Official appointments
The Most Reverend W. Shawn McKnight, Bishop of Jefferson City, announces the following appointments:
REVEREND ERNEST DIKE, from modified temporary parochial administrator of Immaculate Conception Parish in Montgomery City, St. Patrick Parish in Jonesburg and Church of the Resurrection Parish in Wellsville, to parochial administrator of those same parishes without limitation, effective 26 March 2022.
REVEREND PAULINUS ANEKE, to temporary associate pastor of St. Thomas More Newman Center Parish, Columbia, effective 26 March 2022 until 30 June 2022.
DEACON RONALD E. DEIMEKE, from temporary parish life collaborator of Immaculate Conception Parish in Montgomery City, St. Patrick Parish in Jonesburg and Church of the Resurrection Parish in Wellsville, effective 26 March 2022, to regular diaconal ministry in the parishes of Montgomery County, until 30 June 2022.