
How to support Ukraine

Please also support financially the people of Ukraine and all affected by the war. You can donate online or provide a check to your parish, with a note that it is for the people of Ukraine. Parishes can forward those funds to the diocese, and we will include it in our donation to the USCCB’s program for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe. This appeal focuses on rebuilding the pastoral capacity of the Church and restoring the faith in 28 countries in the region.

For those parishes engaged in stewardship, please explain to people that this donation is not considered part of their regular tithe, but above and beyond (the 2%).

The following text can be included in your bulletins and read from the pulpit.

As we pray for peace in Ukraine, we also have two opportunities to support the tremendous humanitarian relief effort underway. Please consider contributing either online at or by writing a check to our parish with a note “for Ukraine,” then giving it in the regular Sunday collection, mailing to our offices or dropping it off during normal business hours. Our parish will send these special donations to the diocese, for the money to be added to a donation being made by our diocese to the US Conference of Catholic Bishops’ program for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe. This appeal focuses on rebuilding the pastoral capacity of the Church and restoring the faith in 28 countries in the region. Now, that focus is centered on Ukraine.

Your participation in this relief effort strengthens our ability to be a strong center of charity and sanctuary for mercy. Thank you for your witness.

[FOR STEWARDSHIP PARISHES] Thank you for your generosity above and beyond your parish tithe in this effort. Your additional contributions (part of your 2% beyond the parish) will make a significant contribution to humanitarian aid.

Mientras oramos por la paz en Ucrania, también tenemos dos oportunidades para apoyar el tremendo esfuerzo actual de ayuda humanitaria. Considere contribuir en línea a o escribir un cheque a nuestra parroquia con una nota “para Ucrania”, y luego entregarlo en la colecta dominical regular, enviarlo por correo a nuestras oficinas o entregarlo durante el horario normal de la oficina. Nuestra parroquia enviará estas donaciones especiales a la diócesis, para que el dinero se agregue a una donación hecha por nuestra diócesis al programa para la Iglesia en Europa Central y Oriental de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos. Esta colecta se enfoca en reconstruir la capacidad pastoral de la Iglesia y restaurar la fe en 28 países de la región. Ahora, ese enfoque se centra en Ucrania.

Su participación en este esfuerzo de socorro fortalece nuestra capacidad de ser un fuerte centro de caridad y santuario de misericordia. Gracias por su testimonio.

[FOR STEWARDSHIP PARISHES] Gracias por su generosidad más allá del diezmo de su parroquia en este esfuerzo. Sus contribuciones adicionales (parte de su 2% más allá de la parroquia) harán una contribución significativa a la ayuda humanitaria.