Official appointments
The Most Reverend W. Shawn McKnight, Bishop of Jefferson City, hereby makes the following appointments to provide the most effective pastoral care of the Diocese of Jefferson City:
REVEREND THOMAS L. ALBER from associate pastor of St. Brendan Parish, Mexico and ministry to the Hispanic community of St. Joseph Parish, Louisiana; to associate pastor of St. Peter Parish in Jefferson City and to provide ministry to the Hispanic community of Our Lady of the Lake Parish, Lake Ozark, effective 10 Sept. 2022, with continuing ministry to the Hispanic community of Sacred Heart Parish in Columbia.
REVEREND DEREK J. HOOPER, granted temporary leave of absence from associate pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Columbia and assistant master of ceremonies for the bishop, effective 2 Aug. 2022.
REVEREND SIMON JUDE KANYIKE, to associate pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Columbia, effective 13 Sept. 2022.
REVEREND JASON T. DOKE, to chairman of the Diocesan Building Commission, effective 19 July 2022, and continuing as pastor of St. Martin Parish, St. Martin and moderator of the curia.
DEACON ROBERT A. LEAKE, granted permission to reside outside of the Diocese of Jefferson City, effective 18 Aug. 2022.
DEACON TYLER S. MCCLAY, granted permission to reside outside of the Diocese of Jefferson City, effective 30 June 2022.
DEACON RICHARD P. TELTHORST, granted permission to serve as assistant chaplain for the Jefferson City Fire Department, effective 17 Aug. 2022, and continuing as director of Catholic cemeteries and Nursing Home Ministry, Jefferson City.
Most Reverend W. Shawn McKnight, STD
Bishop of Jefferson City
Mr. Ben Roodhouse, JD, JCL