
6 December 2021

Links to more information are available by clicking on words highlighted in blue or the download graphic

Bishop’s messages

Our Advent reflection booklet is available for small groups, families and individuals. Follow us on social media for a daily reflection based on Prepare Ye! and visit

Graphics for use during Advent, whether in conjunction with the Prepare Ye! program or otherwise, are available through the link above (click on the dark blue ‘download graphic’ button.

Parish secretaries meeting

The next Parish Secretaries’ Workshop is Wednesday, Dec. 15, 10 am, via Zoom (link here). Topics for this session will include:

  • – The upcoming annual Sacrament Registers request,  
  • – The currently in process Safe Environment audits,
  • – A workshop evaluation, 
  • – and more!

Bishop McKnight’s prayer intentions for January and February 2022 are also available! You can access all graphics at the link below.

New Order of Christian Initiation of Adults

At their recent General Assembly, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops approved new text for the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, in English and Spanish. The text is now being reviewed by the Holy See, along with significantly revised National Statutes for the Catechumenate (in English and Spanish). The Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions (FDLC) is offering a free webinar on Dec. 15, 2-3:15 pm CT, to review the changes in text and the FDLC’s formation program. All parish initiation ministers are invited; please register at

Rite of Election: March 6 in Columbia

Please save the date for the Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion, which will be held March 6 at 3 pm at Our Lady of Lourdes in Columbia. A reception will follow in Flanagan Hall. Catechumenate coordinators are asked to complete this form by Dec. 10, 2021, to allow adequate planning. For more information, please contact Kris Hartman.

Holy days and holiday schedule

The Chancery offices will be closed for the following holy days and holidays through the end of 2021:

  • Dec. 8 – Immaculate Conception
  • Dec. 24 – Christmas Eve
  • December 27 – since Christmas Day is a Saturday
  • December 31 – New Year’s Eve
  • January 3 – since New Year’s Day is a Saturday

Mandatory training for new payroll system

With the transition to new payroll software, Paylocity Payroll, all pastors, principals and parish/school/affiliate payroll bookkeepers are required to attend mandatory training. Please mark your calendars now for these trainings.

Principals: Tuesday, Feb. 22, 1-2:30 pm by Zoom (email with the Zoom link will be sent at a later date).

Pastors may choose one of two sessions: Wednesday, Feb. 23, 10:30-noon OR Thursday, Feb. 24, 2-3:30 pm. Both sessions are by Zoom (email with the Zoom link will be sent at a later date).

Principals and pastors training is an overview of Paylocity Payroll, how to approve time off requests and how to manage time and attendance. Someone other than the bookkeeper will be responsible for approving time of non-exempt employees before payroll can be processed. Other employees, such as directors, managers, or supervisors are welcomed to attend one of these virtual sessions. Please provide their names, job titles and session being attended to Cheryl Hertfelder by emailing 

Parish/School/Affiliate Bookkeepers Training is a two-session, mandatory, in-person training at the diocesan Chancery, 2207 W. Main Street, Jefferson City. Bookkeepers must attend the assigned sessions, based on your parish’s accounting number. Please bring a laptop. If you cannot bring a laptop, please let Cheryl Hertfelder, director of Human Resources, know by Nov. 18 by calling 573-635-9127. Lunch will be provided for all sessions.

  • Parishes 001-030: Wednesday, Feb. 2 and Wednesday, Feb. 9, 10 am – 2 pm each day
  • Parishes 031-065: Thursday, Feb. 3 and Thursday, Feb. 10, 10 am – 2 pm each day
  • Parishes 066-130: Friday, Feb. 4 and Friday, Feb. 11, 10 am – 2 pm each day

The Cathedral of St. Joseph has an approximately 12-foot steam table available for a donation. For more details, please contact Darlene Kliethermes, 573-635-7991 x301

Share in bulletins, emails, social media, and websites

Employment opportunities

Our Catholic schools are hiring! Go to to learn more!

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish and Our Lady of Lourdes Interparish School is seeking a Communications and Outreach Specialist to coordinate print, audio/visual, and digital outreach initiatives, including, but not limited to, websites, Facebook pages, Flocknotes, and print materials. We are seeking someone who desires to promote the Catholic faith and Catholic education. Education and experience in a related area or areas is preferred but not required. The position is full-time (30-40 hours per week), hourly, non-exempt, with some weekend and evening hours required. Benefits included. Salary will be variable according to education and experience. Qualified candidates should send their resume to

The Diocese of Jefferson City is seeking a Creative Services Coordinator to create quality communication assets for the diocese, in print, audio/visual and digital format. The individual will be responsible for updating the diocesan website and serves as support for parish websites. We are specifically seeking an individual who has a desire to use technology to make the Catholic Church more accessible and relevant. Experience with Adobe Creative Suites, WordPress websites and audio/video editing software is required. Qualified candidates should send their resume to Final candidates will be required to submit a portfolio of creative work.

Helias Catholic High School is seeking a skilled, strategy-minded candidate for the position of Director of Finance. This is a full-time, salaried, 12-month position. The qualified candidate will direct the financial functions of Helias Catholic High School in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. In addition, the successful applicant will advise the president and the school’s advisory council and its committees as well as the board of directors to meet their fiduciary responsibilities. Interested candidates should make application through the school office of the Diocese of Jefferson City at s well as submit a letter of interest and resume directly to Helias Catholic High School.

Helias Catholic High School is seeking a full-time Technology Specialist to assist the Director of IT in providing quality support to students and staff by troubleshooting software, hardware, network and classroom technology problems. The technology specialist will assist with the setup of new devices and technology and maintain existing systems, as well as provide guidance on the use of software and hardware to enhance the educational environment of the school. Interested candidates should make application through the school office of the Diocese of Jefferson City ( as well as submit a letter of interest and resume directly to Helias Catholic High School.

St. Thomas More Newman Center Parish in Columbia is accepting applications for a full-time Director of Adult Faith Formation to serve a diverse parish community on the campus of the University of Missouri. This position reports directly to the pastor and serves with a team of faith formation ministers including the RCIA director, middle school/high school youth minister, and director of grade school religious education, as well as with college campus ministry. This position is responsible for the faith formation of adults in the Catholic tradition. For a full job description, visit or contact Father Dan Merz, pastor, at

St. Thomas More Newman Center Parish, serving the University of Missouri-Columbia (Mizzou) and two other colleges is accepting applications for the Assistant Director of Campus Ministry. The Assistant Director reports directly to the Director of Campus Ministry and serves with a team of priests, two other professional campus ministry staff, FOCUS missionaries, and student interns. The Assistant Director for Campus Ministry has a primary emphasis in ministries related to new student outreach, retreats, spirituality, service, and communications. An excellent candidate will live the Catholic faith in his/her daily life, balance a Catholic theological background with pastoral skills, and have strong communication, organization, and planning skills. For more information, visit

The president and CEO of The National Shrine of Mary, Mother of the Church, is responsible for the overall management and growth of the Shrine to ensure that it has the facilities, administration, spiritual programs, and financial means to carry out its mission for future generations. The Shrine seeks a highly motivated, entrepreneurial leader who can lead the growth and operations of the Shrine to become a world class pilgrimage site. The right leader is an experienced and proven executive who can build a team and work with the Board of Directors and staff to establish and execute long-range goals and strategies. This person will be the face of the organization. This full-time permanent position is for immediate hire at The Lake of the Ozarks, Laurie, Missouri. A full description is available online.

St. Peter Catholic Church in Jefferson City is seeking an Organist/Director of Music and Liturgy. The primary functions of the Organist and Director of Music are to assure, direct and facilitate the continuous quality of the music ministry and to assist the Pastor in directing the liturgical functions at St. Peter Parish. For a detailed description please go to