
28 March 2022

Links to more information are available by clicking on words highlighted in blue or the download graphic

Bishop’s messages

One theme constant in our pastoral planning is the desire to engage our young people more in the faith. We’re excited to offer a cadre of opportunities for middle school and high school students, with an emphasis on friendship and joyful fun. Camp Lolek (a childhood nickname of Saint John Paul II) is new this year. Please use the graphics available through the download link below (find the folder labeled “Youth Camps 2022”) to promote Camp Lolek, Camp Maccabee, Camp Siena and CHRISTpower. Dates, registration forms and other information are on our website.

Here’s a little more information on the great programs available to our young people, presented by Maureen Quinn, our diocesan director of youth ministry:


Please encourage parishioners to support financially the people of Ukraine and all affected by the war. They can donate online or provide a check to your parish, with a note that it is for the people of Ukraine. Please forward those funds to the diocese, and we will include it in our donation to the USCCB’s program for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe. This appeal focuses on rebuilding the pastoral capacity of the Church and restoring the faith in 28 countries in the region.

For those parishes engaged in stewardship, please explain to people that this donation is not considered part of their regular tithe, but above and beyond (the 2%).

The following text can be included in your bulletins and read from the pulpit.

As we pray for peace in Ukraine, we also have two opportunities to support the tremendous humanitarian relief effort underway. Please consider contributing either online at or by writing a check to our parish with a note “for Ukraine,” then giving it in the regular Sunday collection, mailing to our offices or dropping it off during normal business hours. Our parish will send these special donations to the diocese, for the money to be added to a donation being made by our diocese to the US Conference of Catholic Bishops’ program for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe. This appeal focuses on rebuilding the pastoral capacity of the Church and restoring the faith in 28 countries in the region. Now, that focus is centered on Ukraine.

Your participation in this relief effort strengthens our ability to be a strong center of charity and sanctuary for mercy. Thank you for your witness.

[FOR STEWARDSHIP PARISHES] Thank you for your generosity above and beyond your parish tithe in this effort. Your additional contributions (part of your 2% beyond the parish) will make a significant contribution to humanitarian aid.

Mientras oramos por la paz en Ucrania, también tenemos dos oportunidades para apoyar el tremendo esfuerzo actual de ayuda humanitaria. Considere contribuir en línea a o escribir un cheque a nuestra parroquia con una nota “para Ucrania”, y luego entregarlo en la colecta dominical regular, enviarlo por correo a nuestras oficinas o entregarlo durante el horario normal de la oficina. Nuestra parroquia enviará estas donaciones especiales a la diócesis, para que el dinero se agregue a una donación hecha por nuestra diócesis al programa para la Iglesia en Europa Central y Oriental de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos. Esta colecta se enfoca en reconstruir la capacidad pastoral de la Iglesia y restaurar la fe en 28 países de la región. Ahora, ese enfoque se centra en Ucrania.

Su participación en este esfuerzo de socorro fortalece nuestra capacidad de ser un fuerte centro de caridad y santuario de misericordia. Gracias por su testimonio.

[FOR STEWARDSHIP PARISHES] Gracias por su generosidad más allá del diezmo de su parroquia en este esfuerzo. Sus contribuciones adicionales (parte de su 2% más allá de la parroquia) harán una contribución significativa a la ayuda humanitaria.

Social media graphics are available through the link below.

Please consider printing the Prayer for Peace, available in English and Spanish through the download link below and formatted to be printed 5.5″ x 8.5″ (two to an 8.5″ x 11″ page). It can be prayed at the end of the Prayer of the Faithful and people can use it in their homes and other settings.

Virtus Facilitators Needed

We are in need of facilitators of the Virtus: Protecting God’s Children program in our diocese.  A facilitator is a volunteer who travels to parishes to present a two-hour required training for those who are employed or volunteer in our parishes.  A facilitator training will be held May 25.  Please contact Connie Schepers by email or at 573-635-9127, ext. 224.

Videos available

Videos of the presentations made at the Parish Secretaries’ Meeting on March 16 are now available! Check out our Policies, Procedures and Best Practices webpage for presentations on binations, third party insurance, safe environment audits, recording deaths, and more!

Bishop McKnight’s prayer intentions for our local church can be found on our website.

Resources for Lent, the Sacred Triduum and the Easter Season

There are 27 social media posts available for use in our graphics folder. Please use these as you deem appropriate.

Information regarding the Lenten regulations and admonitions, the timing of the Easter Vigil and other resources, can be found on our website. Please note this is a “distributed post,” so parishes using the Blackbaud website system will find this very easy to include on their website as well.

In addition, the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions has provided its annual resource. It can be downloaded here.

Share in bulletins, emails, social media, and websites

Events being held in Spanish

  • Planificación Familiar Natural: St. Peter, Marshall (4/2, 9 am-noon) Este es un curso gratuito de introducción a este método de planificación familiar natural. La Fundación Familia de las Américas promueve un método actualizado del Método de Ovulación Billings el cual es un método moderno y científico de planificación familiar natural que es 99% efectivo para concebir o posponer embarazos. Además de ser natural y saludable, este método ayudará a la pareja a fortalecer su comunicación y relación mutua y con Dios. Para información sobre instructores y clases contacte a Enrique o Cristhia Castro al 573-680-3650 / 501-454-8308 o por correo electrónico a /

Catholic Charities of Central and Northern Missouri offers a free online counseling service. This graphic and others are available to promote this service; click on the link below.

Annual Midwest March For Life

Please consider using the graphic below or the following text to promote this event:

Annual Midwest March For Life – April 20 – All are invited!  Open-air activities held on the Missouri Capitol South Lawn from 7:45 am-3:30 pm.  35+ exhibitors displaying life-affirming ministries.  Main rally begins at 11 am with Bishop Shawn McKnight as opening speaker and Abby Johnson, well known pro-life activist and founder of “And Then There Were None,” as the keynote presenter.  The day also includes the rosary, prayer walk, pre-rally, march at 10 am, youth apologetics/rally and Silent No More Awareness Testimonies.

Scholarships available – Deadline approaching!!

Parishioners in our diocese are encouraged to apply for $1,000 college scholarships from the William H. (Bill) Simon Scholarship and John L. Warack Scholarship funds. Deadline for applying is March 31, 2022. For more information and to apply, visit Two graphics for use in bulletins or social media are available through the link below.

Employment opportunities

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Columbia is accepting applications for the position of Director of Youth Ministry. The position includes, but is not limited to, coordinating the High School Life Teen and Middle School Edge programs and the sacrament of Confirmation program, interacting with the students at the interparish K-8 school and Fr. Tolton Catholic High School, and providing additional worship, social, and service opportunities for the youth of the Catholic community. Works closely with the youth director for the Catholic Newman Center and Sacred Heart Parish. Music leadership ability would be great but not required. Full-time, benefits included, salary will vary according to education and experience. Contact Father Chris Cordes at or 573-445-7915 if interested.

TWO OPENINGS LEFT: The Diocese of Jefferson City Youth Office is seeking Totus Tuus missionaries for summer 2022. The position requires a young adult active in your Catholic faith and a desire to share the Gospel with others. You will need to be available June 1 through July 30 (with a mid summer break for the July 4th holiday). For more information and to access applications go to

Catholic Charities of Central and Northern Missouri (CCCNMO) is launching a micro-lending program alongside an education program that seeks to provide the know-how needed to break the cycle of financial hardship. CCCNMO is seeking applications for an AmeriCorps Member who will serve clients struggling with or stuck in a cycle of debt, made worse by predatory loans. This AmeriCorps Member will use approved curriculum to provide financial education, help clients achieve financial goals, and enroll clients in the new micro-lending program. Learn more about AmeriCorps and this role with Catholic Charities by clicking here.

Catholic Charities of Central and Northern Missouri is seeking applications for an AmeriCorps Member who will provide direct services to our clients impacted by COVID-19. These services will range from case management to basic needs assistance and developing supporting programs that enhance our agency’s capacity to respond to COVID-19 impact in our service area. This position is a part of Catholic Charities USA’s (CCUSA) COVID-19 Response Program, a national intermediary project. This role will join a network of staff serving in similar roles throughout the country to facilitate COVID-19 response plans at member agencies. Learn more about AmeriCorps and this role with Catholic Charities by clicking here.

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Columbia is accepting applications for the position of Director of Adult Faith Formation. Qualifications include: committed to the Catholic faith and attends Mass faithfully; experience preferred though not required; interpersonal and organizational skills; willingness to actively coordinate the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) process and to coordinate adult Scripture Studies, small faith-sharing and educational groups, and any other ministry related to adults. Full-time, benefits included, salary will vary according to education and experience. Contact Father Chris Cordes at 573-445-7915 or if interested.

The Diocese of Jefferson City is seeking a Payroll and Benefits Clerk. The payroll and benefits clerk is responsible for all payroll processes including the management of employee data, ensuring the accuracy of timekeeping records, computing wages, processing payroll and ensuring employees are paid correctly and on time. This position is a valued member of a four-person Human Resources team providing shared services to parishes within the Diocese of Jefferson City. This position also acts as a back-up to the benefits coordinator, assisting staff in understanding their benefits and payroll. A minimum of three years experience working with payroll is required; preference for experience with multi-location employers using Paylocity or ADP is preferred. Qualified candidates should send their resume to

St. Joseph Church in Palmyra is seeking a Director of Religious Education. The director of Religious Education will be in charge of the religious education activities of all ages in the parish in consultation with the pastor. He or she will be responsible for developing and continuing current youth programs for grades 5-12, including weekly meetings, service projects, mission trips, youth conferences, Vacation Bible School, etc. Responsibilities will also include providing religious education opportunities for the entire parish, coordinating PSR classes, preparing young people of the parish for the sacraments of Penance, Eucharist, and Confirmation and assisting with safe environment training and record keeping. A complete job description may be found at

The National Shrine of Mary, Mother of the Church in Laurie is accepting applications for an Administrative and Database Professional reporting to the CEO.  This position manages the input and output of our Blackbaud database, oversees all administrative functions such as processing mail, maintaining corporate records, coordinating meetings, and greeting visitors. Must have experience in general office responsibilities and experience with databases.  Training is provided for Blackbaud.  Ability to work well alone or as part of a team. Must be able to read, write and communicate effectively in both oral and written form.  Salary commensurate with background and experience.  Comprehensive benefit program is included. Reply by March 31, 2022 to Joe G. Gubbels.

The Chancery office of the Diocese of Jefferson City is seeking an experienced administrative assistant that will provide clerical support of confidential data for the Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia. This individual will have regular contact with outside vendors for minor maintenance of the building, telephone systems, maintenance of fleet vehicles, office supplies and office equipment. Responsibilities are varied. Professional demeanor and appearance and self-starter attitude is required. Proficiency with Microsoft Office software is a must. Qualified candidates should apply through Skills assessments are required through the application process.

St. Andrew Church in Tipton has an opening for a Parish Secretary/Bookkeeper. This is a full time non-exempt hourly position with benefits . We are seeking an individual with at least three years experience in bookkeeping and payroll. Qualified candidates should send their resume by email or U.S. Postal Service to the pastor at 106 W Cooper St., Tipton, MO 65081 or email to  After screening the applications, interview dates will be communicated to the eligible candidates. 

Immaculate Conception Parish and School in Jefferson City has an opening for a Facilities Manager. Applicant is to be skilled in facilities upkeep and repair, with basic electrical, mechanical and plumbing knowledge. Applicant will work under the direction of the parish pastor and school administrator. Wages depend on experience. All interested persons should complete the application on the diocesan website at contact the parish at

The Diocese of Jefferson City is seeking a Director of Communications to support the pastoral ministry of the bishop and parishes. This is a cabinet level position and will serve as the general everyday spokesperson and communications consultant for the bishop with creative use of media and communications. This position is also the assistant publisher of the diocesan newspaper and supervises staff within the communications department. A degree in journalism, digital communications, communications, or marketing plus relevant experience is required. Qualified candidates should send their resume to or apply on

The Diocese of Jefferson City is seeking a Director of the Office of Child and Youth Protection who is responsible for implementing, overseeing, and maintaining programs and policies in accordance with the USCCB’s Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. This office represents the Bishop of Jefferson City in efforts to create a compassionate and healing place for victims of clergy sexual abuse and to ensure a safe environment for children, young people, and vulnerable adults in the Diocese of Jefferson City. A degree in counseling, education, human resources, or social work plus relevant experience or knowledge of trauma informed care is required. Qualified candidates should send their resume to or apply on

The Diocese of Jefferson City is seeking an IT Coordinator, responsible for coordinating, planning, and leading computer-related activities within the diocese. This position provides direct support to the chancery office and is a supportive consultant to parishes. The focus of this position will require the coordinator to have hands-on experience with complex data management systems such as Blackbaud, email maintenance, telecommunication systems, website development as well as management and support for telecommunications and audio visual needs of the organization. Qualified candidates are encouraged to send their resume to

Helias Catholic High School is seeking a full-time Technology Specialist to assist the Director of IT in providing quality support to students and staff by troubleshooting software, hardware, network and classroom technology problems. The technology specialist will assist with the setup of new devices and technology and maintain existing systems, as well as provide guidance on the use of software and hardware to enhance the educational environment of the school. Interested candidates should make application through the school office of the Diocese of Jefferson City ( as well as submit a letter of interest and resume directly to Helias Catholic High School.

St. Peter Catholic Church in Jefferson City is seeking an Organist/Director of Music and Liturgy. The primary functions of the Organist and Director of Music are to assure, direct and facilitate the continuous quality of the music ministry and to assist the Pastor in directing the liturgical functions at St. Peter Parish. For a detailed description please go to