
North Deanery news

This newsletter is for the parishes and parishioners of the North Deanery of the Diocese of Jefferson City. The goal is to help foster collaboration and cooperation between parishes — and to share resources to help all parishes thrive as they reflect the light of Christ in our deanery.

Please share the items included in these updates with your parish — by including them in your bulletins, sharing on social media or just passing to your fellow parishioners.

Save the Date! – You are invited to join others from your deanery for Parish Leadership Deanery Meetings which are usually held four times a year (see dates below) from 6:30 – 8 pm at Immaculate Conception Parish, Church Hall, 402 N Rollins Street, Macon. To ensure we have adequate hospitality, please RSVP using this link. Currently scheduled Parish Leadership Deanery Meetings are:

  • Sep. 3, 2024
  • Nov. 12, 2024
  • Feb. 25, 2025
  • June 3, 2025
  • Sep 9, 2025
  • Nov. 4, 2025

News to share

There’s much happening in our diocese, including these events related to our pastoral work of Shaping Our Future Together:

Parishes as Communities of the Beatitudes – a small group, four-week faith-sharing program available to everyone at no charge.

As well as these programs and events:

Ministry on the Move! With Sterling Jaquith and Barb Prasad

Join Sterling Jaquith, Author of Catholic Mom Calm and Barb Prasad for Ministry on the Move! Sterling will present on two topics: Solving Problems Like Mary, and Finding Peace in Any Storm. Food will be provided!
Sept. 5-St. Patrick Parish, Laurie, MO at 10:00 am
Sept. 6- St. Martin Parish, Jefferson City, MO at 6:30 pm
Sept. 7- Catholic Newman Center, Kirksville, MO 10:00 am
Sept. 8- St. Joseph Parish, Salisbury, MO 11:30 am

Want to subscribe to this newsletter?

  • Sign up for the diocesan Monday Morning Memo at this link. Everyone subscribed to the Monday Morning Memo will also receive their deanery newsletter.