22 January 2024
Young adults answer call to ‘Be the light’
In the January 19 issue of The Catholic Missourian, Editor Jay Nies describes the impact that the recent SEEK conference had on more than 200 young adults from our diocese:
Grace and blessings cascaded through the corridors and concourses of the America’s Center Convention Complex in St. Louis.
Nearly 24,000 mostly college-age Catholics from all over the country were praying, worshiping, studying and forming unbreakable bonds of communion.
It was SEEK24, a five-day Catholic evangelization conference organized by the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS).
Usually alternated among cities throughout the country, the event was held for the second year in a row in the St. Louis venue where Pope St. John Paul II celebrated Mass and visited the masses nearly a quarter-century ago.
This year’s theme was “Be the Light,” inspired by what Pope John Paul told young people on that occasion: “You are children of the light! You belong to Christ, and he has called you by name.”
“All my friends are here for one thing: to worship the Lord and praise him, and that’s just so amazing,” said Austin Schuster, a senior studying communication and journalism at the University of Missouri in Columbia.
“It’s adding fuel to the fire,” said Mason Waltke, a junior studying computer science at Missouri University of Science & Technology in Rolla.
“There’s so much Catholicity here and so much energy and so many amazing speakers and so much to learn from people who know way more than I do and are way farther along the road to holiness,” he said.
Sara Figura, a senior studying psychology at Truman State University in Kirksville, said she’ll never forget the sound of thousands of people chanting the “Salve Regina” at the end of Mass each day in the Dome at America’s Center.
“There’s something about giving due praise to Mary that she gives to her Son,” said Miss Figura. “I can feel heaven rejoicing at all of us doing that.”
These are a few of the more than 200 Catholic students from colleges in the Jefferson City diocese who attended the conference.
Read the full issue of The Catholic Missourian at this link.
Fr. Lueckenotte granted early retirement
On January 17th, 2024, Bishop McKnight granted Reverend Daniel Lueckenotte’s request for early retirement for medical reasons. As of that date he also accepted Reverend Lueckenotte’s resignation from the office of Pastor of Holy Cross Parish, Cuba, St. Francis Caracciolo Parish, Bourbon, and St. Michael Parish, Steelville. Reverend Anthony Onyeihe will continue to serve those parishes as Parochial Administrator.
Rite of Election — February 18, 2024
The Rite of Election will be held on February 18, 2024 at 3 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Jefferson City. There will be a reception in Cana Hall with punch and cookies immediately following Mass. Below is a link to the participation form. Please fill out this form as soon as possible even if you don’t have anyone participating in 2024. This will ensure there will be enough room for those that are attending to sit with their group, as well as give us an accurate list of all coordinators and their contact information.
For those that are participating, parchment paper, instructions for signing the parchment paper, and an outline for the Rite of Election will be mailed to the address that you provide in this form. Any changes or updates will be emailed to the address provided in this form.
A separate email will be sent at a later date from the Diocesan Communications Office requesting a list of names of those in your parish that will join the church on Easter. These names will be published in the Catholic Missourian around Easter time.
Please direct any administrative questions to, and any non-administrative questions to Very Rev. Daniel J. Merz, SLD at
Participation Form Link:
Stewardship Conference — April 13, 2024
The diocesan Stewardship Conference will take place on April 13 in Cana Hall at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Jefferson City. We hope to have representation from all of our parishes at this important event. Please use this graphic to help spread the word in your parish and encourage participation.
Facebook scam targets diocesan parish, school accounts
There have been multiple reports of a Facebook scam in our diocese. Parishes and schools have been a message similar to the following:
The person sending the message may have a username such as “Facebook user,” “Guest 1688,” a random person’s name with the Meta logo, or something similar.
This is a scam. Please DO NOT click the link in the message or respond to the message. Facebook will never send you messages like this about account changes, nor will they send you messages with links placed in the message. If anything needs to be changed with your account, they will send it to you as an official notification, which does not appear in your messages chat box.
DO NOT ever click links in messages that are not from a verified source. If you ever have any concerns at all about a message or notification that you have received, please don’t hesitate to contact Annie Williams at If you have responded to this message or clicked one of the links, please let us know and we can work together to make sure your account and information stays secure.
Women’s Ministry will be hosting an informational night at Our Lady of the Lake parish in Lake Ozark on January 30th at 6 p.m. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall. We encourage any woman interested in growing and supporting women’s ministry in the area to attend. All surrounding parishes are invited to attend.
Mark your calendars for Diocesan Summer Camps!
Registration will open February 15.
Please use these graphics to help promote the camps in your parish. Both English and Spanish flyers are included. Flyers can be produced with English on one side and Spanish on the other.
Apply Now for College Scholarships
Update: Spanish versions of the scholarship promotional materials are now available! All versions can be downloaded via the link below.
The diocese is now accepting applications for college scholarships. Through a generous donation from the families of William H. (Bill) Simon and John L. Warack, funding is available to high school seniors or current college students with financial needs who commit to practicing their faith. Deadline to apply is March 28. Find eligibility details and applications here:
Totus Tuus registration is open
Totus Tuus Registration is now open for ALL Parishes for Summer 2024. Cost for summer 2024 is $4,000. Registration can be accessed here:
Spring DRE and Youth Minister Workshop
Spring DRE and Youth Minister Workshop is Tuesday, February 20, 2024. All DRE and Youth Ministers gather from throughout the diocese on this date for updates, formation and community. To RSVP click here:
Annual Sacramental Records Reports for 2023
The Annual Sacramental Records report forms for the calendar year 2023 have been emailed to the parishes. As in past years, the forms are in excel spreadsheets with four tabs at the bottom for Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriages, and Deaths.
This information is included in our Annual Report to Rome. Please complete the forms and return them to the Chancery no later than February 1st, 2024; electronic submissions are most helpful. If you have any difficulties please do not hesitate to reach out to Ben Roodhouse at:, or Bernadette Adams at: We will be happy to assist you.
Save the Date: Parish Secretaries’ Workshop
The next Parish Secretaries’ Workshop will be held via Zoom on Wednesday, January 31, 2024, beginning at 10.00am and concluding no later than noon. The Zoom link will be provided closer to the date; in the meantime, mark this training opportunity on your calendar and send topics or questions that we should cover to Bernadette Adams at
World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life
February 2, 2024 (Celebrated in Parishes February 3-4)
In 1997, Pope Saint John Paul II instituted a day of prayer for women and men in consecrated life. This celebration is attached to the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord on February 2nd. This Feast is also known as Candlemas Day; the day on which candles are blessed symbolizing Christ who is the light of the world. So too, those in consecrated life are called to reflect the light of Jesus Christ to all peoples. The celebration of World Day for Consecrated Life is transferred to the following Sunday in order to highlight the gift of consecrated persons for the whole Church. We hope that you find the following resources helpful for your own celebrations of World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life!
Prayers of the Faithful:
- For those consecrated to God by the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience that they may seek to live their baptismal promises more intensely and have the grace to persevere in their commitment to the Lord and serve with open hearts and willing spirits. We pray to the Lord…
- For those who have responded to the prompting of the Holy Spirit to be a consecrated person that they may experience the support of the Church as they continue their growth in holiness. We pray to the Lord…
Short bulletin quote:
World Day for Consecrated Life will be celebrated in the Church on Friday, February 2, 2024, and in parishes over the weekend of February 3-4, 2024. Please pray for all those who have made commitments in the consecrated life, and be sure to thank them on their special day. May they continue to be inspired by Jesus Christ and respond generously to God’s gift of their vocation.
Join the Pre-Cana Team!
For more detailed information on the Pre-Cana program and the Pre-Cana presenting team please click here.
Kindness is in your blood! Join Catholic Charities for a Blood Drive at their Central Office in Jefferson City
Join us to give blood in the LaSalette Community Room at Catholic Charities’s Central Office in Jefferson City. You can call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit and enter: CCCNMO to schedule an appointment. Every donation matters! We have 20 open slots and would love to see them filled with community members who can give to support those in need. Click here to RSVP on Facebook or share the event with your friends & family!
Augustine Institute kiosk offered
The Cathedral of St. Joseph Parish is offering a Augustine Institute kiosk which is no longer in use at the parish. Anyone interested should contact Marie at the parish office: or 573-635-7991.
Seeking filing cabinet with lock
The Society of St Vincent de Paul St Pius X of Moberly Conference is seeking a tall, 4-drawer locking cabinet to store files for volunteer work. They are willing to pay a reasonable fee, but would prefer a donated cabinet. To help, contact Wanda Finnigan: 660-651-7460 or
Catholic Charities Menus of Engagement
Menus of Engagement are creative ways to connect with Catholic Charities by using Catholic social teaching to see, judge, and act upon our call to serve our neighbors. See-judge-act is a moral and pastoral practice by which we encounter the world, seek to relate to it, and respond to the call we understand.
At Catholic Charities, we often talk about others joining our mission through giving – giving of their time as a volunteer or their treasure as a donor. Menus of engagement aim to unpack that call to join us in a myriad of other ways – by learning, experiencing, encountering, reflecting, relating, understanding, praying, serving, and giving of your gifts.
Each month we’ll publish another Menu of Engagement, with new ideas and ways to serve your community, engage with our staff, and encounter those in need. We’ll keep this page as a hub of that information, easy for you to access to include graphics in your parish bulletin, print them off to go home in your student’s weekly folders, or bring them to your office’s next lunch & learn. Learn more.
Share in bulletins, emails, social media, and websites
Online monthly series for moms begins Feb. 5
Mothers of young children can find themselves isolated in today’s society. Creating Catholic Experiences in Motherhood, a ten-week online series, builds community, connecting mothers in similar life situations around the country, tethered by our Catholic faith. Hosted by The National Shrine of Mary, Mother of the Church and lead by a professional coach and Catholic mom, Jenna Mayo, the format of this program encourages mothers to observe, connect, share, and learn from one another – offering an engaging opportunity for inclusion and true community. Register and learn more at
Shareable links to a printable flier (8.5″ x 11″), a bulletin graphic, and four social media graphics.
Join us for great food and fellowship as we prepare for Lent! The parade will begin at 11:00 am! There will be food trucks, music, hot drinks, and king cake following the parade in Newman Gathering Space & Courtyard. This is a free event to the public! Invite your family and friends! For information, or to volunteer, contact Jeff Hilbrenner at or Kathleen Ketchum at Laissez les Bon Temps Rouler!
MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND RETREAT: Best Western Capital Inn, Jefferson City (February 10th-11th, 2024)
Kick off the new year by discovering a deeper level of satisfaction and joy in your marriage! Marriage Encounter provides the opportunity and the atmosphere for you to focus on and renew the blessings in your marriage. Don’t let the busyness of life steal them away! Food, lodging, and programming are included in the $75 fee. Register today for the weekend retreat before the event fills up!
Visit for more information and to register, or contact Harry & Cecilia Hentges at 573-619-7416.
MARRIAGE PREPARATION: Clergy & Marriage Prep Facilitators
Who: Priests, Deacons & Lay Certified Marriage Prep Facilitators (MPFs) who attended a training in 2021.
What: Practicum & Follow-Up Training on Prepare/Enrich (P/E) Couple Assessment Facilitation and Marriage Preparation Diocesan Process/Policy.
Description: Series of workshops that will focus on a review of P/E core concepts, how to interpret and provide feedback, the selection of the right exercises for the engaged couple, and best practices for assessment facilitators. Also, facilitation practice, small group work and Q&A.
When: Two options: February 23, 8:30pm-4:30pm& February 24, 8:30am-4:30pm
Where: Chancery Offices in Jefferson City.
Trainer: Teresita (Tere) Johnson, MA PS, CMF, from Prepare/Enrich and Stella Maris Center.
Cost: Free.
Registration: Click here
We ask pastors/priests to encourage permanent deacons and lay facilitators in your parish to attend this training. Important! New and not trained/certified facilitators are welcomed and encouraged to attend this training, but they should be trained prior to it.
For more information contact Jamie Schulte at 573-635-9127 or
Please share this graphic in your parish’s bulletin! For more information, contact Deacon John Schwartze at or by phone at 573-635-9127 x225.
Join us for two events in one!
Sunday, March 3, 2024 nationally acclaimed speaker, Jason Evert, will be sharing not one, but TWO of his critically acclaimed talks.
Purified: A Life-Changing Event for Families (ages 13+)
The Innocence of the family is under attack like never before. Come and discover how to protect and heal yours. This chastity presentation is for teens, parents and adults.
Gender & The Theology of Your Body (Ages 13+)
What’s the meaning of sex, gender, and the human body? The truth of masculinity and femininity are being questioned like never before. Discover how your body as a man or woman reveals your identity and calling.
Mass will be celebrated from 5-5:45pm and there will be a Dinner Break from 6-6:30pm, the meal is included with your ticket.
Everyone will leave with free resources to continue your understanding and journey with the Chastity Project.
To see more on the event or to purchase your tickets, scan the QR code on the flyer or visit the Facebook Event page!
Employment opportunities
St. Brendan Catholic School is currently seeking a dynamic and experienced individual to join our team in the role of Principal starting July 1, 2024. As the principal, you will play a vital role in providing leadership, vision, and guidance to our school community. You will be responsible for ensuring the academic excellence and spiritual development of our students while fostering a safe, inclusive, and nurturing environment. Learn more and apply.
The Newman Parish is seeking a Director of Youth Ministry to Create and direct an environment which leads the youth from Newman and Sacred Heart Parishes into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ and the Church in coordination with youth ministry staff at Our Lady of Lourdes through tri-parish high school and middle school youth groups. Click here to see the full job description.
Sacred Heart Parish in Eldon, MO is seeking a dedicated and organized individual to fill the position of Parish Secretary. The Parish Secretary plays a crucial role in supporting the administrative functions of the parish. This is a 30 hour per week position. This position is benefit eligible. This includes medical, dental and vision coverage along with a retirement plan and other voluntary benefits. This position also qualifies for paid time off. Any interested individual should click here to learn more and complete the application. Please contact the parish if you have any questions at 573.392.5334.
Catholic Charities of Central and Northern Missouri has several openings within its agency.
All employees of Catholic Charities must possess a strong commitment to the mission of the agency, including the understanding of Catholic Social Teaching and the ability to demonstrate the philosophy and values of the agency. The identity of the agency is clearly Catholic; and as such, Catholic Charities adheres to the social and moral teachings of the Catholic Church.
All positions require the utilization of common software and digital applications (Microsoft Office suite, Outlook, Teams, timekeeping software, etc.)
We invite you to review our current opportunities.
- The Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) Case Manager
- Preferred Communities Case Manager
- Director of Health and Nutrition Services
- Director of Refugee Services
Immaculate Heart of Mary Child Development Center is seeking dedicated and passionate individuals to join our team as Early Childhood Center Staff in a LEAD Position. A successful candidate is committed to providing a safe, Christ-like environment for the children, where they are loved, safe, and encouraged to learn. As part of our center, you will play a crucial role in providing a nurturing and educational environment for young children. Your primary responsibilities will include engaging in age-appropriate activities, ensuring the safety and well-being of children, promoting their social and cognitive development, and maintaining a positive atmosphere within the center. Starting pay for a lead position is $18.00 per hour for a qualified employee. Click here to apply online.
Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church is seeking a full-time Music Director.
- The Music Director is a professional who holds specialized credentials in music and who has a thorough understanding of Roman Catholic liturgy. This person of faith is responsible for the effective planning, coordination, and execution of music within the liturgical celebrations of the parish.
- The ideal candidate will be familiar with both traditional and contemporary music suitable for the Catholic church
- Will help facilitate with the Spanish Mass
- Will develop an adult choir for the parish
- The Music Director will be available for parish weddings and funerals
The employer offers a full range of benefits including life insurance, long-term disability, medical, dental, vision and a matching 403(b) retirement plan.Requirements: College degree in Music or Liturgy, Ability to lead a choir, Professional skill with many instruments, including organ and piano or keyboard, Flexible with schedule to accommodate office needs as well as mass, weddings and funerals, Knowledge of appropriate music for Catholic church. Apply on Indeed.
The Catholic Diocese of Jefferson City has a career opportunity for a Controller who will manage the accounting department for the organization. Duties include managing chancery accounting personnel, Sage accounting and investment portfolio platforms, cash flow, accounts payable, billing, accounts receivable, PP&E, GL level and general accounting platforms. Specific duties include monthly accounting period closings and reconciliations, preparing monthly trial balance, preparing monthly financial analysis and quarterly financial statements. This individual will also manage the annual financial audit process and oversee all chancery bank accounts and supervise maintenance of budgets. Education and Experience:
- Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university majoring in Accounting
- Minimum of ten (10) years of job-related experience preferred, but not required
- 501(c)(3) fund accounting experience preferred, but not required
- Public accounting experience helpful, but not required
- Strong computer skills and ability to easily work in Sage, MS Excel and MS Word
Qualified applicants are encouraged to apply through our job posting on or send resume and cover letter to
Immaculate Heart of Mary Child Development Center is seeking dedicated and passionate individuals to join our team as Early Childhood Center Staff. A successful candidate is committed to providing a safe, Christ-like environment for the children, where they are loved, safe, and encouraged to learn. As part of our center, you will play a crucial role in providing a nurturing and educational environment for young children. Your primary responsibilities will include engaging in age-appropriate activities, ensuring the safety and well-being of children, promoting their social and cognitive development, and maintaining a positive atmosphere within the center. Starting pay is $15.00 per hour. Click here for more information.
Holy Family Parish in Hannibal is seeking a Director of Religious Education and Youth Minister. Key responsibilities include:
- Assist the pastor in the responsibility for the Catholic faith formation for parish youth and adults
- Implements the Bishop’s confirmation preparation policy
- Organizes, schedules and oversees religious education in the parish
- Administers a formation program for catechists that leads to certification and tracks completion
- In cooperation with Diocesan Director of Religious Education and Youth Minister, orders approved textbooks, liturgy materials and other works that complement the religious education efforts of the parish
- Provides resources and programs for adult formation
A Bachelor’s degree in theology or religious education is preferred. The pastor is willing to consider either one (1) full-time candidate or possibly two (2) part-time individuals. Resumes can be sent directly to Fr. Alex Gabriel, Holy Family Parish, 218 S. Maple Avenue, Hannibal, MO 63401 or applicants can apply on
St. Andrew Catholic School in Tipton has an opening for a part-time Jr. High Science teacher for 2024-2025 school year. If anyone is available for the 2nd semester of the current year, I’d be happy to have that discussion as well. All interested persons can contact the Principal, Kara Higgins, at
Our Lady of Lourdes Interparish School Positions:
- Cafeteria Supervisor: OLLIS is looking for three adults (parents, grandparents, friends) who like children and want to make extra money. Qualifications include love of children, practicing Catholic preferred, ability to lift 50 lbs., and standing on feet for extended periods. This is a position that follows the students’ calendar. You are off when students are off. The essential duties include supervising students and assisting them with their needs during lunch, such as opening things, sweeping up the floor, and washing tables between shifts. This would be fun if you could find two other friends to join you. We would love to see a group that can help us with our ROAR expectations and makes our dining experience something students continue to enjoy. Hours are 10:30-1:30. If interested, please email Elaine Hassemer at