated success is preferred
  • Proficiency in database software, Office 365, and website programs or applications 
  • CFRE certification desired

Application materials cane be sent to Dcn. Matt McLaughlin:

Catholic Charities of Central and Northern Missouri has several openings within its agency.

All employees of Catholic Charities must possess a strong commitment to the mission of the agency, including the understanding of Catholic Social Teaching and the ability to demonstrate the philosophy and values of the agency. The identity of the agency is clearly Catholic; and as such, Catholic Charities adheres to the social and moral teachings of the Catholic Church.

All positions require the utilization of common software and digital applications (Microsoft Office suite, Outlook, Teams, timekeeping software, etc.)

We invite you to review our current opportunities. 

Immaculate Heart of Mary Child Development Center is seeking dedicated and passionate individuals to join our team as Early Childhood Center Staff in a LEAD Position. A successful candidate is committed to providing a safe, Christ-like environment for the children, where they are loved, safe, and encouraged to learn. As part of our center, you will play a crucial role in providing a nurturing and educational environment for young children. Your primary responsibilities will include engaging in age-appropriate activities, ensuring the safety and well-being of children, promoting their social and cognitive development, and maintaining a positive atmosphere within the center. Starting pay for a lead position is $18.00 per hour for a qualified employee. Click here to apply online.

Immaculate Heart of Mary Child Development Center is seeking dedicated and passionate individuals to join our team as Early Childhood Center Staff. A successful candidate is committed to providing a safe, Christ-like environment for the children, where they are loved, safe, and encouraged to learn. As part of our center, you will play a crucial role in providing a nurturing and educational environment for young children. Your primary responsibilities will include engaging in age-appropriate activities, ensuring the safety and well-being of children, promoting their social and cognitive development, and maintaining a positive atmosphere within the center. Starting pay is $15.00 per hour. Click here for more information.

SS. Peter & Paul School in Boonville, MO has an opening for a Classroom Teacher (Junior High or 4th Grade). This position is for the 2024-2025 school year. A successful candidate is a practicing Catholic in good standing who can minister to students regardless of subject area or a teacher who, consistent with the Mission of SS. Peter & Paul School, promotes and teaches the Catholic faith as reasonably determined by the principal. Applicants should hold the appropriate Missouri teaching certification, or its equivalent. This position is either for a junior high opening (6-8 Religion & one other subject depending on team strengths) or 4th grade. All interested applicants (for either grade level) are requested to submit their application here and contact principal, Abby Martin (