
Diocesan plans for mourning the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

The following is a letter from the Most Reverend W. Shawn McKnight, Bishop of Jefferson City:

Our Diocese has begun to plan for how we will mark the death of a pope in accordance with the traditions and customs of our Church.

The funeral and burial of Pope Benedict will take place in Rome within the coming days. After the funeral, the Novemdiales — nine official days of mourning — are observed in Rome and throughout the Church. 

Today, I am providing an outline for how the Diocese of Jefferson City we will mourn the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. I may provide additional updates to this outline in the future.

  • Each of our churches will display a of picture of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI with black bunting through the end of the Novemdiales.
  • As soon as reasonable, all of our Catholic schools will offer a Rosary with the students for the deceased pope. Each school will be responsible for determining how to accomplish this.
  • In each of our Deaneries, the Dean will organize and preside over a public memorial Mass to be held during the Novemdiales.
  • Please use any of these petitions during the memorial Masses or any other Masses held now through the end of the Novemdiales, especially during the Sunday Masses:
    • That Pope (Emeritus) Benedict XVI, called to the heavenly kingdom by the Lord, may rejoice forever at the banquet table of heaven, we pray to the Lord. 
    • That Pope (Emeritus) Benedict XVI, who served the Church as Supreme Pontiff for eight years, may worship God for ever in the liturgy of heaven, we pray to the Lord. 
    • That the tireless efforts of Pope (Emeritus) Benedict XVI, now called to the Lord, may bear fruit in unity, peace and love among all men and women, we pray to the Lord. 
    • For Pope (Emeritus) Benedict XVI, who preached that God is love and that we are saved in hope, that he may know God’s love forever in heaven, we pray to the Lord. 

May Pope Benedict XVI and all the faithfully departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. I am

Sincerely yours in Christ, 

Most Reverend W. Shawn McKnight, S.T.D. 

Bishop of Jefferson City