The Communications Office for the Diocese of Jefferson City invites you to join us in our upcoming “Weekly Webinar” training calls for parish staff professional development in the areas of communications and database management.
We understand our role to be one of support to you, empowering you to build up your communications efforts that grow your parish’s ministries wider and deeper for the faithful members of your parish, and the community you serve. To that end, we hope that this weekly webinar series will better equip you to confidently manage projects our office oversees including the parish website project, the Blackbaud database management project, and online giving through Blackbaud’s Merchant Services program.
Beginning May 13th, and continuing throughout the year, we will host a webinar on Thursdays from 12:15 PM to 1:00 PM. We will plan thirty minutes of training content and hold fifteen minutes at the end for practical questions or examples. We hope that this hour provides a “best fit” for parish staff, and appreciate feedback to make this more available if needed. We will record each session and provide a copy of that recording on the diocesan website for reference later, or to share with other staffers who are unable to attend live.
We have attached at the end of this memo a calendar of training sessions for you to review. We hope this calendar allows you to choose topics you find relevant and focus your time and schedule accordingly. We are also very open to accepting new topics from you for consideration in the future!
How to Join our Weekly Webinars
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 898 2558 6859 Passcode: 001956
One tap mobile* +16465588656,,89825586859#,,,,*001956# US +13017158592,,89825586859#,,,,*001956# US
*While you are welcome to join by phone, these training webinars will consist of screen-sharing, presenting slides, and collecting questions and answers via the chat and polling functions of Zoom. Joining by computer with a good internet connection is highly encouraged.
Parish Branding: Why developing a brand is helpful to parishes, understanding the investment, refreshing or refining your current brand, exploring new branding options for parishes that do not currently have “brands”
The Catholic Missourian Q&A: answering questions about what gets into the paper, how articles are submitted, how to get your parish’s events and parishioners featured, etc.
Kelly Martin and Ashley Wiskirchen
No webinar
Thanksgiving week, no webinars!
RENXT: Practical considerations on preparing your parish data to come into the project
Denise Barnes and Helen Osman
Parish Website Showcase: Top 5 features parishes have implemented on their parish websites that you may consider for yours
Ashley Wiskirchen and Katie Richards
12/16 , 12/23, 12/30: Preparing for Christmas, no webinars!
I always welcome your feedback, and look forward to seeing many of you at our new “Weekly Webinars!”
Ashley Wiskirchen Director of Parish Communications Diocese of Jefferson City Office: 573.635.9127 Email: