Protecting diocesan employees and volunteers as they continue to serve communities
The Jefferson City diocese is committed to maintaining a safe, healthy workspace for employees and visitors while ensuring as much continuity as possible during for parishes, schools and other charitable services during the COVID-19 emergency.
Therefore, parishes are directed to implement the following protocol, if not already in place:
- limit or eliminate outside visitors, interacting by phone or e-mail whenever possible;
- clean frequently touched surfaces every hour;
- provide alcohol-based hand-sanitizers in workspaces and common areas;
- have everyone arrive and leave through one entrance;
- screen with an infrared thermometer all people who enter; and
- enforce having no more than 10 people in a space or room at any time.
All employees are directed to comply with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s recommendations, which include:
- wash hands frequently for at least 20 seconds with warm, soapy water;
- maintain at least 6 feet distance from other people;
- avoid people who are sick with any respiratory symptoms;
- stay home when sick; call a healthcare provider ahead of time and get tested if showing signs of COVID-19; and
- follow the healthcare provider’s instructions and self-quarantine for 14 days if the test is positive.
Telephone and videoconferencing should be encouraged instead of face-to-face meetings.
Employees should work from home as much as possible, with parishes allowing for use of sick time and vacation, staggered work schedules, and work-from-home options.
Parishes and schools should make creative use of technology to stay in touch with students, parents, parishioners, volunteers and benefactors and to facilitate long-distance learning.
Through all of this, parishes and schools must continue in finding ways to proclaim the good news, educate people, provide creative new catechesis opportunities and engage volunteers.
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