Minutes of Diocesan Finance Council | 11.20.23
Members Present:
Most Reverend William Shawn McKnight, Bishop, (President)
Mr. Benjamin H. Roodhouse, Chancellor, (ex officio)
Mr. Gary Wilbers, (Chairperson)
Mr. Mike Kelly, (Vice Chairperson)
Mr. Bob Hackman, (Executive Secretary)
Mr. Rich Anderson
Ms. Barbara Reichart
Mr. Matthias Tolksdorf
Ms. Arlene Vogel
Present by Invitation:
Mr. Phil Macias, Chief Financial Officer
Ms. Michelle Truesdale, recording secretary
Members Absent by Arrangement:
Reverend Monsignor Robert A. Kurwicki, Vicar General, (ex officio)
I. Opening Prayer
Bishop McKnight opened the meeting with prayer.
II. Roll Call
The recording secretary took roll.
III. Approval of Minutes
A. October 13, 2023 meeting
MOTION: Mr. Hackman motioned to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Tolksdorf provided the second. Minutes approved as submitted.
IV. Department Reports
A. Development: Mr. Seifert updated the Council regarding a pledged gift to DEEF, which was received. He also mentioned consideration of hiring a new person to serve as Campaign Coordinator for parishes, which would save parishes money and help guide them in proper capital campaign procedures. He has been giving Planned Giving presentations as various parishes, which have been well-received.
B. Buildings & Properties: Mr. Roodhouse gave updates on projects at various locations in the Diocese. Discussion regarding the Cathedral mechanical problems followed.
C. Finance & Accounting: Mr. Macias presented 1st Quarter financial reports. Discussion followed on the level of quality of documents that should be presented to the Council, and Mr. Macias stated that what is lacking in the system-generated documents will be improved. MCOM was also discussed.
V. Committee Reports
A. Audit: Mr. Macias stated that Finance will continue to prepare for the audit next week.
B. Fraud Hotline: Mr. Roodhouse stated that the hotline is very close to launch and explained how the calls will be handled.
VI. Other Business
A. Nominations to Fund Committee/Finance Council: Discussion on expanding committees, asking for recommendations from Deans for more geographical representation and qualifications to serve.
ACTION: Mr. Kelly will take lead (with other Council members helping) to contact Deans of the 2 Deaneries not yet represented on Diocesan Finance Council.
B. Update on Helias Catholic High School: Approval has been received from the Dicastery for the Clergy in Rome to provide a loan to Helias for proposed additions to the campus.
C. Pending Policies: Mr. Roodhouse discussed policies that have been promulgated and will be effective January 1, 2024: Parish Finance Council Policy and Instruction on Transparency in Fundraising. Mr. Macias stated that the Financial Management & Control Policies for Parishes & Schools is under review. Plan is now to promulgate after the first of the year and make effective July 1, 2024.
D. Orientation/Training: Mr. Macias asked members if they would be interested in an orientation program about the Diocesan structure and various funds.
ACTION: Mr. Macias will put together a program to be attached to future meetings.
VII. Date and Time of the Next Meeting
Thursday, February 1, 2024 at 11:00am at the Catholic Center
XIV. Closing Prayer and Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Mr. Bob Hackman
Executive Secretary