Minutes of Diocesan Finance Council | 10.13.23
Members Present:
Most Reverend William Shawn McKnight, Bishop, (President)
Reverend Monsignor Robert A. Kurwicki, Vicar General, (ex officio)
Mr. Benjamin H. Roodhouse, Chancellor, (ex officio)
Mr. Gary Wilbers, (Chairperson)
Mr. Bob Hackman, (Executive Secretary)
Mr. Rich Anderson
Ms. Barbara Reichart
Mr. Matthias Tolksdorf
Ms. Arlene Vogel
Present by Invitation:
Mr. Phil Macias, Chief Financial Officer
Ms. Michelle Truesdale, recording secretary
Members Absent by Arrangement:
Mr. Mike Kelly, (Vice Chairperson)
I. Opening
The President convoked the meeting. The October 13, 2023 meeting agenda and the minutes of the August 17, 2023 meeting were distributed.
II. Roll Call
The recording secretary took roll.
III. Approval of Minutes
A. August 17, 2023 meeting
MOTION: Mr. Anderson motioned to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Hackman provided the second. Minutes approved as submitted.
IV. Discussion – Helias Catholic High School Capital Campaign
A. The Council discussed a capital campaign proposal by Helias Catholic High School. Financing for the project would include a loan from the diocese not to exceed $25MM and to be retired by contributions to the campaign, by the Helias Catholic High School Foundation and pledged donations from Diamond Pet Foods.
B. Mr. Roodhouse cited Canon Law and guidelines from the USCCB on the procedure for obtaining permission for the expenditure from the Holy See, and noted the importance of the strictly adhering to the proscribed process.
V. Vote: Consent for Participation in the Helias Catholic High School Capital Campaign
A. At the conclusion of the discussion, secret ballots were distributed by Mr. Roodhouse, a vote was conducted and the results were collected by Mr. Macias. Votes were counted by Mr. Macias and Ms. Truesdale.
Results: 7 votes for YES, 0 votes for NO, I member was called away while the meeting was in session and & was unable to participate in the vote.
VI. Discussion: Sale of the old St. Patrick (Rolla) Rectory
A. Mr. Wilbers explained that a new rectory has been built for the St. Patrick Parish in Rolla, and the parish seeks permission to sell the old rectory. Appraisals have been completed and the offer seemed acceptable.
B. The Council discussed the matter and a vote was conducted.
Results: By voice vote, the Council members present unanimously approved of the sale.
VII. Date and Time of the Next Meeting
Thursday, November 2, 2023 at 11:00am at the Catholic Center
XIV. Closing Prayer and Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Mr. Bob Hackman
Executive Secretary