Weekly Webinar: Events & Posts
In this video:
- 0:45: Why use “Posts” and “Events”?
- 1:55: What do posts look like on the website?
- 3:45: Why do we have a “News & Events” page, and a “News” page?
- 5:50: Viewing all posts are kept in the WordPress dashboard (the “back end”)
- 7:20: How to “Quick Edit” posts
- 8:40: Add a new post (don’t forget the following:)
- Title
- Content
- Category
- Featured Image
- 16:00: How to edit a “Content Grid” to display posts on pages
- 17:30: How to pull a query of posts within the “Content Grid” module
- 22:30: Workflow for Parish Bulletins (PDFs embedded into post, pulled in a query to website page).
- 29:30: How post “categories” work, how to edit them
- 31:20: Viewing all events on the dashboard
- 32:08: How to add a new event (don’t forget the following:)
- Title
- Description
- Time/Date (and any rules for repeating or excluding repeats)
- Venue
- Organizer
- Category
- Featured Image
- 38:40: Viewing a single event
- 39:15: Viewing the event calendar (parish calendar)
- 40:15: How to edit “Venues”
- 41:00: How to edit “Organizers”
- 42:00: Pulling events into a Content Grid with a query, just like posts