15 July 2024
This weekend — Mission Special Collection
The weekend of July 20-21, the Diocese of Jefferson City will hold a special collection to support to our brothers and sisters in need, including in the home dioceses of the mission priests serving us.
Please help us promote this collection in your parish using various materials found in the promotional toolkit at this link. Videos, graphics, and sample posts for social media, as well as bulletin graphics, postcards and an 8.5″x11″ flyer, are now available. More materials will be available soon, including Spanish materials.
The diocese provided special envelopes for this collection in the July 5 issue of The Catholic Missourian. However, parishioners aren’t required to use this envelope; they can use any envelope marked for this collection, or they can donate online at
Parishioners will be instructed to make checks out to their parish for this collection. Parishes can then deposit the proceeds locally – please do not send the envelopes directly to the Chancery.
When the collection is complete, parishes should then send one check to the diocese comprising the entire collection from that parish. Funds brought into the parish for this collection are considered extraordinary income and thus not subject to the tithe.
This week: Watch live-streamed segments from the National Eucharistic Congress
We know that many Catholics from the Diocese of Jefferson City will be traveling to the 10th National Eucharistic Congress July 17-21.
However, those who are not able to attend in person will be able to watch or listen to key portions of the event, including the evening revival sessions with popular Catholic speakers and musicians.
The National Eucharistic Congress’ website,, will livestream events from Lucas Oil Stadium, which will hold the event’s major gatherings.
Like the congress’s attendees, Catholics watching or listening to the National Eucharistic Congress are able to receive Pope Francis’ apostolic blessing with a plenary indulgence.
The congress is a highlight of the National Eucharistic Revival, a three-year initiative of the U.S. bishops that began in 2022 to inspire greater understanding of and love for Jesus in the Eucharist. The congress’s full schedule is available at (Source: OSV News)
National Eucharistic Pilgrimage photos
Hundreds of photos were taken during the recent National Eucharistic Pilgrimage in the Diocese of Jefferson City. If you are looking for a photo from the pilgrimage, please contact diocesan Creative Services Coordinator Annie Williams and describe what kind of photo you would like to request. The diocese is happy to make these photos available for you to use:
Statement regarding Fr. Ignazio Medina plea hearing
We have learned that Fr. Ignazio Medina, a retired priest of the Diocese of Jefferson City, has pleaded guilty to federal charges on July 9, 2024, relating to interstate transportation of stolen property. The stolen property belonged to St. Stanislaus Catholic Church, a parish where Fr. Medina served as pastor during the years 2012-2021.
Utilizing accounting protocols established by the diocese, the parish discovered funds were missing, reported concerns to the diocese and the diocese notified law enforcement. A full account of the diocesan investigations and church trial regarding Fr. Medina have been previously shared by the diocese and remain publicly available at
Fr. Medina remains permanently barred from holding any ecclesiastical office and from hearing confessions. He is also forbidden from celebrating or concelebrating Mass without permission from the Most Reverend W. Shawn McKnight, Bishop of Jefferson City.
Out of respect for the judicial process, neither the parish nor the diocese will offer additional comments at this time.
Download the latest directory updates
The Office of Communications is continually compiling updates to our printed diocesan directory. Click here to download a list of updates to our most recent printed edition. Please use these to ensure you have the latest contact information — you might consider printing the attachment and keeping it with your directory. As you learn of additional directory updates that we need to make, please use the forms on this webpage:
Mandatory Mass counts to end July 31
Mandatory Mass counts will end on July 31, 2024. This was the consensus decision of the Presbyteral Council on June 6, 2023. Please make sure you are current on all of your submissions before August 15, 2024.
These statistics have proven to be a valuable tool for pastoral planning throughout the Diocese and we thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to this task. Because of its value, we are encouraging all parishes to continue to take weekly Mass counts for your own use. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Msgr. Robert Kurwicki, VG at or Salena Morgan at
Women’s Ministry Fall Retreat
Graphics are ready to start sharing ahead of our Women’s Ministry Fall retreat, November 1-2. Click here to download the graphics for your bulletin and social media. Help us get the word out!
August 1: New DRE and Youth Minister Day
The annual New DRE and Youth Minister Day will be August 1st, followed by our Annual DRE and Youth Minister Retreat.
All new parish religious education and youth ministry staff, or anyone who wants a refresher, are invited to our New DREYM day. Come meet our office staff and learn what resources are available to you from the diocese. Topics will include safe environment policies, program support, and more! There is no cost for the new DREYM day.
Our Ministry Retreat will begin at 5pm on August 1st and end at 3:30 on August 2nd. Cost is $40 and includes overnight lodging and 3 meals. Learn more and register:
Attention Parishes — Advertising Rate Increase
In recent years, The Catholic Missourian has felt the impact of rising production and printing costs, as well as the continued increase in postage rates. For some time, we’ve striven to absorb these excess expenditures without passing them along to those who support us.
In researching other newspaper advertising rates from similar dioceses in the Midwest, and after careful consideration, we have made the difficult decision to increase our advertising rates in two stages — one increase in July 2024 and the other in January 2025. This is the first time we have updated our newspaper advertising rates in more than a decade. Please be assured that we have made every effort to make this a smooth transition.
The new advertising pricing structure for diocesan entities, including parishes and schools, will be as follows:
July 2024
Black/white (per column inch): $8
Color (per column inch): $10
January 2025
Black/white (per column inch): $10
Color (per column inch): $12
Share in bulletins, emails, social media, and websites
Attention All Engaged Couples, MPFs and Pastors:
2024 Pre-Cana Conference date & location:
September 21st @ Chancery Offices: 2207 W Main St, Jefferson City, MO 65109
Jennifer Hubbard has endured the ultimate crucible for any parent: the violent death of her six-year-old daughter. How she has turned that tragedy into hope is the subject of her presentation, “You Steer Where You Stare,” at a luncheon on July 23 at The National Shrine of Mary, Mother of the Church, in Laurie, Missouri. Seating is limited and advance registration is required at Hubbard is an award-winning writer with Magnificat, a national Catholic speaker and retreat leader. She has been a guest on a variety of national television shows, including Today, CBS News, and ABC News.
Women’s Conference of Healing and Forgiveness
We all have something in our lives that is broken — that needs to be mended, fixed or healed. When we turn to Jesus and align our hearts and minds with Him and trust in His mercy, He comes to us and wraps His arms lovingly around us. He gently reminds us that “together, we can fix this!” Christ can heal broken relationships with God, broken relationships with others and broken parts of ourselves. Come join us to experience Jesus’ Divine Mercy through His Healing and Forgiveness which is freely offered to all. The 3-day Women’s Conference of Healing and Forgiveness, entitled “Women of Hope,” will be held September 5-7, 2024 at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Lenexa, Kansas. Click here to learn more.
Eventos en Español
The 2024 Quinceanera Retreats for quinceañeras, damas and chambelanes are now available in the following parishes. Registration required.
To review our diocesan Quinceanera Preparation Policy, to find your parish contact, and for more information visit:
Por favor publique el siguiente anuncio para los retiros de Quineceañera disponibles junto con uno de los gráficos disponibles. Haga clic en el botón “Descargar gráfico” a continuación.
Los Retiros de Quinceañera 2024 para quinceañeras, damas y chambelanes ya están disponibles en las siguientes parroquias. Es necesario inscribirse.
Guía Diocesana para la Preparación de Quinceañeras, contactos parroquiales y más información en el siguiente enlace:
Curso Introductorio de Planificación Familiar Natural
Las parejas aprenderán sobre cómo concebir o posponer embarazos de una manera natural, sin los dañinos efectos de todos los métodos artificiales anticonceptivos. Es un curso gratuito, ideal para todas las parejas en preparación matrimonial, casadas o que están viviendo juntos.
Para información y registrarse contacte a Enrique Castro al 573-680-3650 o por correo electrónico a
Retiro de Parejas: Marshall: St. Peter Parish | Parroquia San Pedro (13-14 de julio)
Este retiro es una oportunidad para que todas las parejas fortalezcan y renueven su relación de pareja y/o su matrimonio. Es un fin de semana de reflexión, oración y aprendizaje las parejas invitan a Dios a caminar con ellos y a sanar cualquier herida que tengan para que se puedan amar de una manera más entregada con la ayuda de la gracia de Dios. Para más información contacte a Noe y Marixa Morales al (660) 631-1981 o Jaime y Marta Soto al (660) 202-9940.
Retiro de Parejas: Sedalia: Sacred Heart School | Escuela Sagrado Corazón (13-14 de julio)
Este retiro es una oportunidad para que todas las parejas fortalezcan y renueven su relación de pareja y/o su matrimonio. Es un fin de semana de reflexión, oración y aprendizaje las parejas invitan a Dios a caminar con ellos y a sanar cualquier herida que tengan para que se puedan amar de una manera más entregada con la ayuda de la gracia de Dios.
Para más información contacte a Esmeralda y Daniel Rivera al (660) 570-3602 o al (660) 473-5902.
Formación para Líderes Parroquiales: Jefferson City: Chancery | Cancillería (27 de julio)
Invitamos a todos los líderes y servidores a una sólida formación en los diferentes ministerios parroquiales. Se ofrecerán herramientas teóricas y prácticas que ayudarán a fortalecer y desarrollar líderes para servir mejor a sus parroquias.
Para obtener más información, comuníquese con el Diácono Castro al 573 680 3650 o por correo electrónico a
Capacitación de Equipos de Quinceañeras: St. Louis (10 de agosto) Esta es una gran oportunidad para capacitar a los equipos parroquiales en su tarea de proveer una preparación adecuada a quinceañeras (junto con sus damas, chambelanes y papás) en sus comunidades.
Para más información contacte al Diácono Enrique Castro al (573) 680-3650 por su celular o en WhatsApp o por correo electrónico a
Capacitación para facilitadores de VIRTUS: CAMBIO DE FECHA Y LUGAR: Columbia: Newman Center (17 de agosto, 9am-5pm) Esta capacitacion en español es para empleados y voluntarios que deseen aprender y desempenarse como facilitadores del Programa de VIRTUS en su parroquia y en nuestra diócesis. Es necesario tener la aprobación de su párroco/sacerdote e incribirse al curso. Para incripciones y más información contacte al Diácono Enrique Castro al (573) 635-9127 o por correo electrónico a
Retiro de Crecimiento de Jóvenes: Marshall: St. Peter Parish | Parroquia San Pedro (17-18 de agosto)
Este Retiro brinda a los jóvenes de 12 a 17 años de edad que han vivido un retiro de vida en el Espíritu un espacio para reencuentrarse con Jesús y embarcarse en la misión de servirlo compartiendo los dones que Dios les ha dado con los demás.
Para más información contacte al José Almazan a (660) 202-7575.
Encuentro Regional: Kansas City (23-25 de agosto)
Este encuentro está dirigido al liderazgo de las comunidades de las diócesis que componen la región VI (Missouri, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, South Dakota y North Dakota). Es una oportunidad para aprender y profundizar el carisma que caracteriza al movimiento, actualizarse como movimiento y renovarse junto con otros líderes en la renovación.
Para más información contacte Ilsi Palacios al (573) 658-0642 o por correo electrónico a a
Noche de Talentos y Alabanza: Sedalia: Sacred Heart School | Escuela Sagrado Corazón (30 de agosto)
Al Señor le gusta que su pueblo le brinde alabanza, unámonos en familia a bendecir el nombre de Cristo como nuestro Salvador. Será una noche familiar en la que también habrá venta de comida para apoyar los proyectos diocesanos del movimiento de Renovación Carismática. ¡Entrada gratuita! Para más información contacte a Ilsi Palacios al (573) 658-0642 o por correo electrónico a
Employment opportunities
The Rolla Catholic Newman Center is seeking a Director of Development to build a strong community of diverse stakeholders who provide the spiritual, visionary, and financial support required to bring the ministry to the next level. This community includes students, alumni, parents of students, alumni, parishioners, and benefactors. This individual must also establish a long-term fundraising program supported by regular, special, and planned giving from the stakeholder community and other philanthropic sources. This position will develop with the ministry.
Key responsibilities include:
- Expand the stakeholder community by identifying, reaching out to, and establishing/ maintaining relationships with current, former, and new stakeholders.
- Plan, execute and grow the annual giving program including prospect identification, cultivation, solicitation, and stewardship
- Identify, cultivate, solicit and close gifts with prospective donors. (May include overnight travel.)
- Establish and maintain a social media presence to reach ministry stakeholders.
- Plan, promote, and execute special giving programs and special events.
- Practicing Catholic with a passion for developing young disciples.
- Experience reaching out to and establishing relationships with diverse populations and individuals.
- Bachelor’s degree in nonprofit management, public relations, communications, or a related field, or a combination of education and experience is preferred.
- Fundraising experience with demonstrated success is preferred
- Proficiency in database software, Office 365, and website programs or applications
- CFRE certification desired
Application materials cane be sent to Dcn. Matt McLaughlin:
Catholic Charities of Central and Northern Missouri has several openings within its agency.
All employees of Catholic Charities must possess a strong commitment to the mission of the agency, including the understanding of Catholic Social Teaching and the ability to demonstrate the philosophy and values of the agency. The identity of the agency is clearly Catholic; and as such, Catholic Charities adheres to the social and moral teachings of the Catholic Church.
All positions require the utilization of common software and digital applications (Microsoft Office suite, Outlook, Teams, timekeeping software, etc.)
We invite you to review our current opportunities.
- The Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) Case Manager
- Immigration Legal Assistant
- Administrative Assistant (Columbia)
Immaculate Heart of Mary Child Development Center is seeking dedicated and passionate individuals to join our team as Early Childhood Center Staff in a LEAD Position. A successful candidate is committed to providing a safe, Christ-like environment for the children, where they are loved, safe, and encouraged to learn. As part of our center, you will play a crucial role in providing a nurturing and educational environment for young children. Your primary responsibilities will include engaging in age-appropriate activities, ensuring the safety and well-being of children, promoting their social and cognitive development, and maintaining a positive atmosphere within the center. Starting pay for a lead position is $18.00 per hour for a qualified employee. Click here to apply online.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Child Development Center is seeking dedicated and passionate individuals to join our team as Early Childhood Center Staff. A successful candidate is committed to providing a safe, Christ-like environment for the children, where they are loved, safe, and encouraged to learn. As part of our center, you will play a crucial role in providing a nurturing and educational environment for young children. Your primary responsibilities will include engaging in age-appropriate activities, ensuring the safety and well-being of children, promoting their social and cognitive development, and maintaining a positive atmosphere within the center. Starting pay is $15.00 per hour. Click here for more information.
Sacred Heart School in Sedalia, MO has an opening for a JH/HS Religion Teacher. This position is for the 2024-2025 school year. A successful candidate is a practicing Catholic in good standing who can minister to students regardless of subject area or a teacher who, consistent with the Mission of Sacred Heart School, promotes and teaches the Catholic faith as reasonably determined by the principal. Applicants should hold the appropriate Missouri teaching certification, or its equivalent.
All interested persons should complete the application and contact the Principal, Nancy Manning, at
Sacred Heart School is located in Sedalia, MO. We have an opening for an Elementary Teacher.
A successful candidate is a practicing Catholic in good standing who can minister to students regardless of subject area or a teacher who, consistent with the Mission of Sacred Heart School, promotes and teaches the Catholic faith as reasonably determined by the principal. Applicants should hold the appropriate Missouri teaching certification, or its equivalent. All interested persons should complete the application and contact the Principal, Nancy Manning at
Sacred Heart School in Sedalia, MO has an opening for a High School Teacher/English Teacher. This position is for the 2024-2025 school year. A successful candidate is a practicing Catholic in good standing who can minister to students regardless of subject area or a teacher who, consistent with the Mission of Sacred Heart School, promotes and teaches the Catholic faith as reasonably determined by the principal. Applicants should hold the appropriate Missouri teaching certification, or its equivalent.
All interested persons should complete the application and contact the Principal, Nancy Manning, at
Proposed classes could include:
- High School Comp (grades 11 & 12)
- High School English/Grammar (grades 9 & 10)
- High School Creative Writing
- ACT Prep
- Yearbook
St. Brendan School in Mexico, MO has an opening for an Elementary Teacher. A successful candidate is a practicing Catholic in good standing who can minister to students regardless of subject area or a teacher who, consistent with the Mission of St. Brendan School, promotes and teaches the Catholic faith as reasonably determined by the principal. Applicants should hold the appropriate Missouri teaching certification, or its equivalent. All interested persons should complete the application at this link and contact the Principal, Kathryn Coulson, at
St. Andrew School in Tipton has 2 openings for Junior High Teachers for the 2024-2025 school year. Junior High is departmentalized and the available content area is Science, Social Studies, ELA, and Religion with 7th and 8th grade homeroom. All interested persons can contact the Principal, Kara Higgins, at