Intercultural Ministries
With a focus on our growing Hispanic communities, Intercultural Ministries promote a pastoral environment that strengthens the faith, participation and leadership of Hispanic Catholics in our parishes. In addition to responding to the diverse needs of ‘our people,’ it offers information, support, formation, and resources that help form vibrant communities, active in the life of the Church as missionary disciples. Learn more.
Provided support in the evangelization and formation efforts in the diocese:
- Two Cursillo weekends for men and women and two retreats for cursillistas — 115 participants.
- Two workshops for cursillo leaders and Diocesan Secretariat – 55 participants
- Five Life in the Spirit Seminars – 250 participants.
- Three Retiros de Servidores (retreats for parish leaders) – 165 participants.
- Leadership training for leadership teams and the diocesan Charismatic Renewal Commission – 120 participants.
- Four Retiros de Crecimiento (retreats for future parish volunteers) –165 participants.
- Two days of reflection in two rural parishes – 98 participants.
- Supported the formation of the diocesan leadership of the Cursillo and Charismatic movements – they attended their movement’s regional and national conferences.
- A retreat for families and a diocesan conference for families were offered – 450 people participated.
- A music concert for families was offered – 250 attended.
- Provided formation opportunities for music ministers, choirs, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, and lectors in our diocese – 250 participants.
- A couples retreat was offered – 75 couples attended.
- A diocesan encounter of parish leaders – 80 participants.
- A couple of trainings for parish Quinceañera Teams were offered – 6 parish teams were trained.
- Supported the organization of a day of reflection and veneration of St. Oscar Romero’s relics – 400 people participated and visited throughout the day.
Supported the efforts of evangelization of the diocesan Evangelizando Juntos Ministry:
- Provided the means and resources to nine Hispanic deacons for their weekly assistance—liturgical, catechetical, pastoral—in 8 parishes around the diocese where there is limited support and resources.
- Provided support to a priest who is offering the Sacraments in three parishes.
- Supported the involvement and collaboration of the laity in this ministry.
- Purchased resources for the diocesan library and pastoral leaders to enhance the ministry of parish leaders.
- Provided support to twenty-five couples who are assisting with marriage preparation facilitators in different parishes.
- Supported the work of three training couples of Natural Family Planning. Eight diocesan trainings and introductory session for couples were offered around the diocese.
- Provided resources for small faith communities during Lent and Advent.
- Improved our website, social media and livestream platforms to inform and nurture the faith of the Hispanic people in our parishes:
- Live streamed interviews with organizations and professionals about resources, services and help for the Hispanic community.
- Developed and shared resources for parishes regarding the use of social media with the parishes that serve the Hispanic community around the diocese.
- Translated and made available most diocesan resources through the diocesan website and social media platforms.
- Offered a couple virtual retreats in Spanish.
- Held in-person and virtual meetings with diocesan Hispanic structures that are at the forefront and support the ministry to Hispanics in the diocese: Hispanic Ministry Board, Catholic Charismatic Renewal Commission, Hispanic Pastoral Commission, Natural Family Planning Team, and Cursillos Secretariat.
- Continued collaborating with Catholic Charities of Central and Northern Missouri and a Catholic organization of professional and catholic counselors—Clínica para la Familia—to offer online counseling services in Spanish in our parishes for individuals, couples and families. Eight parishes are now offering these services. Some equipment and financial support have been provided.
- The Hispanic Ministry office continued its collaboration with the different diocesan offices in reaching out to the Hispanic community and youth/young population in our parishes.
- Supported the ministry of the four Hispanic deacons who are assisting the lay diocesan leadership of the Cursillo and Charismatic Renewal movements as spiritual advisors.
- Supported the ongoing spiritual formation of the nine Hispanic deacons. A retreat in Spanish for deacons of Region IX was organized and held in Griswold, IA. This was done in collaboration with other dioceses.
- Distributed resources to help priests, deacons, and other pastoral ministers improve their ministry with Hispanics.
- The Hispanic Ministry office staff was supported with continuing education and spiritual nourishment opportunities; the director participated at a regional meeting and a national conference for diocesan directors.
- The office of Hispanic Ministry continues its membership, relationship and collaboration with the Hispanic Ministry leadership and structures in the regional and national levels. The HM director continues to be the Vice-president of Region IX’s Hispanic Ministry.