
Decree updating Diocesan School Policy Manual

Click here to access the Catholic School Policy And Regulation Manual, effective July 2023

To the Presidents and Principals of our Catholic Schools:

As part of my ongoing efforts to provide the best possible Catholic education for our students, and in response to our ever-changing world, several of the policies found in the Policy and Regulation Manual for Schools need to be updated. These updates are the work of the Superintendent, the Diocesan School Advisory Council, and the administrators of our schools. I believe these updates will further the mission of Catholic education in the Diocese of Jefferson City and provide for better governance of our schools.

I therefore


that the updated School Policy Manual shall be promulgated by being published on the Diocesan website, and that it will take effect 1 July 2023, all things to the contrary notwithstanding.

I would like to reinforce the fact that these policies and regulations are particular law for our Diocese and are therefore obligatory for all who work with and attend Catholic schools. Additionally, the Policy Manual serves to assist the practice of co-responsibility between pastors, school advisory councils, administrators, teachers and parents in the development of local school policies and regulations. Each policy and regulation developed at the local school level must be consistent with these policies.

Given at the Chancery in Jefferson City on the 28th day of March in the Year of Our Lord 2023.