20 June 2022
Links to more information are available by clicking on words highlighted in blue or the download graphic
Bishop’s messages
Official appointment
Msgr. Marion Makarewicz as dean of the North Deanery, effective June 7, 2022.
The Catholic parish in a time of violence
“While the Catholic Church has every right and obligation to speak to the political issues of our time and to be clear about what our faith teaches, it would fail in its mission if its clergy reduced its sphere of concern to the political. Preaching from the pulpit in a manner that condemns those who are wrong and does little to provide hope for the fallen only exacerbates this diminishment. We are a Church of relationships, through which the grace of God extends to the poor and brokenhearted, especially in our celebration of the sacraments.” My full statement is here.
Parish secretaries workshop login information
The offices of the Moderator of the Curia and Chancellor are planning a variety of presentations on topics relating to the role of parish secretary on June 22, 10 am to 2 pm. Those unable to join in person can join by Zoom at this link. The day’s sessions will be available on the diocesan website for future viewing.
New mileage rate from IRS
Effective July 1, 2022, the IRS increased the mileage reimbursement rate to $0.625 per mile. The diocesan rate coincides with the IRS rate, so any mileage incurred on or after July 1, 2022 will be at the new rate. The mileage rate for volunteers is unchanged, remaining at $0.14 per mile.
New coordinator of Information Technology at Chancery
Please welcome Richard Riley, who is the new coordinator of Information Technology at the Chancery. Richard will be coordinating IT needs at the Chancery, and supporting the Blackbaud software applications, along with Denise Barnes and the communications team. Richard has previously filled a similar position for the Archdiocese of Denver for 20 years.
Celebration of feast of Immaculate Heart of Mary on Sunday, June 26
To encourage a greater participation in the celebration of the patronal feast day of our diocese, Bishop McKnight has mandated the transfer of the Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of Mary from Saturday June 25, 2022 to Sunday June 26, 2022, replacing the 13th Sunday of Ordinary Time. As in previous years, to help with your parish’s celebration of this feast, suggested Scripture readings for the day in English and Spanish, and the responsorial psalm with a musical setting can be downloaded from the link below. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Father Dan Merz.
One theme constant in our pastoral planning is the desire to engage our young people more in the faith. We’re excited to offer a cadre of opportunities for middle school and high school students, with an emphasis on friendship and joyful fun. Camp Lolek (a childhood nickname of Saint John Paul II) is new this year. Please use the graphics available through the download link below (find the folder labeled “Youth Camps 2022”) to promote Camp Lolek, Camp Maccabee, Camp Siena and CHRISTpower. Dates, registration forms and other information are on our website.
Share in bulletins, emails, social media, and websites
Celebrate World Refugee Day in Columbia on June 25
Celebrate World Refugee Day at Cosmo Park in Columbia on June 25, beginning at 5:30 pm All are welcome to this FREE celebration of community and culture that will include food, family-friendly games, performances, resource booths, and more! This World Refugee Day celebration is hosted by Catholic Charities Refugee Services and City of Refuge. Learn more and RSVP online at:
Interested in volunteering? We have shifts available for volunteers to serve food and facilitate games and activities. Click here to see open slots and sign up to serve your community.
Virtual gathering: Commemoration of the 125th Anniversary of Death of Venerable Augustus Tolton July 8
Join the Tolton Guild and Bishop Joseph Perry, postulator for the cause for canonization for Father Augustus Tolton, on July 8, 6:30 pm for a special event on the anniversary of Father Tolton’s death. Please see the attached flyer for more details, and please consider including the flyer in parish communications.
Pilgrimage July 16 in Laurie
The National Shrine of Mary, Mother of the Church invites all for a pilgrimage on July 16 with the nationally acclaimed speaker, television contributor, radio host and life activist Deby Sansone Schlapprizzi. Deby will be speaking on “Our Lady, Queen of Splendor” and “Live Your Splendor, Acknowledge the Truth, Radiate Your Faith.” The pilgrimage day starts at 8:30 a.m. and includes the two speaker sessions, the sacrament of Reconciliation, eucharistic adoration, benediction, Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet culminating in Mass at 4:30 p.m. Lunch is provided. The Shrine is located at the Lake of the Ozarks, 176 Marian Drive, Laurie, MO 65037. Call 573-374-6279 for more information.
NEW TIME for couples retreat on Sept. 3
Love and Life is a one day retreat where couples explore the truth and beauty of marriage and God’s plan for it. It will be held Sept. 3, 8:30 am to 5 pm, at the Chancery in Jefferson City, 2207 W. Main St. Based on Marriage: Love and Life in the Divine Plan by the US bishops, this retreat will help couples renew their bonds through presentations and periods of prayer. It has helped hundreds of couples reconnect and appreciate each other, their relationship, and their marriage. This retreat is open to all couples (married, engaged & unmarried). Registration for this event is required. Registration details coming soon!!
Spanish-speaking events
Bienvenida de Cursillistas: St. Patrick | San Patricio, Sedalia (26 de junio, 1pm) Este es un evento en el que oficialmente se les da la bienvenida a los nuevos cursillistas (hombres y mujeres) que acaban de vivir su Cursillo. Todos los cursillistas se reúnen para acoger a sus nuevos hermanos y hermanas cursillistas en un ambiente de celebración y alegría. Contacto: Oswaldo Diaz (660) 829-5213. Enlace del evento:
Retiro de Parejas: St. Peter | San Pedro, Marshall (23 y 24 de julio) Este retiro de parejas es para cualquier pareja que desee fortalecer y renovar su relación con su pareja y/o su matrimonio. Será un fin de semana de reflexión, oración, aprendizaje y convivencia que además ayudará a las parejas participantes a invitar a Dios a caminar con ellos y a sanar las heridas que en ocasiones se llevan en el corazón y que interfieren en el amor y entrega mutuos. Para más información contacte a Diácono Enrique Castro al (573) 635-9127. PARA REGISTRARSE EN LÍNEA: Para registrarse por teléfono: Marcelino (660) 631-3748 o Maria (660) 202-9421
Employment opportunities
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Columbia is accepting applications for the position of Director of Youth Ministry. The position includes, but is not limited to, coordinating the High School Life Teen and Middle School Edge programs and the sacrament of Confirmation program, interacting with the students at the interparish K-8 school and Fr. Tolton Catholic High School, and providing additional worship, social, and service opportunities for the youth of the Catholic community. Works closely with the youth director for the Catholic Newman Center and Sacred Heart Parish. Music leadership ability would be great but not required. Full-time, benefits included, salary will vary according to education and experience. Contact Father Chris Cordes at or 573-445-7915 if interested.