
20 July 2020

Bishop’s messages

Parish pastoral plans continue to arrive at the Chancery. THESE MUST BE SUBMITTED ONLINE BEFORE AUG. 1. If you are submitting the plan on behalf of the pastor and parish pastoral council, please use this form to submit the plan: Thank you to all who are working on these. In a recent issue of The Catholic Missourian I have written about the concept of co-responsibility, which is one of the three pillars of our pastoral planning process, “Better Together.”

Support for Medicaid expansion

The Missouri Catholic Conference (MCC), in an effort to uphold the dignity of the human person in accord with Catholic social teaching, supports Amendment 2, a ballot initiative which would expand Missouri’s Medicaid program to provide health insurance coverage to low-income Missouri citizens currently living without it. Missourians will vote on Medicaid expansion on Aug. 4. Please find on the MCC website resources you can provide to parishioners, including a statement by the Missouri bishops.

Election of deans

After consulting by way of ballot the priests of the deaneries with vacancies due to recent changes in assignments, I am pleased to announce the following deans to fulfill the terms expiring in May 2023:

  • Rev. Msgr. David D. Cox, Kirksville Deanery
  • Very Rev. P. Gregory Oligschlaeger, Hannibal Deanery
  • Very Rev. Anthony Rinaldo, Westphalia Deanery
  • Very Rev. Gregory Meystrik, Rolla Deanery

COVID-19 Resources

REVISED Protocol for positive COVID-19 test

As the number of cases of COVID-19 continue to rise, we have established a protocol for how our parishes and schools respond when someone is tested positive for COVID-19. REVISED protocols are attached for your consideration. We have already worked with more than a half dozen situations in our parishes and schools in which someone has received a positive test, and have found these protocols to ensure we are acting quickly and responsibly. If you have any questions or concerns about them, please contact Father Jason Doke, moderator of the curia, Dr. Erin Vader, superintendent, or Helen Osman, communication director, by email or at 573-635-9127.

Singing during Mass

The Diocesan Liturgical Commission is offering options for best practices in allowing congregational or choral singing during Mass. Details are available at this link.

Moratorium on use of music by David Haas

Recently multiple accusations of sexual abuse and spiritual manipulation have been made against the composer/songwriter David Haas.  GIA Publications has suspended its sponsorship and publishing relationship with Haas.  The Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis is no longer providing him a letter of suitability.  Other music publishers have followed suit, and women continue to come forward with additional accusations.  On July 8, the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis announced that it will not use Haas’ compositions at archdiocesan Masses.

After consultation and review of the situation, I have decided a moratorium must be placed on using any David Haas music throughout our diocese.  Please ensure that your musicians and song leaders are informed of this.  Even though his musical works may already be in your hymns or purchased material, please refrain from using them going forward.  Of course, we encourage anyone who has experienced sexual abuse or harassment, whether by David Haas, or any member of the church, to come forward.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding the use of David Haas’ music, please contact  Father Dan Merz, chair of the Diocesan Liturgical Commission.

Diocesan Directory

As we begin production work for the 2020/2021 Diocesan Directory, we’re asking parish staff to respond to an email with three requests, which was sent to parishes on Friday afternoon.

  1. Parish staff are asked to verify information in the email and provide changes no later than July 24, either by postal or email to Kelly Martin, Diocese of Jefferson City, 2207 W. Main St., Jefferson City, MO 65109-0914. If your parish did not receive this email, please contact Denise Barnes immediately.
  2. Parishes can provide their office hours and ministry lead contact information at
  3. Directories may also be ordered at this linked, with payment in advance of $5/copy. Please note each parish receives two free copies, in addition to one free copy for each priest, deacon, PLC, administrator and principal associated with the parish. (Catholic high schools also receive two free copies, and one free copy for its president/principal.)

Updates for the second quarter of 2020 for the printed Diocesan Directory are available online.

Preventing text and email scams

Recently we’ve been notified of a texting scam, using our priests’ phone numbers, and an email scam masquerading as Bishop McKnight. Please consider posting the information in the blog post below in your communication to parishioners.

Confirmation 2021

Scheduling for confirmation 2021 is now open.  Parishes must submit their forms online now.  Please visit to schedule confirmation before Monday, Aug. 31 and to download our new policy and practices as well as liturgical forms.  Contact John DeLaporte, director of Youth Ministry and Religious Education, if you have questions.

If you intend to come to the Chancery office in person, you must have an appointment in advance with the person you intend to meet. Please note the Chancery will be screening all guests with a health questionnaire and temperature check. This is for the safety of all.

To share in bulletins, emails, social media, and websites

Taize Prayer

Our Lady of the Lake will be facilitating Taize Prayer on Thursday, July 23 at 4 pm  in the church. This will also be available for those who wish to participate at a later time via recording. Please check the parish website for Our Lady of the Lake for the live stream as well as the recording. A worship aid will be provided online and available to download. We kindly ask for those who wish to attend to practice social distancing in addition to wearing a face mask. You may enter the church through the front doors. For more information, please contact Steve Jannetti, director of Liturgical Music, at 573-365-2241.

Towards a Kerygmatic Catechesis

Towards a Kerygmatic Catechesis, an afternoon seminar for priests, deacons and parish life collaborators, will be offered Aug. 13, noon to 4 p.m. at St. Joseph Cathedral Undercroft in Jefferson City. Lunch will be served at noon, with seminar to follow. This workshop will examine the fundamental role that the kerygma plays in our efforts to catechize and evangelize within our parishes. Participants will also learn how the new Franciscan at Home online learning platform can assist them in forming parish catechists in a kerygmatic catechesis in their own parish programs.  Dr. Bill Keimig, assistant director of the Catechetical Institute of Franciscan University, will be our featured presenter. Click here for online registration, flyer and full details of the day.

Mentored in Christ

Mentored in Christ, a full-day workshop for anyone serving a catechetical role in parish or Catholic school ministry, will be offered Aug. 14, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., at St. Joseph Cathedral Undercroft in Jefferson City. Light breakfast and full lunch are provided and there is no cost to participate.

This workshop will examine the power of mentored formation in catechetical ministry. Participants will explore the vital role that relationship and mentoring play in catechetical formation, and explore how the new Franciscan at Home online learning platform can help foster mentored formation using online learning and local mentoring. This seminar is open to anyone serving in a catechetical role: DREs, catechists, Catholic school teachers or administrators, youth ministers, RCIA leaders, clergy, and parents! Click here for online registration, flyer and full details of the day.

The July 25 PreCana has been cancelled, but there are other options for engaged couples in their marriage preparation. Please visit the post above for more details!

Made for More will be held Sept. 15, 7-9:30 p.m. in the Cathedral. Tickets are limited due to social distancing. Purchase tickets at; contact Julie Gramlich at or 573-635-7991 for more information.

Connect your college-bound seniors with a Newman Center next year!

Newman Connection is an online resource to help high school seniors connect to the Newman Center serving their college campus. Newman Centers rely heavily on their affiliation with Newman Connection for support in evangelizing to the incoming class of students. Click here for digital materials for parishes and schools to use to help connect your seniors to a Newman Center next year.  Or, share this sign-up page with your high school seniors and they can sign themselves up to connect with a Newman Center at their college or university.

Free PSR material

PSR Faith & Life textbooks, activity books & teachers manuals for grades one-eight are available free. Most are new, a few slightly used. Also available Be My Disciple and miscellaneous others. Contact Mary Veltrop, St. Anthony Parish in Folk, at

Employment opportunities

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Columbia is accepting applications for the position of Director of Adult Faith Formation. Commitment to the Catholic faith and faithful Mass attendance required. Some experience in religious education leadership preferred. Strong interpersonal skills, organizational skills, and willingness to work as a member of a team important. The core of the position is directing the RCIA process, with the coordination of Scripture studies, faith sharing and other smalls groups, and other aspects of adult faith formation included. Contact Father Chris Cordes at or 573-445-7915 if interested.

An administrative assistant position is available at the Chancery and there are several openings in our Catholic schools. Please promote these openings.

Parishes are asked to use this form to send any updates of their parishioners: address changes, marriages, divorces, death, etc.

  • As of April 27, the Chancery is no longer using PO Box 104900.  Please address all correspondence to the street address 2207 W. Main, Jefferson City, MO 65109.  The Post Office will forward mail from the PO box to the street address for up to one year, but the forwarding process will slow your delivery. Please begin using the street address immediately.
  • Parishes are asked to publish in their bulletins the need for relief parents at St. Nicholas Academy. You can find the listing here.
  • Please consider posting this helpful information for your parishioners on how to identify email and text scams.
  • In the interest of time and accuracy, The Catholic Missourian has moved to a simple online process for submitting events for the Things to Do page. To have an event considered for publication in Things to Do and in the diocesan online events calendar, go to and follow the directions. The process is straightforward and user-friendly. Events submitted for display advertising will be automatically included in Things to Do, as will items that have been previously submitted.

Please feel free to disseminate the information in the “Monday Morning Memo” to a broader audience, such as parishioners and school families! Is there someone else who should receive this Weekly Memo? Please encourage them to sign up here